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Nov 2020

Part of an OC Challenge I abandoned for inktober back when I still was "@thetalkingchalk" on twitter, hope I get the time to finish all the prompts (says the one who hasn't completed inktober yet, hehe), this one was ahegao/smug.

I feel like I have a lot of cursed art but this one might be close to the top of the list

That feel when you step on a LEGO brick at 3am and you don't want to wake the family.

Not cursed, more like an improvement. I like Sigma but his feet scare me.

this is for a personal project unrelated to tapas, but this whole character is cursed and every face she makes is cursed, and this is one of many.

Wrong Sidon heaven
(Is this what the Zora once looked like, before evolving to have a humanoid body attached to their fish head?