Aug 20, '17
Last Post
Oct 23, '17
Oct 14, '20
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Subbed! :smile: I love series related to horoscopes! Can't wait for more!

Hi A.K. Wolf! Welcome to the fray(Of friendship and happiness, of course), and enjoy your stay on Tapas! I've read the first couple chapters of Crossroads, and I must say I like the pacing and development of the story!:smile: will read more once I am done with work! Do check out my series if you're inter…

Monsters, check. Insanity, check. Comedy, check. Great art, check. Interesting story, check. WHY CAN"T I SUB SOMETHING MORE THAN ONCE *slams button :grin:

Oh boy, guilty pleasures. Not exactly a genre but I like the "supposedly-weak-character-turns-out-to-be-really-powerful" settings. Is there actually a genre for this? :sweat_smile:

To train them is my cause? dum dum duuuum :laughing:

like no one ever was?:grin:

Ohh, this sounds interesting! :grinning: My goals: 1) To protect the world from devastation 2) To unite- oh wait, I mean 3) To enjoy the writing process and hope others would enjoy my work too 4) To be able to share all the pent-up stories stored within me 5) Improve my English writing skills 6) To one day,…

Hi sprakdesigns! Welcome to Tapas :smile: I am relatively new around here too, nice to meet you! Just read your comic and I must say I can really relate to the gaming one!( Episode 4) Hope you will update soon! Keep up the great work! Please do check out my novel series if you don't mind! Thanks!

Hi! I am relatively new around here, but I have been writing and uploading so I do see mine in "Fresh" once in awhile. :grinning: Hope I will be able to make it to some of the other categories one of these days! All the best with your work too! :grin:

Yeah, I agree with the saying too. Reading and writing does get more natural with time! Thanks for the encouragement! Likewise, I will be anticipating too! :smile:

I hope the translator job is still available! :grinning: I've sent an email and really hope there will be a reply soon!

Welcome to Tapas! I am new here too :smile: Hope you'll enjoy your stay here as much as I do!

Hi WinterRobinhood! :grin: Thanks for your interest! I am still learning, so I am always open for feedback! Took me awhile to read through your series! I hope I can write as well as you do one of these days! :smile: Do keep up the great work!

Hi fleetinginfinity! :smile: Gotta admit I'm still learning how to write properly at the moment. I've been checking out other novels I see on Tapas, so I hope I will improve as I read and write! Your art is way better than I will probably ever achieve! I just don't have the talent for drawing, sigh. Eithe…

Ooh this is interesting :smile: "Living in the night 'Neath devils torn asunder You call on me to solve a crooked rhyme As I'm closing in Imposing on your slumber You call on me as bells begin to chime." I think what it means that you're someone who operates in the darkness, always ready to deliver wh…

Hi Xzynder! :grin: I've read Earth's Immigrants and kept it in my list! It has an interesting premise, and I will be waiting for more!

Thank you! :grinning: Just checked out your page, and I am impressed you have some many series already planned out. I will check them out too! I do like dark fantasy too, since it is always nice to delve into different forms of a particular genre :grin: (That said, I love dark souls and bloodborne. I think they do …

Thanks for the support! This means a lot to me :grinning: Sure! Will be happy to join said community, I'll just have to figure discord out first :sweat_smile: please do let me know what you will need for me to join! Thanks again!

I see! Managed to find both the blue box and the private box! This would probably have taken me awhile to figure out on my own. Thanks for the info! :smile:

Sure thing! :grin: oh, there is a chat function here? I am still trying to completely figure this forum out!

Hi! :grin: I'm already thankful for the warm welcome I've been receiving! Yeap, definitely for growth! Hope I will improve much more with the help of the forum than when I was writing alone. It can be hard without some friends to share one's writing woes with! Nice knowing you too! :grinning:

Hi! Thanks :grin: so far so good! Everyone has been really friendly!

No prob! Hope to see more your work soon! :grinning:

Yeah, hope to see more writers around these parts too! :grinning: Hmm, may I know what do you mean by "draggy"? As for me, I tend to end a chapter when there is a change in scenario or when someone just made an noteworthy statement. I think the impact of the statement will be stronger this way. This is just m…

Oh yes, I do agree with that! I'll try and find more ways for names of characters to be introduced naturally! Thanks for the feedback! :grin: I will take note for my subsequent chapters!

Hi Panda! Nice to see you here too :grinning: Hope I'll see you around here often!

Hi Heliox! Just read through Background People! :grinning: Will be waiting for the next chapter! I would like to do a co-op work one of these days!(Once I get better at writing, that is :grin:) I can definitely relate to having 0% art skill too!