
Celestial Navigator


A Cylinder of Prunes

Does your character have a lot of scars? Make sure to keep 'em inconsistent!

*if your character is a monster, one word: spikes *remember countries you were told by the news that are evil are always evil, so make sure that any character that is Russian or of any Asian country besides Japan are evil. *Women are either tom-boys or girly-girls, if you choose in-between make sur…

I gender bent myself for Halloween because I'm tired of drawing creepy things. [image]

Of course! From Brujagh This is probably my favorite part in the entire series that I've done. [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image]

Giving away story stuff WITH spoilers? As tempting as this is... [image]

I really like RBG from The Property of Hate. I love how through the progression of the story you get a sense that he's slowly warming up to adorable lil Hero. He slowly reveals what's actually going on in that floating-TV head of his and it's great. Here's a couple of his scenes that just about br…

[image] This is a piece I made a while ago called DOLAN.

Heterochromia Rainbow-colored hair or hair that has two or more colors, I mean what. The only character who has wings when literally no one else has To sum it up: [image]

my comic Enkido is heavily influenced by artworks centered around an ever-wandering protagonist on a mystic and bizarre quest of some sort here are the Big Ones [image] Adventure TIme (drawing style + coloring scheme + heavy use of symbols + surrealism) Arzach & Airtight Garage by Jean Giraud (…

I have a tumblr, full of inspirational things (occasionally nsfw) http://tinnedgoods.tumblr.com/ But medieval paintings and illustrations are the biggest influence to my comic https://tapastic.com/series/BeetrootAndMarzipan [image] They are full of absolute madness, both fun and scary, sweet and dis…

Utawarerumono perhaps? Hmm what irritates me.. When the main character is so extremely bland in his design that there's no personality to him at all. Like the pure opposite of Yugi & Co. Usually that means the character is made as an audience insert though, and I tend not to watch those sho…

@60Six and @kurapikasuki, haha my husband has a bunch of plain colored T-shirts from H&M and he loves them. He rarely wears anything else. Another pet peeve of mine, when characters have the same damn hairstyle as children in their flashbacks and it's treated as normal. Like it would be funny if t…

I agree! It's like a new wave of "my super special OC pls don't steal". Sure people have vitiligo, my dad's friend does and it's fairly noticeable on his hands, but only 1% of the world's population has it.

You really went into detail making yours! A Turn-around and everything too! Those take forever man, respect. I don't have anything about "how to draw" XD I'm far too lazy/busy for all that extra stuff. You've put so much work into this. :'D I sure do! When I was studying animation we had to make …

Mine started as influence from slightly more realistic manga styles. Naruto was the first influence, then I joined DA and found the french manga community who's drawings were an awesome mix of noveau/ cartoon. And then most recently, I just went and studied a lot of realism because I wanted desperat…

WebComicChat just finished our talk on character clothing design. We discussed a lot that was said here. You can still look through what they said or join in here. You can see what I said here. Wish I thought to tell you guys sooner, but there might still be time.

I've come to realize that my character clothing design choices are kind of boring, and I'm planning to revamp a lot of them in the near future. In most of my designs, a scientist wears a labcoat, a soldier wears a uniform, a POW wears the tattered remains of whatever he was wearing when he was captu…

@mrjonzap But... [image] I think I dislike it when its a glaringly obvious redo of any other popular animated character. I don't mind it as much if inspiration is drawn from real life and movies probably because I do that sometimes. I think its also because you can't copy a real life person …

Haha, I had a "cat boy" character in an old comic, and I made a short joke comic about what was under his hair (did he have human ears AND cat ears, or was it just nothing where the human ears whould sit?). I think it ended up with the cat boy lifting up his hair for another character to see, and wh…

I'm gonna have a short comic but I haven't started that because I'm juggling another short comic which is a little longer >_> They're both Cosmic Fish related though thankfully we celebrate the holidays well into January, so...until the 6th AT LEAST I have time. HUEHUEHUEHUE

In the three years I've been playing around with comic layouts, I've found out that layouts like this one: [image] work just fine as long as the bottom scene isn't something spoilery or focused in unexpected actions. If it's just panels of people exchanging dialogues then it's fine, since it res…

Hello folks! Theres been a fair bit of talk about vertically formating and what not and I thought I'd share some of my finding with you and hopefully help out! I've been browsing a few of my favorite webcomics, breaking them down and learning how to applied an easy to read formatting while combi…

The latest Creators guide on lettering was pretty good, but I felt like it was missing how important placement of dialog is to the narrative map of the page. So I did a tutorial tip thingy. I could have done pictures but that would have taken way longer so heres a video. Hopefully you guys d…

With The Shining, it was all about crazy angles and interesting use of colors and patterns. It makes things....trippy and unnerving to look at. [image] [image] First off, thank you! ^_^ I'm not sure I've perfected it, I just try to work with what I find the most enjoyable, so it makes it m…