My main sources of inspiration is the macro photos, rainforest insects, plants, and underwater critters that are Not-Fish. Brought and remixed together it can create some truly alien-looking things. [image][image][image] IMO to get the best mileage out of their uniqueness it is important to not ju…
There can be an "ideas guy", but certainly not as shallow as the "type a sentence into a program and give you the result" guy. Coming up with a fairly well-thought-out and fleshed-out idea is not the same as going on "what if a giraffe had a penguin head?" types of ideas.
Yes, and this is my score from a year ago. I think that overall I've held a pretty level pace, settling on 6-7 panels per page. [image]
All I can say in my defense is that I was 14 and the whole fash vibe went completely over my head.[:sweat_02:]
"Starship Troopers have entered the chat"
Well, the problem is that in the context of that discussion (which is "humans did awful stuff, just look at WII!") the point is that specifically nazis helped shape better humanity as a whole, by providing an excellent and stark example of how racism and imperialism are bad and maybe we shouldn't …
It might be in the future. Currently, there's a scene planned where one of the characters voices his opinion on the consequences of WWII, and despite that no, he doesn't try to say that nazis were good and instead talks about how they were a significant factor that shaped the modern world and morali…
But any story or song has a message behind them, especially the great ones. I can't think of any good movie without a message, for instance.
Shittiest thing one might do to adaptation (any adaptation, not just anime) is go "yeah so we're keeping most of the stuff, but completely change the whole plot\message". Like GITS did, americanizing its themes but keeping the visual imagery of the OG films in order to lure in fans. It just ends u…
Doing art is like 90% of my identity. Why continue living if that gets taken away from me?
Death is often sudden and unexpected. Most likely nobody will even know I've passed away, so from their point of view the comic will just go into a sudden and unannounced hiatus, about a month after the actual death. Then the domain name will eventually expire. Then everyone will forget the comic ev…
Keeping consistency is relatively easy, actually. You'd need to bring up a wiki, or wiki-like (some people can make do with a heap of Google Docs) fact repository about your setting, and write your ideas and worldbuilding there. From that, all you need to do is to just check your new ideas against t…
My latest page isn't my latest, actually, but technically the first. It's the cover art! After four years! [image]
Hell~o! My comic is science fiction! [image]
For my human characters I just kinda cherry-picked a few panels out of the whole comic when they turned out to be looking the best IMO (there weren't that many), and I use those as a reference: [image] For alien characters... Yeah, model sheets are a bitch to dra…
Yes. But I won't tell you which.
...And that's why research matters. The way you're handwaving these problems might affect the other parts of the worldbuilding, or provide unforeseen opportunities. If your character can breathe volcanic gasses just fine - they might be immune to being poisoned too, for example. I wanted my other …
RESEARCH. Research the hell of topics relative to your worldbuilding. It might point you to stupid inaccuracies in your world (A villain lair in the active volcano with lava flowing everywhere in the rooms sounds neat until you read about heat convection and toxic gases), or prompt interesting ideas…
I cheat like there's no tomorrow. [image]
Making a short gif had taught me that animation is hell and that anybody that pursues that seriously deserves all the praise and respect. [image]
Not exactly a word per se, but several reviewers had pointed out that some of my character designs are problematic due to being 'stereotypically' feminine (eyelashes, hips, and stuff like that). Something that I thought I was underselling even, since there were still people here and there who got th…
The originals of my comic are in Russian, so I kind of have to in order to publish it internationally.
Same reason as to why blue is a "boy" color and pink is a "girl" color.
I'm honestly a bit surprised to see that a whole third of people prefer to clone&edit an already finished panel. I would imagine it would be harder to try to not destroy the panel with your additions, than just draw it from sketch anew.
I've once watched an anime where girls were wearing miniskirts, on a spaceship, in zero gravity environment. No pantyshots, despite all sorts of angles. So if there's a pantyshot, it's there because you wanted it to, practically never because it needed to. I personally find them cringey, but as othe…
The most effective and fastest solution for me was "buy a stabilizing program that compensates your chicken paw of a hand and eliminates the need to draw every line at least a few dozen times until it lines up with the sketch". Can't claim that lineart became an afterthought, but nowadays I can some…
Honestly, with that idea, it's just better to stop all socializing whatsoever. If people more successful or capable than you bring you grief and hatred, do you feel validated by finding people that are "beneath" you? And you suggest to deliberately make it so that only "worser" people remained in y…
Ah, the "you don't HAVE to lit your characters absolutely physically correctly" is a lesson that I am yet to accept, unfortunately. XD
I'm making a video game!