I set out a template file for all my pages, set to the correct dimensions and with layers already created. Then I load and resave that as the new files and I don't have to create new layers each time, plus it makes sure my pages are all the same size. I do the same with manuscripts for paperback pub…
If you have not already noticed, a few of the fantastical creatures in the world of Qwé are taken and inspired from our own. The Saiga, Balaeniceps-rex and the Vampiric Lamprey all exist in the real world but appear as though they could have come from another world entirely. Whisp the squeaking wyrm…
I really don't want people to post images in the comments. I feel like it will just turn into people posting weird memes. If you want to send a creator fanart, do it through social media.
To those wanting images in the comment section, you also need to anticipate if those spam bots soliciting porn now posting images
I'm split on this. On the one hand, obviously it'd be nice to get that practice in. Same goes for having the exact image you're aiming for, you don't have to rely on anyone else to get things done. However.. it'd tough to ensure everything gets across the way you want it to when you feel inexperienc…
The desktop website doesn't bother me but I hate those messages being lumped in with your inbox on the mobile app. Every time it's like, "oh hey did someone like or sub??" and then, nope, ad spam. [:cry_02:]
Seriously, I don't know about you,but basically every siingle day I get notifications about random Kakao comics... [image] They keep piling up amongst my works' notifications and when I'm able to see a comment or an ink gift, or anything, the person was buried under tons of princesses, villaines…
Return to this thread just to made a neat chart.
My average amount of panels per page is 5. I think having diverse panel sizings is good for dynamic story-paneling. It will work well for my manga formated comic.
Nice to meet you @Darth_Biomech There's no true rule I know of, I guess the character's mood and intensity level of the scene determines the manner a flashback transition occurs. A fast paced action scene or important scene is better with a very short flashback because the viewer would be …
I believe it all depends on the story. I won't go into the whole should you use a flashback, and is it really necessary etc. I assume that you want to use a flashback and the discussion is how you should go about it. I wrote a story that is one big massive flashback. Used a technique at the star…
I had to stop doing backgrounds. My health took a dive so I hired an amazing artist to help me. The tool that is used is Sketchup for Interiors or buildings...CSP is used for painting bgs. I used to do mines in the painful manner (with little success) of inking, using refs, or nearly banging my head…
and before someone hits this with the "just focus on making what you like and worry about audience later" please please please don't. i've had that reiterated to me so many times it makes my head spin. I'm already making what i like and make fanart for the things i like and will continue to do so bu…
My "solution" is to have so many projects going simultaneously that these kinds of thoughts are always present, and thus dissolve into the white noise of my brain. =p When the 'you should be working on x' alarm is going off every second of every day, eventually you learn to just ignore it and go…
There are many factors to ongoing success. Yes, Luck is a part of it, yes technical skill, storytelling skill, professional mindset, and hard work are a part of it too. Please forgive the essay. see TLDR at the bottom and you can disregard me if that floats your boat. I know I have strong opinions. …
My novel "Cold Obsidian" was originally written in Russian (translating it into English was totally worth it!) and my comic "Gifts of wandering ice" had a Russian translation (wasn't worth the effort, alas).
Why not put her in shorts, like spanks think, or just not have the frills/ruffles bordering around them at all if you're that worried. And secondly, I do think they are distasteful and unnecessary in all, if not most, situations.
I never actually look at someone else's stats. I have no idea how many subscribers any of the comics I follow have, or how long any of them have been running. If I like it, I like it.
Because digital art doesn't work the same as traditional. My top reason is that the lineart isn't permanently stuck as black pixels on the canvas. If you tried to use one layer, you'd erase the lineart along with the sketch. You'd also mess up the lineart when you try to color it in.
Layers allow for a much more versatile, non destructive workflow. It's a lot easier to achieve complex, layered effects and lighting using multiple layers rather than a single one. I don't use as many layers as other artists I've seen, but a specific set of layers are essential to my pipeline. For i…
Because if your fill bucket misses something you can just manually color it in without messing up the line Art, you can color line art easier, shading and highlights become wonderful. I’m assuming you actually have 2 layers (the sketch and the drawing)
Acessory details, way too much. No one's gonna notice a few lines missing in Mortimer's bags or Spinel's jacket buttons, but I go back and add them anyway.
My paneling process. Many times I calculate the size/spacing of panels down to 0.5mm, they have to fit my designed template. Also-- composition & panels balancing. sometimes they're way too balanced and lacks playfulness & chaos... it's a bit neat OCD.
As a rule I spend way, way too much time on backgrounds. I mean sure, I could build a page buffer up, but why do that when I can draw every bottle behind this bar repeatedly and make sure they’re as consistent as possible between panels?
All the paper titles and authors. I'm sure nobody cares, but I had fun skimming through & dozing off with them, so... [:coffee_love:] [image] Hmm hard to read due to upload size limit. Check here if you want.
I'm the opposite, I follow artists who are better than me and more successful than me cause I love their work... but unfollow anyone who posts politics in my feeds even if their art is good lol if my feed is just art and cute animals, i'm happy.
NGL though, this thread makes me so nervous about being someone with a moderate following and alienating my creator friends....
The healthier approach is to stop comparing oneself with others..... there will always be someone better than you at something, unless you are in the rare situation where you are number 1 in the world at something...... learn from others, but build your own path, the world doesn't revolve around…
I perform as a Pro-Wrestler under the ring name "Kuma" My day job is writing for Videogames, so I'm also creative there. This is the last game I wrote (That has been released)
Ah, construction drawing, my old nemesis, we meet again. You've got a solid basis, decent use of line, shape, and color to help make your characters feel real, and you're consistently including backgrounds that are being shot from different angles, which helps ground your story in reality. All of …