
coffee addict waiting for an intervention

Would you believe red is my favorite color? I wouldn't.
Read BBS:

Ohhhh. Okay. That's interesting. I've been on here for 4 years as a creator, but I'm probably not on the ball as much as others with finding out this info. Thanks for that info!

Another mARTch prompt. The only time I play with colors is when I do this kinda thing, lol. Today was primary colors day so I did a cmy color scheme [image]

Finished colors on the piece..! [image]

Another one for mARTch. Today's prompt was neon colors so I draw a villain from a WIP. It's been fun to experiment with colors! [image]

**Here his a wip for my comic space paternity <3 ** **need more of the morda aliens :3 ** I am in the lineart and flats stage ! [image]

It's complimentary colors day for mARTch so I went with blue/orange [image]

Finished inks- moved to colors... [image]

I know you said it's not an advice thread, but I hope you'll excuse me for offering some. Writing jokes like that flows from having great characters. It takes a long time to get characters right, but you know you've got it when no matter what situation they're in, the humor or drama just flows …

WHOA THERE-- ...I'll admit, for some writers it may actually be that easy. A lot of people are just naturally funny, and can say and come up with entertaining things on the fly. But there are also people who need 3 weeks or 3 months to come up with a good joke, and I can say that with confiden…

[image] Daisy from warrior cats...............................

[image] SO LIKE I HAD THIS IDEA FOR A NEW STORY (send help) But anyway I have a new oc who is a robot???? :flushed: Insane??? Gremlin draws mechanical thing???

Finished pencils on the piece- moved on to inks..! [image]

[image] This is my first and last drawing of the character of my novel🥲

Started on a new piece... [image]

I love Mev, but I swear she’s the one using up most of my mental energy. Look at all those danger noodles… [image] Imagine how heavy they all are :sob: she must have developed neck muscles of steel.

A too detailed background building sketch [image]

yeah I was just joking about you not knowing what I was talking about, and how lucky you were for that very reason (some fetish comissioners are very weird), but I completely understand how it could've been interpreted as an insult, I was just being dramatic. edit: also I'm not a english native spea…

No he didn't. You're misunderstanding of English is what lead to the confusion. He said he was skilled in drawing armpits due to commission work. You said you don't understand. He said you are blessed with ignorance, implying the commission work was of a fetishy nature. Thus, not knowing is …

Which makes sense. I offer the writer some grace on top of me not knowing the story, because I know a lot of more "experienced" writers who go overboard on worldbuilding. I also know a bunch of people who take Brandon Sanderson's teaching on writing as doctrine. Whenever I give feedback, I'm reall…

Ngl, sounds like a typical Final Fantasy setting to me :laughing:

If I'm reading your post correctly, the author is shooting themselves in the foot. Readers, in general, can accept a story that isn't set on Earth. They usually don't accept a world with no semblance of geography or seasons, so a random magical dome that cuts off half the planet makes no sense out…

I don't think it would work very well. It would be better to pick one or two of those elements and run with those. My comic has a modern-ish setting with a lot of low-power magic in it, but any more elements thrown in at the beginning would be overwhelming to the reader. Unless you want to be Samura…

your lack of knowledge towards my existence does not equal my oblivion on this life, just the divergence in our paths

It could have been rating the art overall, or anatomy, the rendering, how well you conveyed emotion, a number of things. No need to be rude and reply with 'none of your business' when people just want clarification

I wouldn't really recommend this. In a story, it's best to have only one superpower system, such as magic, ninjutsu, alien technology, or cyberpunk elements. In short, it's best to choose just one; otherwise, readers may easily feel lost. Moreover, in the future, you're very likely to run into co…

Sounds like a 'Mary Sue' World, where everything and anything is doable. Or maybe it's a 'Chop Suey' of leftover treats from other world builds.

Sounds like a mish-mash of too many elements to me. I wouldn't read something with that type of setting as it doesn't make sense to me.

Latest panel for my comic Stayers [image]

I thought it would be fun to draw King Daevon if he actually dressed like the necromancer that he is. Funny that you’ll only see him use his necromancer powers once in the entire 186 pages of my comic. Although if I did somehow make the sequel, he would definitely be using them a lot more and would …

FINISHED the piece- moving on to the next one... [image]