while I reboot my big series
read my comic strips where I try to be funny
ohh that's interesting actually. soo a bit of a tangent maybe, but the 1D vs 3D thing often ignores that a 1D character can be very intentional. It can become a proxy for the reader to project on. basically a husk with little to offer, so the audience members can freely fill the gaps themselves …
I can offer a fresh version of Jack and the Beanstalk from the Mother's perspective. It's got 5 episodes total and can be read in under 10 minutes. The Color Scheme changes with every episode as a fun feature :D.
right! it will be worth considering once I made a second one.. my library of works would become really cluttered and it might be good to have it easily sorted into long/full running series, and short works changing the one series into an anthology would be easy enough with tapas' creator tools…
yeaa I mainly just thought "why not use this to try some stuff out" and then it turned into something presentable :D. esp wehn flipping through physical pages it's gonna be neat :3 but short comics just dont work tooo well for tapas and wt since like with this one, I will only get ... idk, 5 upd…
ohhh wait that's actually a neat idea! I will return to conventions after covid anyways. the page count is pretty low, so print costs could also be managable to bear ahead of time and that's brilliant! we do have a place or two that might be open to that. I will have one printed copy either …
okay, it's great that you also see it this way gumroad would be mainly just a tip jar tbh, so the selling point is that it's in it's uriginal page format without being compressed
I did a QnA a while back and just .... used a lot of memes? I did draw on them, but they would have worked without it/by just using captions instead as well. https://tapas.io/episode/2193975 maybe that's an option for you to throw into the mix?
I'll take the normal life! Can't really enjoy being rich if it comes at the expense of others Would you rather be invulnerable but with a normal life expectancy/aging, or have an endless life expectancy/no aging, but still susceptible to injuries and sickness.
not really. think about it in terms of anecdotes. you tell people about interesting things, but that might even be stuff like how you broke your leg while doing something stupid. and not really about how you just had a really pleasant day at the park that one day in may 3 years ago. so no. I…
I think I would die either way ... like, immediately. even with just one lion. and if mewto or whatever shows up, I'll be done too. BUT it will sound much cooler to have fallen in a battle against 1 billion lions, so I'll go with that one Would you rather have interesting things happen to you,…
I'll take the 30 min walk :D. much more envoirementally friendly as well as healthier would you rather be perfect at drawing, but have no imagination, or be super imaginative but your drawing skills are crap?
I would rather give up my favourite author Would you rather be poor 500 years in the the future, or rich 500 years in the past?
be sure to add your own question so the next person has something to reply to!
Would you rather Listen to one song on repeat for ever, or be never able to hear any music at all?
can someone else jump in? it's been a while and it would be sad to see this end~
used to be a fan, but I kinda ... idk. I was disappointed that most plot threads with potential never went anywhere I really liked most of the characters too, and they had so much unused potental lskfjdlks I know there's a manga about the 100 year quest that the main gang went on and there's…
I have no idea about among us.... So I'm just gonna continue with our protagonists :D. [image]
this. I've done a lot of thinking lately, because there's a lot I want to do. Like making certain comics, learning animation, getting better at background-prop-character design, improving my 3d modeling skills. the list is near endless and while I'm a design student and get to tackle some of…
went with low inspo haha... the hair was so fun tho :D.
I don't have a sheet but uhhhhh here's a panel and my cover
[image][image] and a very unobtrusive link for the lurkers https://tapas.io/series/Between-Yu-And-Me/
I kinda wanna, but I'm also super busy ahhhhh do you have a prompt for what your character could be doing? maybe I can doodle something fun if I don't have to think too much about it lol (and I really mean doodle haha)
I call that Productive Procrastination :D. you may not do the Thing you're supposed to, but you're doing something
ohh ... yea that sounds like it would be exhausting to keep working on it. was it your first story? maybe cutting your losses and moving on wouldn't be the worst desicion if the trend has been getting worse for a long time now?
I'm currently procrastinating on writing more internship applications :))) time is running out quickly... but at least my illu assignment is looking gud, it's receiving all my attention right now and it's thriving. not like I also have other classes to worry about. Or said applications. nope. …
1156 episodes. how. o.o and bromelia. thats a good one lol
this one is one of my most sharable, since it actually has 4 panels for once haha [image][image] [image][image] tbh, my brand of comedy is mainly just bitterness and cynicism.. see exhibit b... a panel from my latest strip that works well enough on it's own [image]
I can't add much more, I think the advice in here is super solid, and I will have to bookmark the thread for the "habit of creating pages" I want to throw in the whole finished not perfect angle. that's kinda what my gag comic is for. I have projects with full backgrounds and all that. Regular pl…
any comunity has it's issues, but I conected with some awesome creators thanks to the forums, and it keeps me super motivated to keep pushing through deadlines. it doesn't neccessarily reflect my views on tapas as a platform, but it's still my favourite place to publish because of how well you ca…
this week's ep was really nice to draw because plönts. [image]
I call it fake water colors :D. basically, you use a noise filter, a colored line brush that's textured.. like a pencil. and then color it with a brush that mixes with the ground color getting colors harmonic like that is easiest if you smudge the shadow color with the base color, and then pi…