
Aug 6, '21
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My adhd self prefers short chapters, can’t pay attention that long when I read web novels [:sweat_02:] It’s also easier to just stop reading and continue next time from a comfortable spot without having to stop mid-chapter :3

Is your cover AI? Tapas doesn’t really allow AI covers, and it might make people assume the story is written by AI as well

Norwegian food actually varies a lot depending on what part of the country. I’m from eastern-inland Norway, and meatballs with brown sauce and boiled potato is very popular (not the tiny Swedish meatballs, big ones). There is also minced moose which has been fried with onion and boiled potato. And …

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

It’s kind of self explanatory [:rofl:] The Vampire Skull is one of the main characters and the one kind of driving the story.

I prefer the app, but on my iPad so it’s not so small. The phone makes it hard to read comics sometimes because some fonts are unreadable, I don’t think everyone thinks about mobile readers when making their comics [:sweat_02:] This is also why I read less comics, because I can’t easily read them on…

[image] [image]

Could seriously use a little pick me up :3 Leaving my other series, Midnight Hand here.

My current goal is 200, but I’m forever stuck at 151 (I swear I lose a sub every time I get a new one)

I have two leads, Ellie and Skully (Crow because he doesn’t stay a skull forever) [image][image]

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Here are my two series Underneath an old oak tree a grumpy vampire skull is left buried for no one to find. That is until Ellie picks it up, discovering it can talk she feels all her adventure dreams are coming true. Together they set out to find the skull’s memories and body in the mysterious ci…

I’ll just leave my two series here: Underneath an old oak tree a grumpy vampire skull is left buried for no one to find. That is until Ellie picks it up, discovering it can talk she feels all her adventure dreams are coming true. Together they set out to find the skull’s memories and body in the …

Just updated with a new chapter of Echoes of the Void. This will probably be the last one for a while. I’m just giving up.

I’m just sharing my latest novel series, Tragedy is our Destiny. [image] Crow Valentine is destined for tragedy, but he doesn’t let that stop him. Determined to find his own path in life, he has no choice but to fight every other vampire’s idea of who he should be. Along the way he discovers both…

Happy unofficial Inksgiving :sparkles: I’m sharing my newest story here :3

Crow is my fav oc with green eyes :3 [image]

Just a small heads up, Tapas does not allow any use of AI :3

I love golden eyes! My oc Luke has [image]

Sigurd, one of my five mains from The Midnight Hand (I’m still working on the rest) [image]

It’s easy to get lost in the sea of novels on Tapas, usually it helps to connect with other authors, make friends and be active on the discord/forums. At least for a starter :3 You gotta use social media etc to make your story known outside of Tapas tho, if no one knows your story exists then it’s d…

I think if you ask in a less demanding way, you might actually get someone to take a look at your work :3 Also, you need to change out your cover and thumbnails, Tapas does not allow AI generated stuff of any kind…

Here is mine, will check out yours as well! :sparkles:

My new novel, The Midnight Hand, is a fantasy/horror/supernatural story. Something dark and ancient stirs deep underground and there is but one choice, finding The Midnight Hand. Five lives, five stories, converging into one as they must discover what lies beneath the earth itself. Will they dest…

Here is my new novel, The Midnight Hand, a fantasy/horror/supernatural story. Something dark and ancient stirs deep underground and there is but one choice, finding The Midnight Hand. Five lives, five stories, converging into one as they must discover what lies beneath the earth itself. Will they d…

Throwing my series in here :3 Will definitely check out yours and leave some love when I have some time! The cover looks so pretty :sparkles:

Here is my fresh fresh novels series, The Midnight Hand. It has a small pre-pre chapter up, but Chapter 1 will be up on October 1! Something dark and ancient stirs deep underground and there is but one choice, finding The Midnight Hand. Five lives, five stories, converging into one as they must d…

My entire story is my Magnum Opus, I can’t really choose just one chapter as it all interconnects and is weaved together. Though I guess if I had to it would be this one here simply because it is a big moment.