11 / 20
Feb 2

For Alpha squad.............:upside_down::upside_down::smirk::smirk: honestly, i didn't really even have a name for the comic for quite a while and when I couldn't come up with a name, I did the next best thing..............
Name after the name of your protagonist. In my case, after the name of the team "ALPHA SQUAD"

While for Through mortal eyes;
I came up with different names at first and this is how I actually come up with names generally, i just didn't do it for alpha squad.
Names like; echoes of morality, tales of the past, prophecy of the scourge. But I guess Through Mortal Eyes really connected with me better than the rest

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    Feb 8
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The original idea was to have the story set in a tower with game-like elements, with the characters following the Emperor's Path. Then I found out someone else already used the name for a webnovel. And a lot of things changed in the story, becoming a more character-driven version rather than plot-driven.

I still liked the idea of the character being on a Path of sorts, so I just changed a the emperor part, added some religious motiffs and there we have it.

My story is heavily inspired by trashy romance fantasy manhwa so I just had to do a title in the same style. But I think my choice of title might have screwed me over because I categorized my story as Girl’s love, but my title and synopsis leave no indication of how the girl’s love will actually happen. Maybe I should add the crossdressing tag :thinking: .

The Alp's Assassin
It's making notes of the two leading ladies; the alp, Miilo, and the assassin she's traveling with. It sounds fantasy-- not to mention it also conveys the violence while still having the questionably romantic undertones since the assassin "belongs" to the alp.

Rune's Grand Adventure!
I wanted to make the title sound like a child's fairy tale-- since it all is just a story a fae tried to make up, and failed. Rune, being the leading lady, does go on a grand adventure, just not quite the one set up for her.

Robotic Twins: Hansel and Gretel
Their names, and they're robots. What can I really say?

The Lies of a Heartbreaker
A known heartbreaker is a liar and gaslighter. His lies are the whole reason he's a heartbreaker and the reason for the story. I wanted to point out right away he is a liar right off the bat. I wanted to audience to think about the things he says and does and really analyze him.

A Collection of Shorts
Collection of short stories, need I say more?

And, for the two series not on Tapas, "The Angel's Guardian" is just because the lead who found the angel takes care of him, feeds, clothes, houses him... Though the angel IS a guardian angel.
"Tales of an Executioner" is just a collection of stories told by an executioner to a prisoner.


It's a bit silly but I've always had the name Sagas for this story ever since I was a small kiddo lol and never considered changing it, now that I'm older it has a lot more meaning to it. Saga pretty much means "a dramatic and often complicated story or series of events" which is pretty much what Sagas is, a long, dramatic collection of stories that happen in the series, I plan on to focus more on just one character's saga and when their saga ends, another one starts.

Twin Dragonslayers

As for Twin Dragonslayers, my new story, it focuses heavily on the two sisters Mio and Mia who are the last two dragon slayers in the series. Even with the logo design alone I made it a gradient of black and gold which is the color of ancient dragons and the red blade inbetween it which is the weapon used to kill these beasts.

It's got two different meanings depending on what language you use.

AngHell dela Blackpill = the hell of the blackpill... or Angel of the Blackpill.


Went to one of those random book title generators and sat there for like 10 minutes and gathered a list of the ones I liked lol.

I remember hearing as a kid when I had moment of Deja vu that Lightning doesn't strike twice. As if to say that Deja vu was not real but this story I wrote has many twists and turns so I felt it was appropriate!

I came up with it by combining the Latin word for "snow" and the Latin word for "man". I was originally going to call it Virnix, until I realised that that didn't really sound good. I studied Latin at school, you see and I thought that coming up with a Latin title could distinguish it from other comics.

Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days takes its name from an obscure Judas Priest song off their 1986 album called Turbo. Much of the story takes place in the 1980’s.

Finding Daecon’s Way sort of gets its name from a Rush song called Finding My Way. Daecon himself got his name from a character in the old Canadian CGI series called Reboot. Daemon was a female virus, Daecon was her subservient advisor. I’ve just always liked the name.

The rewrite was called Defining Daecon because the story is about Daecon’s whole existence being redefined (though I may revert to Finding Daecon’s Way for the first book and use Defining Daecon for the second)

This is the most Q104 post ever. :smiley:

Except Q104 rarely plays any Priest… even when they were sponsoring the concerts a few years ago!

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Reap because Lolly is a reaper, and that's what she do.

Although, the working title was Rope of Dust, I forget why, but the working title was created when I was a teenager, so it was probably a stupid reason.