
Crystal Secret

Guardian Core Rekindle is a story about Space Dragons and cat girls!

Guardian Core Rekindle

Aug 29, '16
Last Post
Sep 11, '19
Nov 19, '19
Trust Level

Since your asking, there's mine.

Breasts are just breasts. Draw them on girls, guys, girls with the guys thing down there. Yup, it's art.

This isn't getting enough bump so everyone, POST AGAIN! It's about time Tapas pulls their head out of the gutter! I won't cheat this time, LAST PAGE I WORKED ON BB [image]

TITS YEAH! lets get our voices heard!

I draw Black and White because one day after school in the Mall I picked up a Manga called Full Metal Alchemist. And I said, yeah I can do this too. Soon After playing Star Ocean Until the end of time, I found the manga inspired to make the game. And I said, yeah I can do that too. And so began my j…

yeah, where is the thread, I wana get in on this. AND MAKE TAPAS SEE. By taking there blindfolds off.

I'm a Manga ka, what point of Manga don't you get?

Thankyou, I slave away at my screen 16 - 18 hours a day ;w;

They just really like there BL comics. (not that its wrong).

I like comments too, but i barely get those. I use to get super bummed out about it, I still do. The worst thing a writer or artist can feel is being a ghost. But I've come to terms with just drawing and writing my story, wether or not Tapas cares about it. I just doubt I'll ever get noticed against…

Yup same to you, and like wise, never forgot why you picked up the pen in the first place. Because I will never forgot what I told myself. Cute comic btw :>

They sure can, I don't get it to be honest.

Sounds like you lost the reason why you draw and write stories anyways. I know why I draw and write mine, that's good enough for me. I'm not just some entertainer, I am my own adventure.

What are you referring to as "barely art at all?"

I enjoy the style I have come up with, its been a long time since i have gotten as good as my skills have shown in the past. I'm glad I'm continuing with this trend. Maybe someday there will be a website that will just accept my skills and what they are worth and the story attached. Because at this …

That has to be the most robotic response I've hear yet. You should never sell your ideal to the masses. Never lie to them, you're not making a product, your making a story. As a Manga ka, I enjoy the black and white appeal and I must follow my strengths over my weakness.

Key word, before. I'm just wondering why they care so much about color.

What the title says, I remember back when the Website Tapas promoted all kinds of stories out there. Heck, they even promoted some of the most not finished styled comics I've seen in a long time. It seems like they are just sticking to the trend of color comics and dropping the black and white man…

I have just checked up upon the Kablam website. Sadly, 64 pages will not do it for me when it comes to the size of a graphic novel.

Oh wonderful this will work very well for me! I can now print my cats books and she will be very happy. She doesn't trust the evil business suits people, but I'm letting her do this the way she wants to. But yes this is very helpful and I can get a purchased hard cover volume manga. She works in 8.5…

Very interesting, I can choose to be this private and just print the books the way I want to and pay for the shipping? I am using my cat's computer and she needs help with this, Hello my name is Full Moon.

From what I can recall, They can throw your book on Amazon anytime they like? something about that's part of their contract? If I am wrong, then I am wrong. I do apologize.

So in short, I'm trying to find a company or website that prints books, manga or graphic novels with reasonable prices including being able to look at demos that I would pay for as well. I'm trying to print my manga and well and there changes doesn't suit me anymore. Since Lulu wants to kee…

I would suggest to post sets of panels that scroll down at a time vs one page per episode it will feel more invested.

These a a few of them I made myself and a few freinds too goofing off on my discord. [image] [image] [image]

I dont think I'll ever get featured here on Tapas. I'm drawing and writing an epic and even after all the new mobile formatting I've done its lead me no where. Tapas has a clear audience and im not one of them. Oh well. I'll still post my manga. Tapas hates black and white Manga. I never see it …

Tapas, Narration does not have a safe place. It's fiction for a reason. The world is a lot darker out there and for platforms to act like they can hide that, we writers and creators will be damned if you deny us the ability to show what happens to monsters. The worlds not pretty, we write stor…

It's pretty cool, the twist is I don't use conventional races and they all have their own names.

That is I'll draw your OC in my manga Guardian Core Rekindle. Wana know how? It's simple join the discord below but heres a little bit of what your character will be in. [image] The city of Klyff. Founded by a rich and extravagant entrepreneur Satyrian by the na…

this is likely going to be the stupidest thing I ask. But how do you use the notification bell? Is white bell mean you're notifying your fans? or the grey colored bell mean you're notifying fans?