
Fat Tacky Cats


Art - Comics - Video Games - Cats - Food - Happiness
Creator of "Paracosm" on Line Webtoon and Tapas
@fattackycats on Instagram, Twittah, and Tumblr

How to Ask for an Artist to Draw Your Story Hello and welcome! Are you a writer with no artistic skill, dying to make a comic? Doesn't matter if you have funds, or no funds! I'm here to help give you some tips on how to be a promising collaboration partner, and how to get that story you want to wri…

I'd ask what's selling the best, and then go home and make official versions of those products to sell myself lol.

Oooh, I remembered another one. I can see why it would be used by the author, but: friends standing around watching a fight, and not doing anything. Just commentating. Like in Dragon Ball Z and a ton of other anime. It frustrates me to have a world level threat you’re fighting, and then the good guy…

Gotta give that sweet sweet exposition so we know what the hell is going on... instead of like.. idk just showing it. If you don't make an asspull move, i think there is no need for audiences to narrate whatever is going on with the fight. I dont wanna watch a fight scene like bad guy takes out s…

Another OK trope that's more a music trope--but still storytelling--when there's a realllly corny beat drop right before something good happens. Especially in reality TV, like before a girl turns a corner, and a guy crushing on her looks over, and their eyes meet and then beat drop this corny as hel…

Misunderstandings that could very, very easily be avoided (often caused by someone overhearing half of a conversation and running away before hearing the important part that would clear everything up). Bonus points if it stays a problem for a very, very long time when clearing it up would be super e…

sword art online, simple generic but fully deserving of my hate, only good thing to come from it is the abridge series XD

Wow, you guys really had a whole argument about skirts and kilts and dresses and heels and stunt women and historical accuracy and who knows what else! I can't be bothered to read all that! And not only did it go on for a while, you guys actually seem to have resolved it, damn Anyways, let's talk …

Yes, but these are the comics that are extremely popular! 14-year-old girls rule Webtoon.

[image] Is because he didn`t find Nemo? (yeah, i joined this silly Ray/Rey pun thread trend....it was just too hillarious XD)

Married Witch Children sounds interesting though!

Ok so I hate you cause I was gonna do this when I got home but I also love you. Also is it worth watching this entire show or should I just watch the popular eps? This one has been on my radar for a while

Thanks for putting in words many of my concerns. This fits the theme of the topic, enjoy :

Ah no worries sorry bout that

The original question was why do people hate Rey and, while the bad character design is one part of it, many are overlooking another factor. A huge reason for the backlash against her is how she was presented. Disney promoted her as this revolutionary amazing female character on the level of other g…

Can we please refrain from using straw men on both sides? We were doing so well without having to resort to needless Ad Hominems!

There is a difference from inheriting riches and hitting the genetic lottery. Up until TLJ being a Jedi master or even a Jedi you had to been born with the ability. And if you weren't it was a crap shoot if you could learn. TLJ turned the whole thing into everyone gets a participation award. To me i…

First off Mary Sue isn’t rooted in misogyny. It’s rooted in bad fan fiction such as my immortal and master of the universe which then became fifty shades of grey, men can be Mary Sues, there’s plenty of anime bois who are that very thing. This lady dose a pretty good video on its history. Sec…

I thought the entire point of the discussion was to treat men and women equally? I’m not gonna be nicer to rey cause she’s a women character I’m gonna critique her and tell the writers to do better with her just as I would a male character. She is poorly written. I’m sorry it seems that you’ve inter…

Just a side note, Kylo was pretty fabulously injured when he finally fought against Rey in the Force Awakens. So she had quite an advantage over him. Not that it helps with her character, just something I picked up. point taken.

When I can't think of anything of worth to say. When the comic I'm reading is super popular anyway and other people have already chimed in with my sentiments. I do try to comment frequently on smaller comics though! Particularly if I've had good interaction with the creators before.

I'd say I'm mid-tier in following count since I average around the upper hundreds (~600+) on most platforms, but on Tapas and Webtoons especially, I somehow jumped to the thousands fairly easily. I guess I'm better suited for comics? And when I say these number averages, here's my evidence and e…

If a scene in a comic is going to be dialogue-heavy the expressions of the “talking heads” need to be changing a lot, not only to, well, be expressive — but also to break up the conversation between panels (I don’t want to read a wall of text). Think of films that have a lot of dialogue. Most of …

When you're a pessimist, you're either right or pleasantly surprised :wink: In practice I'm more of realist-pessimist, though.

Optimist Pessimist Realist 0voters Show results (Betting on a strong pessimist slant right now :popcorn:) Generally, I think I'm a realist with pessimist overtones. ^^; With my life and the people I'm acquainted with, you'll stress yourself into an early grave if you don't constantly expect the wor…

Optimist. Realists are far too often just cynical pessimists in denial.

[image] [image] Coffee. We drink it hot, cold, with milk, with sugar, with whiskey, alone, with friends, at professional meetings, while waiting, to wake up, to share a moment… Coffee is so much a part of our lives that most of us don’t even spare it a thought anymore. It is like a constant bac…

I somehow realized that the shallow desire that I want to be popular is maybe because I think that would make me less lonely :no_mouth: When I check popular people there will always be many people waiting and caring for them, reassuring them, praising them; no matter how insignificant their problem or how …

This is very important to remember. There are 1000's of free content on Webtoon and readers can only sub to 100 at a time! (not counting premium series) Every time i am blessed with a front page/banner feature, i keep getting comments like "i dropped xxx for this comic!" or "CURSE THE 100 SUB LIMI…