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Do nothing. The guessing game is for the readers, not me. If I go in there and confirm or deny things, that's just lame. That ruins the fun. To change the story just because someone connected the dots on their own, is lame too, I wouldn't compromise on my narrative just because my readers can …
My pet peeve is when the "sound effect" is written as a regular word. Character sitting down? "SITS" Character drinking water? "DRINKING" It's like yes, I can see they are indeed drinking. Thank you. xD
About time! I remember you used to have to buy it as a plugin.
My rough sketch in all it's glory! Oh, yeah look at that. My hand writing too, ah, so glorious! Why do I even bother finishing my pages? lol. [image] And then finished. [image]
I toggle 2 languages all the time in my day to day life, because my beloved only speaks English. If I'm having a conversation in English, I swear in English. If I'm having a conversation in my native language, I swear in that. Whichever language I last used (be it in conversation, text, or song)…
Morning. I'm way too exhausted to write after work and housekeeping. Also it's nice and quiet before the rest of the world wakes up.
I think it's the thumbnail. Thumbnail is the first (and often only) thing people will see. You want it to sell what your story is about at first glance. You said this is supposed to be an action comic. There is nothing that implies that in your thumbnail, so people looking for action comics wi…
For 2D assets, use google images with "reuse with modification" filter on. [image] For 3D assets, your best bet is Unity Asset Store. It has everything.
I see. That's unfortunate. I'll consider myself extra lucky in this regard then!
I enjoy writing, so sitting down to write is something I get to do, not something I have to force myself to do.
Even when I'm not inspired, I'm happy to sit down for my writing time. I don't consider it a waste ev…
I disagree. The point of forcing yourself to write is that writing becomes a habit. You sit down everyday from X o'clock to Y o'clock and write whether you like it or not. If you absolutely can't write, then you sit there at your desk/keyboard until Y o'clock regardless, because this is the tim…
I've been doing all my art in Krita for a few years now and have no intention of switching.
The brush engines are just The color selector is way better than photoshop [image] Wrap-around mode is perfect for making seamless assets And it's free!
I'm using version and haven't run into any…
I wish I could like your post at least seven more times.
"Incredibly well" aren't the words I'd use. It was an angry holier-than-thou rant that assumed everyone has access to the same resources as whoever she's been working with.
I'll throw mine in the mix too! Would be cool to see a traditional version! It's been like, what? 3 years since I did anything traditional aside from sketches.... Hahahah....
Behold my barely existing backgrounds!! [image]
Here's the lineart if that's of any use? <u< [image]
Only 3 possible outcomes? HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Whoever was the genius to type that sentence can take their keyboard and shove it up their anal cavity.
Telling others what they can and cannot do with their own characters? Holy crap some people!

In my story (it's a visual novel) there were supposed to be only 2 love interest. However, there was a certain half relevant side character. This guy: [image] People were a little disappointed he wasn't a love interest. So I thought sure, I can write him a route too, it fit pretty well when I …
Sorry about your situation... D: He didn't listen to you regarding this. Has he listened to you about other things? He made a mistake, it happens. But if he has never listened to you, then he likely never will and more mistakes that could be avoided, won't be. Those are my thoughts as a complet…
I'd be glad to get told a new story has started!
But I wouldn't want updates on how the creative progress is going. I feel like that stuff belongs outside the comic, like on twitter or something.

Don't apologize. The person asked for input (it's the very title of the topic!). You gave input, and it was well-written, helpful and polite.
Hooo boy! I seem to have changed my attitude regarding straight lines. HAHA! Here's two drawings of a room: [image] 2009. "I'M TOO COOL FOR RULERS!!!1!1 IT'S MUH STYLEE€€€!EEEe!!!" [image] 2019.Polygon tool. Polygon tool everything.
I hate the terms too, though not for the same reasons you do lol. Like it's either cheating or it isn't. ¯\(ツ)/¯ As for what counts as cheating you should be with a partner with whom you agree where the boundaries are, obviously. Otherwise: misery.
Yeaaaahhhhh that's not a joke, that's testing the waters. Good riddance!
Nice! Thanks for digging them up! : D So if someone translates your comic, MangaToon owns your script in that language? lolololo
You could potentially be giving up the rights to your intellectual property, or a license for them to do whatever they want with your work, your username and your trademarks. It's unlikely anything bad happens though. I'm just overly cautious over such things. Hahah! <u<
I can't seem to find their terms of service. So a big NOOOOOOO from me, hahah! That's just too shady. Maybe someone can point me to them though.
I believe that AI will soon be able to create art that human's won't be able distinguish from man made art. Not because it understands human emotions or anything like that, but by simple trial and error. Once it's good enough, humans will (falsely) project emotions and motivations to the art the …
You're asking one person to produce what takes a team of professionals working full-time to make. Lol.
Hmmm, yeah. I think I've seen that too. It'd be interesting to see someone attempt to build an audience in the app despite being removed from it lmao. While on the other hand I understand why no one would bother. If I was a reader of a dummy/redirecting comic I probably wouldn't check the real…
I'm curious if anyone has tried this, and whether it's even allowed. Assuming you got your comic removed from the app. What if you had two versions of your comic? One that is the actual comic, and the other a heavily edited app-friendly "dummy" version that remains in the app. The dummy comic woul…
This is the oldest piece I could find and it's--.... Well, it is. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I miss the blue hair though... [image]