Write And Chill
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I feel like this is so often overlooked in discussion about how awesome Dante was. Like, there's a reason Inferno is the one people talk about. Lots of people don't even know it's more than Inferno. There is a reason for that. Also, I hate to like drag Dante down because I liked Inferno too, but…
I think it's a partly snobbery and partly because fanfiction is just a newer term. It's going to become much more common for fanfiction to be appreciated on its own strengths in the future if trends continue and then things that could be considered fanfiction will start being called such. At this po…
Ah yes, The Divine Comedy. One of the greatest works of literature (cough Wikipedia said this not me cough) is a fanfiction. I'm well aware of this. You asked as to why we can't criticize these works despite being in the same margin of "fanfiction". "Jumping ahead to the 20th century, the actual…
I get it. I've met some amazing people here but grocery money is grocery money. The only hang up with having your stuff published on Tapas is the lack of a paywall. Since Tapas is a free site, the bots will go crazy.. Howeveras long as your work isn't available for free somewhere online OR is beh…
My readers are psychopaths, but they're MY psychopaths. Ps. I made it to 250! WOW!
38 Episodes (including weekly features) Weekly Features to promote other artists/ writers and build community. its lonely out here 244 subscribers 8k views 1.1k likes (get ready for this) 720 comments I think I placed in the top 15 a couple times in LGBTQ and BL but I don't know Currently next to t…
I'm not a fan of monopolies, and duopolies are hardly much better. Healthy consumer landscapes typically incorporate a wide gamut of independent platforms and choice, with a carefully curated but limited amount of exclusivity between them. (Which is where streaming went bad. Too much exclusivity.) …
Twitter is the only site where I aggressively block keywords and hashtags for anything I don't want to deal with. Which, on Twitter, is anything remotely political. (I enjoy political and sociopolitical discussions, just... not on Twitter.) I'd never blocked anyone or anything before, on any site,…
If it's still both romance, you're probably fine. It'd only be weird if you went to make like grandma religious mysteries featuring some very chaste pilgrims or something. Then you might not want to have the same penname since the two demographics may offend the other.
Pssh. I used to have different accounts for everything. These days, I dump everything into one. I’m tired of posting only ‘furry art’ here and ‘mature stories’ there or ‘BL’ here and ‘crime mystery novels’ there. It’s all going into one account and that’s that. (But, take this with a grain of salt, …
I do believe that a author can have multiply sides and the different readers will understand. I hide not the difference I do and I put it all under the same name.
Yeah, as I've gotten older I found I have less time to keep up with separate accounts across different sites let alone multiple accounts on one platform. I just post everything under my one name. Plus you never know who you can bring over to one work from another. So especially when starting out, …
People who like both straight and BL are more common than you think. It's also pretty common for an author to write both, I don't see a problem with it. I personally use the same nickname for everything, even for different media (like both for my games and my comic), let alone different genres. I w…
A lot of creators tend to stay within the same genre, but I don’t see anything wrong with showing versatility in your writing. Not all your subs will follow you story to story, and that’s okay. A lot will follow you because they like your writing and storytelling—not always the content. And I’ve …
Here you are!
I'm getting ideas now, probably spend tonight writing them out haha. Thanks for the idea!
Omg that's such a good idea, I need to write a new novel that serves this purpose. I kinda held back a bit with my first one as I wasn't 100% about Tapas guidelines...
Awesome, thanks for sharing! I'm already subscribed to Lock & Key and I'm really enjoying it so far!
I'm super interested in Broken Revenge, I'm definitely going to be reading that.
Not a commission, but years ago when I worked at my local public access, there was a lady who requested she needed help with an animated project. When I contacted her, hoping it was a short 2D flash animation, I quickly found out it was her wanting people at public access to make her a full length 3…
About a week ago, someone messaged me asking how much would I charge them to do a portrait of their pet dog. When I told them them that I wasn't available to take commissions they replied...
"Okay, can you just do it for free then?"
Every time someone tells me they're writing a children's book, my spidey senses go off--evvvveryone who has seen a baby assumes they're easy to write and make which like...no man. It's always hella dense with text too and it's like--this is for BABIES, man. BABIES. That and when I'm like "no pub…
Comin back to this dead thread
This time I am doing writing
Not me but I thought it was still funny though
Yasssssssssssssssss! I love this topic!! Pop in if you like! Join my discord to chat with authors and fans!
I always recommend reading Gwen Hayes’ Romancing the Beat! (https://www.amazon.com/Romancing-Beat-Structure-Romance-Kissing-ebook/dp/B01DSJSURY/ref=nodl_) it’s only $6 and it’s a quick read that will seriously help with hitting generally expected beats in any kind of romance arc. It’s my most used/r…
Wattpad's community is horribly toxic. I started posting online through the website when I was in high school (2012) and it was great, but over the years its been taken over by the worst side of social media, and I've seen some really disgusting things. It's also increasingly hard to build an audien…
I know right?! My partner always makes fun of me for liking it because I'm not really a fan of musicals, but how can you not like such a classic??
OH prepare for a long list, I love watching movies! My faves (links to trailers) -cracks knuckles-: Serial Mom Jacob's Ladder Eraserhead As Good As It Gets One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest A Nightmare on Elm Street 1 and 2 Perfect Blue Sleepaway Camp Tombstone (partially because my uncle played a…