

Sep 3, '16
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Nov 27, '16
Jan 29, '17
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Back in the first part of the last century, we had a small building in the back of our house in Dayton, Ohio. I had a dream one night that I walked around the corner of it and a tall thin man in a black suit with a black hat was coming after me. That woke me up. I also used to think there was som…

I have a Wacom and a Genius G Pen. the only difference I can see between them is the Genius needs a battery and the Wacom does not. I have ordered a Hurion tablet that is larger. It has a rechargeable battery. It is also a lot larger. As for prices, the Wacom was a bit over $100, The Genius I purc…

@ David I have written several short stories and published them on Amazon. I think I have made a total of maybe $10 over the last four or five years. I just write and draw for the fun of it. I wouldn't do it otherwise.

Just remember. PEACEFUL demonstrations are everyone's right if you are a citizen. If you break car windows or store windows , attack other people or block major roads, it then becomes a riot and is a Felony in some States. That is illegal and you could go to jail, not for upholding your rights but…

If I understand it right, the horizon is where the land meets the sky. In the case of a lake or ocean it could be where the water meets the sky. As we get further away, the air pollution comes into play and makes things difficult or impossible to see. In the photo the paritcles in the air become m…

Everybody wanting Hillary. The country is in bad condition. That is what I am reading here. The Republicans are to blame for it. Read that here too. Who has been in power for the last 8 years and who was proud to be a part of the problem for the past 30 years? Or weren't you listening. Now who cou…

Grow up. He won. He will be the next president.

I think you have something backwards. Those are not Trump supporters out there rioting and demonstrating. Those are Hillary supporters. People do not seem to like it because he is taking the country away from becoming a Socialist Country. That is Europe and they have a lot more problems.

This was one of the most dirty campaigns that I have seen in my lifetime but it was all legal as far as I can see. I am an American and76 years old so I have seen many of these elections. AS was said, "The sun will rise again tomorrow." Just because the candidate you wanted did not win does hot mea…

I started with gag comics about an old man and his thoughts. (Me. I am 76.) Now I am trying to get good enough to make a book from Roger Wiley on Amazon. I wrote it. Ken

My two greatest weakness are writing and drawing.

I stay burned out. I am getting up in years and sometimes I go to the refrigerator and then realize I was going to the bathroom to pee. I have been known to go get the mustard and come back with the iced tea or something else. I guess I am lucky when I can remember the punch line when I draw a sho…

Why not make a gallery section and maybe two others like a comic section and a short section for the one page comics? Then everyone could have their own preferences.

guess I should leave until I am more advanced. Sorry.

I would say I am probably a 0.5. I would be a 1 except I still can't draw.

After reading all of this I have determined that what I need is practice,practice, practice. The rest will come. I did order a larger tablet.

I really do not understand why cursing is associated with the military. I spent over 20 years there and normally never heard it. Maybe it is a degrading of our culture. I notice we pay more attention to being politically correct than to cursing these days. I have seen the changes in life and in th…

What if I don't have a comic yet?

I started drawing in Saudi Arabia in 1999 from a book on drawing with pencils for beginners. ( I had plenty of spare time then after work.) I progressed through colored pencils, watercolor, pastels, and eventually oils (which didn't last long due to the odor.) I also did some digital in 2008 and …

I haven't even looked at the materials section yet. I am just getting started and have done paint and paper before but comics are completely new. I finished one page and it really looked good. The second page was completely different because he was changing worlds. That was the beginning of my chall…

I seem to have lost it. I cannot even make a good looking tree. I downloaded some other programs yesterday because I seemed to be lacking something in my motivation or methods and today I cannot even make a good looking tree on Clip Studio Pro which is where I usually do my artwork.. I think I ne…

I am 76. It is more of an either joke about it or let it get you down. I think joking is more fun.

To stay alive. When you get older you need to keep your brain busy or you die.

Don't worry about missing a day or two if there is a good reason unless it is your only source of income or if you are over 75 years old.

I have a book on Amazon Kindle that I will give permission to anyone who wants to make it into a comic. The name is Chuckie Churchmouse. They are selling it for 0.99 so it is a cheap investment. If you are a Premium member it is free. It is the story of a churchmouse who has a congregation in the …

I figure at this rate it will take me about 10 years to finish it. I am retired so I have plenty of time as long as I am still alive.

After over two weeks I finally completed. I used Clip Studio Pro, Krita, and Comic Life3. I am still not sure if it is the right size or if I will have to change the format to publish it but, I am not concerned as I do not know how many pages this project will be or how long it will take me to com…

I am new at this and am using Clip Studio. I just finished page one of my comic. It has4 panels and a few layers in each one. I noticed that I forget what I put on which layer and sometimes seem to be putting the wrong thing on a layer. How do you keep track of it?

I work alone and am very slow from what I have read. I just finished the first page of one I am making from a book on Amazon. It took me over a week to get that far and I still need to put two text boxes on the page.

I downloaded SAI today and it seems to be less than ArtRage or Clip Studio Pro. There aren't as many options in it and the learning curve doesn't look very close to the others. The Zoom and rotation are on the top and the layers are on the left. It looks like a very old program that needs upgrading…