Konori a.k.a Nori
Just an anime/manga/game fan who also likes to draw comics.
Here's one: https://tapas.io/series/Masked-Henchman
And here's another: https://tapas.io/series/Ogre-Cook
To be honest there isn't actually much of a contract, is just a document where you summarize or expand more the most frequent asked questions regarding your services. In most cases there are no lawyers involved, since its mostly an exchange of a service from one particular individual to another. L…
Awesome! Now I kinda wish I drew my favorites too! Also, according to a friend.. We're not missing much by not playing gen9?
Oh this looks fun Gen 1: Gengar is my bestie Gen 2: Wooper but he’s basically useless
I still love him Gen 3: Mawile is probably my actual favorite Gen 4: Froslass Gen 5: Garbador is fav trash teddy bear but I also love Scrafty I don’t really know any after Gen 6?? And wait the 2000s are considere…
Okay, so. Gen 1: Charmander (because I'm basic) AND jigglypuff. Sorry, can't choose between those two! Gen 2: Espeon Gen 3: Flygon Gen 4: Honchcrow Gen 5: Roggenrola Gen 6: Sylveon Gen 7: Mimikyu Gen 8: Dubwool (but I don't know a lot of gen 8 pokemon) This makes me want to instal Pokemon Go ag…
G1: Cubone G2: Scizor G3: Blaziken G4: Garchomp G5: Braviary G6: Hawlucha G7: Golisopod G8: Snom G9: Maushold
Gen 1: Squirtle Gen 2: IT'S A TIE BETWEEN CORSOLA AND CELEBI, I CAN'T CHOOSE Gen 3: Ooooooh there's so many I like, but I'll have to choose Spheal because of Drawfee Gen 4: I'm going to have to go with Pachirisu, because a guy WON an official Pokemon world tournament using Pachirisu, and that was l…
I don't think I can call myself a true Pokemon fan, just an anime watcher from time to time, but I do have favorite Pokemons from each Gen. Gen 1: Jigglypuff Gen 2: Chikorita Gen 3: Latias Gen 4: Shaymin Gen 5: Oshawott Gen 6: Espurr Gen 7: Bewear Gen 8: Wooloo Gen 9: Smoliv (BEST POKEMON, IT HAS…
Your favorite pokemon from each GEN?
Not your #1 absolute favorite exactly, just a Pokemon that stood out to you from each generation, for any reason.
.....This is the part where I post mine; but I haven't played anything past GEN7 and only a little of that; my Pokemon experince is sporadic a…
EDIT: Yeah, Ivasweb is a burner account, they made a thread """""promoting""""" them, like really wtf man who will be willing to pay $100 for that crap and copyright infringement bomb? Also, If you check what's the so called novel turned webcomic, you can see her actual name in the credits, in both …
No, its copyright and intellectual property infringement. Besides, its quite hypocrite for you to demand be respected as an artist when what you're doing is actually disrespectful Just because you see something on the internet, doesn't mean you get to make messy lines on top of it and call it yo…
I mean depending on the context, you can definitely do a lore dump while making it seem natural. For example, characters who have lived under the massive dome know what its for but a new person in town would have no clue why its there. And now you have a great reason to lore dump lol. Another pe…
Well, the prices look pretty decent for me, very average and proper for someone that hasn't been doing commissions in a long time or is stepping on that field for the first time. You are not ""underpricing"" yourself, it is a very reasonable price for someone that is likely not from Latam, Vietnam …
I've been thinking about this since I saw a thread on twitter comparing One's webcomic artstyle to the manga. Here's the thread: https://x.com/ROCKSDZORO/status/1740746546940133525?s=20 And I was thinking to myself, "I feel like I've heard a lot of people say that a comic's artstyle doesn't matter…
Hello I'm the person who writes the 'I'm on so many different sites thread' and is overall very active within the community. I've not been around that long so my opinions might be a bit different compared to people who have been at this longer than me ^^. I've seen lot's of people throw their hat …
I feel like the title and the OP are actually 2 different issues: inserting humor naturally is an issue of writing technique and skill, while making readers enjoy your jokes is a matter of subjective style. You can have well-implemented humor that people still find annoying, and on the other hand, y…
That´s why I was asking, I was in a similiar situation but in a different genre. I wanted to write short erotic stories. The first stories that I wrote and published were not good and were situations or poems or dialogue. I started reading other erotic short stories. I read hundreds of the genre an…
I will clarify. Repetition works if you are drawing with purpose. What I mean by that is not just going through the motions. Drawing with purpose is like sitting down with a life drawing model. That day you decide to draw their feet as you can't seem to get them right. That day you don't waste tim…
Drawing a comic will be enough practice as long as you are at a certain level. The main thing is don't create your story with your strengths in mind. Don't like drawing forest? Next episode happens in a forest. Don't like drawing cars, next episode is a car chase. Force yourself to draw things you d…
Oh absolutely, I like to think that I'm always training actually. But specifically if I feel the need to actively work on progressing my craft as an artist, I will go back to the fundamentals first. Do some livedrawing (even if only from photoreference), study up on some anatomy. Sometimes I feel …
I wouldn't say I dedicate a LOT of time to purely practicing, since just creating art hones skills automatically. But I've been dedicating some time to gesture drawing lately and I've noticed it helps a lot with improving anatomy and making poses faster. Here is the playlist of the gesture drawing…
Getting burnt out is always due to something unexamined about yourself and your headspace. Comics, like war, never changes. This is not a bad thing as it takes a fair bit of delusion to want to make comics in the first place and we change as time goes on. Perhaps you simply no longer think comics…
The best advice I got in therapy for this very thing was, "allow yourself to take a break." Don't just take a break and feel guilty about it, but actually tell yourself, "this is my time. I am allowed to stop." I've heard breaking your work into semesters like school can help. Like set a goal of a…
Easy. Draw multiple comics and stories in rotation. So when one gets you feeling burned out, move onto the next, and the next, and the next, then come back full circle to the first comic, refreshed and with new energy. No sweat. Worked for me for twenty years plus.
Always draw in designs and storylines you like, and don't base too much on what other people like is something I learned very recently! Your art is so cute, let's keep going together!
I second Wizard above. The paper texture screen cover is a game changer. Also get a grip for your pen. I've got the older apple stylus aka too long and heavy on the end the mechanics are housed. Getting a grip helped me ease up the pressure I had to use to keep the pen upright. Depending on th…
I'm not against the AI itself, just the people that use it selfishly. Why? It's database requires already existing artworks in order to operate. Said artworks in most cases was took without the consent of the original artists. At the same time that many people just dump artworks to the IA to gen…
If you are using it to make a dumb meme to post on social media, that's one thing. But I don't like how people see it as a way to avoid paying real artists. Especially if it is a large company which can afford real artists. Or people who make AI images just to sell for profit. There has been far m…
Update: canvasbushi has been banned/suspended for making a condescending thread slighting Achilles and targeting me.
[image] I tried this once; it was so time-consuming since I was doing it traditionally, and for 10 people, it burned in the end.

No need to feel bad, I apologize if I came on too strong. It was not my intention to make you feel like shit in any way. The whole AI topic just kinda infuriates me, and frankly exhausts me. And again, I apologize for being too harsh towards you. This on the other hand, this brings joy to my h…