France vanilla-society-comic.blogspot.com/
Hello im Prismaudy a 23 french student Please check out my comic on Tapas : Vanilla Society
Feel free to subscribe I will do the same !
The webtoon No Longer a Heroine started on a strong premise focusing on a washed-up celebrity dealing with the toxicity of idol culture in South Korea which felt very down-to-earth. However, the later chapters started spending too much time on the lead character's love triangle than her personal dev…
I almost have no subs and likes but I love my comic regardless, not just the main story itself but also the characters and their own backstories too. I love my MCs of course but I also love sides and even some mobs lol EVEN the ones I (will or did) kill
If you dont love your comic yourself how ca…
I've seen many creators get corrupted by their obsession with numbers and popularity. They're similar to people who chase TikTok fame. The truth is that it's unlikely to ever happen. With the internet, it's easier to gather a dedicated reader base but fame? You'll crash and burn if that's what you'r…
I think Tapas should hire someone to make the forum rules into a vertical scroll comic and maybe more people would read it.
Just wondering why need 3 artists or more? By the way existing artwork look great.
So I have been all over skillshare learning about social media and marketing for artist. I have learned a lot of stuff but most of the classes are geared towards illustrators not necessarily webcomic artist. Still I am following their advice and started a YouTube channel. The only thing I could thin…
There's a member, alexmeong5, advertising for a writer to make stories that suit their drawing style. "Artist looking for Writer [UNPAID]" in the Collaborations section.
I didn't use them for the reason you mentioned about art style evolution. I knew going in that I was such a beginner that consistency would actually be a really bad thing!
I'm just trying out using a video game character creation tool so I can have a reminder of distinguishing features but don't …
I use a model sheet to keep the colors consistent mainly, but it also helps especially since I'm quite forgetful so I literally forget how to draw the hair of each character.
It doesn't have to be perfect, it can even be sketchy
Oh, ok. Let me see... https://tapas.io/series/The-Dark-Children-of-The-Night from @RyzaCobalion, https://tapas.io/series/Acroalis by Guilherme Junior. https://tapas.io/series/She-sells-sunshine by Tony Yin. https://tapas.io/series/Vanilla-Society by @prismaudy https://tapas.io/series/Jade-Kingdoms-…
I have a comic about a Doctor stranger than the monsters he treats, if you like mystery/fantasy/deadpan:
Most people recommend Procreate for the iPad Pro, but if you just wanna do some digitial sketching I guess any free app should do the job. I myseld have a Medibang Paint installed on my iPad and if I bought the Apple Pencil, it'll definitely improve my experience.
I've been using a Wacom Bamboo tablet to draw. But it is not convenient for me if I want to draw on the go, or if I want to do quick sketches. So I'm thinking about buying a tablet. I read reviews online and most of them were mentioning the Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 and the Apple Ipad Pro. Has anyone …
Thank you for the compliment! Some people are turned off by drawing on a touch tablet but it really depends on the one you get. I'm using the Samsung Note tablet. It's because Samsung actually partnered with Wacom to include a pressure sensitive pen (they call it the Spen). It works really well too.…
Does anyone know what the three different options in Clip Studio get you? [Create FanZine] [Export EPub Data] [Publish Comic For Kindle]
Clippy Points are used to buy assets from the Clip Studio Asset Shop. A lot of the assets are free, but some of them can be bought with gold or with clippy points. That said, you can also earn clippy points by posting your own assets.
I've only gotten one sub in the last few days but I've been so busy with my internship it hasn't really bothered me! As long as I get a few views and maybe a like or two a day that's good enough for me.
You could make an episode of worrying about subs
It is way less stressful when not looking at the sub counts and still gives that refreshing surprise when you get a random sub out of nowhere.
I've been doing the same. Mainly because I'm on hiatus and also because I'm still working on my first chapter redraw. I don't really want any new people lookng at my work, at least my first chapter, because it's about to change in a few months.
I haven't been looking at my sub count for a few days now and it's been great. I don't have to worry about whether I'm growing or not, and I get to just reply to comments. Comics feel less like gaining numbers, and more like just making jokes. What do you think of worrying about subs?
I've had the same problem when I first started on this site. What really helped me was interacting with people on forums. Just get out there and start talking to people. There are even threads that will help promote your comic to others.
ideally they want us to have 1 looong episode per week, but this really just encourages chopping your episodes into a million tiny parts, upload 7 times a week, just to hope to qualify and make the most out of this LOL! I'd like to try it someday, but yea wish the PV requirement wasn't this high :…
Honestly, I have no problem watching video ads if it means supporting creators. But I don't know if that would be the right move for Tapas in particular. Most of the ink I get to give to creators, I do it by watching ads. Watching ads to get ink and give it to creators, and again watching ads while …
Thank you so much for your support! I'll defiantly review your series! I'll contact you via Instagram when I get to yours.
i guess i was too hard on my self more people are really interested in my comic and like my art style
Yes, Hello everyone! My name is Imani aka MaddMoniArt and the title says it all. I want to read and promote you and your comics! If you want to promote your COMIC SHOP go here What I’ll do is read through your comics and let everyone know what I like about it! I’m only looking for positive thin…
Well fellow creators <3 I've started posting my webcomic, Silver Lining, exactly a month ago and now since I've reached 200 subs I wanted to celebrate with a little shoutout... drawing in this fist period prevented me from reading other comics but I'd be glad to discover some new ones and support ot…
Congrats on the subs!!! [:tapa_pop:] Here's my fantasy slice of life comic I just spent the past few days colorizing~! [:cry_01:]