9 / 14
Mar 25

Like if a character is making a certain pose and I cannot find a single match for it in live action references, how do I reference real life for the pose? These are the kinds of poses that arguably need references the most because they're liable to be unrealistic and bad without a reference.

Thank you @CarltonIsaac @Lensing I’m going to keep that in mind, 3D models can be stiff but it was always an option and better than having nothing.

Thank you @wolflu66 i’m going to use this archive for my art.

Thank you @NickRowler I’ll keep this in mind.

Thank you @Paul_Tromba I’ll try this when I can.

Thank you @Leyelle @Panpan @thepenmonster I’ll do that whenever there’s a pose I can do myself which will hopefully be more often than not.

Thank you @CarltonIsaac I’ll try those and see how they work for me.

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Trail blaze, like all good creative minds.

You could be the first to create new and never-before-seen poses.

Or Use Poser, it is a 3D computer graphics program optimized for 3D modeling of human figures.

Or even JustSketchme dot com

Actually, there are still quite a few reference photos online of models posing in these special positions.


Or you can look on DA where there are many real people to reference. Although now that place has also been flooded with a large amount of AI, which I find somewhat regrettable.

I use easypose app. There's other 3d pose programs out there too

The comic artists in the 1950s had large cabinets with reference pictures that were
posed and taken in a studio. Nowadays we all have cameras in our phones and
posing apps.

Most of the time, when people use references, they aren’t copying exactly. It’s more finding something similar, and using bits and pieces of it.

For example, if you want to draw someone flying through the air, there isn’t real references of that. But you could look at pictures of people using a Slip and Slide and get inspiration from that.

I have also seen people pose action figures or dolls, if you need something more 3D.

I don't draw often but when I need a weird pose that I can't find, I find a movie or show that has the pose, pause during the pose, use as a reference. The other option is to take pictures of yourself in the mirror doing said pose or using a wooden pose doll. Though there are often similar poses online.

try taking a picture of yourself of someone you know

The creator of Tomahawk Angel actually poses himself and takes a photo. He uses that as his reference!

I’ve got “art dolls” that I use for more complicated pose references, but I’ve also had my husband pose as well. And if it’s a reference like a hand holding something I’ll take a pic of my own hand holding something.

Here’s an example of the art dolls (this is actually from when I first bought them and it’s the first drawing I did with them).

Art dolls:


I either make photos myself using family members or I do 3d models. Both tried and true methods!

I've done that a tiny bit before, like looking at my own arm to get a sense of what it's shapes are, or doing a pose to feel it out. But never a full body one. I'll think about it.