20 / 25
Aug 2021

I'm a medical writer which means I normally write research papers, educational materials for clinicians, conference abstracts, and other academic stuff. I wanted to be a writer but I also wanted to be well paid so that's why I ended up where I am. My work experience does help with writing fiction and eventually I want to make money with it but for now it's just a hobby

Omg that sounds super fun!! I could kill for a good bowl of noodles right now lol but I wish you luck in your creative ventures!!

I'm majoring in engineering while I draw as a hobby. During most of the school year I can manage both though it does slow the process, and don't get me started with finals. Usually I have to take an hiatus of at least 3 months a year taking the finals period of both terms into account, which is a bit frustrating. Still I don't think I'll ever put drawing aside, I like it way too much though some extra time to do it would be appreciated :cry_01:

Going full time into creative work would be neat, but right now I have an unrelated desk job and draw my comic on the weekends

I'm a self-taught musician just kinda dabbling in writing. It's not getting me places lmao I still haven't finished anything solid enough to be posted here in these 2 years :sob:

But I do eventually wanna earn money from making my own music and doing commission work! It'd be nice to save enough to hire an artist and maybe even a writer to help me out with making comics. I fully intend on making soundtracks for each individual comic idea I wanna work on as well, it just seems fun to have additional content outside of reading.

It's just a manner of money that I don't have, and being an unemployed dropout really gets in the way. Music gear gets pricey real fast lol I've been working on getting recording equipment and new instruments to record with for the past year or so. If all goes well, I could start earning money from the music stuff by the end of the year~

I do a LOT of drawing, and I have gotten paid for it a couple of times in the past, but I actually teach English as a foreign language! (I have a linguistics-related degree, and I'm hoping to go for a masters in the future) Covid put a lot of things on hold for me, but I used to teach immigrant students at my local university! Though currently I can only do online stuff...

It doesn't. It doesn't one bit. :sweat_smile:
I mainly work in admin.

Hi, I do comics as a hobby. Currently I'm actually a student mechanical engineering, one year away from graduating.

I may be planning on sneaking a couple of things I learned from mechanical engineering in my future comic

I was. But life has a funny way of forcing you into doing things.

Full-time electrical engineer here doing embedded software development. I got interested in drawing comics in high school, but I've only had one art class my entire life. As far as writing goes, I guess my only experience is running role playing games for my friends.


I'm currently working as a postdoc. Biomedical research has certainly helped me come up with ideas for my sci-fi stories :3

I'm a wanna-be artist that works for the gov while I'm finishing going back to school for my art degree. I started my career life trying to be a computer science major just because I was good with computers and it's what my dad did. I would like to make it in the art world since I always loved art from a young age but never had the confidence then to pick it up. I've been posting my webcomic Nightmarevision since the end of 2020 but I've only had roughly 200 views between here and webtoon. I try to promote it but it's not the biggest deal since I'm primarily writing this story to improve and create the stories I want to make. Maybe my story or art is just bad? It's hard to tell really

Ah yes a fellow musician!! Yeah music gear gets SUPER pricey, especially like DAW and mics ugh smh :(( I'd definitely love to check out your music, do you have a soundcloud or a youtube channel where you post music?

I mean at the end of the day, you're really doing this for yourself and sometimes thats just enough. Feel free to link your comic in this thread! I'm certainly not qualified to give critique, but I'd love to check it out :))

Yeah true. I don't mind not having a ton of views I just want more to get feedback on how to improve! Trying to get better at promoting and marketing myself too. Here is my tapas link but I also have a webtoon that has most my views.

I make 3D art and code for video games professionally, which doesn't include much 2D art, and very little drawing. I've never done writing professionally either, but I do all the writing for my comic as well as the art. I'd love to make a profession out of making my comic though, that sounds like a dream!

Hi engineering student here. I write purely as a hobby. I tend to get a lot of writing done on some weeks then my pace just comes to a halt for a few weeks. Luckily I have a sizeable buffer so I can keep uploading to the site. I also produce music (self taught). Just whenever I get time really, writing and music are great escape mechanisms.

Strongly agree. I'm currently facing similar issues with my band. We made music we straight up don't like just to "appeal to people". But I can understand people who have taken the plunge getting desperate. Creative industries can get super brutal.

Yeah, totally, I've already spent 650$ in the past year alone on new gear and I still gotta spend another 200 for digital amp plugins ayo lemme give a quick shoutout to Neural DSP and FL Studio :relieved: :revolving_hearts:

Here's some of my music, it's a lot of atmospheric soundscapes and instrumental metal stuff combined. I've been checking out Neural DSP's amps so I've been making demos out of those too, I'll be uploading another one in a few days time. But aside from that, I've been getting back into soundtrack oriented stuff for a few games with a dev team. Fun stuff all around, kinda jarring how different both ends of my music can be