9 / 46
Aug 2017

Oh man, this is off tapas now, but one of my favourites is Goodbye to Halos55 - it's created by a trans woman and is story about a magical trans girl living in a city where everyone's queer, and trying to understand who she is and why she has magic. It's light-hearted and soft but also full of very strong "I fight for my friends" type emotions, and I really can't recommend it enough!!

I'd Mention GodTown31 Touches on transgender stuff but you sub to it already lol
it's positive though and mentioned very casually. I like trans/bi/gay/non binary etc characters that their is more to them then just their sexuality so I made it so in my writing

No Future33 has a transgender character in it that is well written and respectfully but also realistically handled by a person who has direct experience with trans topics.

I second the mention of What-Sexual! Haven't followed it recently as much since I'm a busy dude but it's good. Probably not if escape from reality is what you're looking for, though.

If we're allowed to mention ourselves, then I am a trans guy myself and most of my comics contain LGBT characters. Bloodroot has a trans-woman half-bunny character, and one of her siblings is genderfluid. I Fell For You will contain a trans woman, Aliens get Detention will have a trans guy reveal later on, Ghost Play has a character that is intersex and the implications are already in place, and Crimson Tracks has a nonbinary character in an upcoming episode. In most of my comics i also work against and question gender norms and sexual taboos.

i dont follow this comic personally, but it seems that the main character comes out as a trans guy during the story, im guessing as a fairly prominent part, and its pretty good!

It's not a comic, but I would highly recommend Cinderella Boy35. The main character is more gender fluid than trans, but it's really good at getting into the emotions of the characters.

If you'll let me self-promote: I am a trans writer myself, and most of what I write contains LGBT themes. It's not up yet, but I'm going to start posting a story soon that I wrote a while ago with a trans character as one of the leads.

I don't really read autobio/gag, or trans focused stuff (at least I don't notice it if I do), but I have a couple comics? Remembering correctly, Heirs of the Veil has a trans characters. It's only past chapter 1, but I really enjoy it so far.

Also, this comic isn't on Tapas, but I believe Sister Claire14 has trans characters? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
If you're looking for comics featuring trans characters regardless of hosting site you could always check out the LGBT+ webcomics Tagpacker59, and search the trans filters. I'd talk about my comic having a NB main character, and a FTM side character, but you're already following my stuff. Lmao! Also gender discussion doesn't pop up much till way later in the comic.

Hey emkay!!! Great thread, I really need to add more comics from trans creators to my own list as well 8) Right now I'm really enjoying Rooster Tails.68 and Pretty Boy Comics66

You already follow me (thank you!) but I hope it's okay as a non-binary creator who does a few lgbtq-slice-of-life-comics to boost myself, too! My comics Coffee O'Clock18 for anyone interested >%O

(you already follow mine (thanks!!) but if you dont mind ill plug here for other readers !) spire isnt really about being trans but my main character Blaise is a trans man, i've also been told cog counts as a trans girl and im nonbinary myself

My comic Harmony Monsters17 has a gay trans guy main character! The current scene has to do with him and his struggle to be open with a guy he's interested in~
(cough-author is also a trans guy-cough)

Thank you all for the recommendations! I'll respond individually as I check out each one, but I wanted to express my gratitude first. :smile:

My novel The Boy Princess33 has a transgender character. :slight_smile: Also thanks for asking this question, you've had some great recs and I am totally stealing them all.

I am going to throw in the ever so gorgeous and well done Laid in Lavender by Hal Weightman.

It starts back up soon, check it out!

i am a trans creator :blush::v:️ i'm gender fluid between he and she and sometimes vaguely in the middle, so non binary. my comics aren't About being trans, or about being anything LGBT, but they are about regular people having adventures and getting into situations - but my casts are always entirely lgbt. in Rechargeable22 there is an agender character, a pre-transition trans boy, and a post-transition trans man (Tinman - it doesn't really have anything to do with the story so it's not in issue 1 or 2 yet but it's canon). in Questables4 the cast is mostly cis except for arin, who is genderfluid.

By all means, take all the recs. 8D I've actually never read a Tapas novel until I read yours, and it's really good. I love Alexi's attitude and personality, Theras is a sweetheart too. I can't pay to unlock the other chapters, but best of luck with your novel!

Aaaaa I just caught up with Pretty Boy and it's amazing!! Both very relatable and encouraging. Thanks for the rec -- and yeah boosting your own comic is absolutely okay. I love Coffee O'Clock and recommend it to anyone. 8D

Oh whoops I thought I replied to this when I liked it. I love that your characters are LGBTQ -- I think it's important to have a diverse cast of characters in any story, not just stories specifically about a certain group of people. That's why I'm working on my own LGBTQ+ comic, but it's not specifically about being queer.

And I'm really glad you added Questables because I LOVE that series. Your artwork is just very charming and I fell for the characters pretty quickly. xD

Ooh thanks! I'm gonna be checking out a lot on that Tagpacker, I didn't even know there was something like that. And you can total mention that for anyone else on here looking for recs. 8D I'd definitely recommend your comic to anyone.