Art in school was very limiting wasn't it. I did graphic design in Sixth Form hoping there would be more freedom but nah, it was all commercial and if you didn't want to design stuff for Apple you weren't going to get anywhere. Same with drawing and painting. My sister did Art in Glasgow and apparently the Uni end isn't any better. I don't think many of us have a choice BUT to be self-directed!
I’m self taught save for a few art classes throughout grade school. Growing up, I just studied my brother’s art and also the anatomy of different artstyles on YouTube. Always room for improvement, but the key is consistency. Writing is the same story. I’m a huge consumer of TV shows and I like to read comics. Those mediums encouraged me to watch a couple of videos on script writing.
I took some introductory creative writing classes, but ever since college, I had to focus more on academic writing. Creative writing after that had to be trial and error for me, so there were a lot of misses in the fanfics I wrote before. I had to rely mostly on learning from other media, be it fanfics, original books, video essays, and whatnot. The academic writing side did help out in widening my vocabulary, so there's that!
Mostly self taught. I went to an arts high school where we were sort of taught things that only barely ended up being tangentially beneficial to making comics but I did have a couple teachers notice that I was not able to do work at all unless they gave me something to do in a comic format which was incredibly sweet of them. I dropped out at at 16ish because of turbulent home life issues and never continued my education.
But I read a lot and talk to other people in the field after going to cons and in a few years I was able to pay rent and bills with my work which has been great for me because my schooling was so limited there’s probably not much I could’ve done. It definitely became a necessary part of my survival. I’m glad I didn’t go the route I thought I was going (art school in the US) because all of my friends that did go ended up being in so much debt that they were unable to fully pursue their artistic endeavors and I’m the only one of a pretty big group of friends that has no debt and is making a decent living on what they wanted to do in high school.
I learnt to write poetry on the spot for about 10 years? and graduated with a master's degree in the science of my native language - totes useless for writing prose if I'm honest, a bit helpful when judging others. Basically I taught myself how to write prose. In English I have to correct some things anyway.
When it comes to drawing/comics/illustration.... the last four years I have been training myself very intensively but completely on my own, I don't even buy thematic books. I just practise a lot, experiment with perspective, like to add a lot of detail - and this progress I feel you can see.
A mix.
I like to think that I've built on the bases I was taught and started on my own whichever skills I wasn't taught.
I've always doodledd stuff and created sotires and characters, but school definitely allowed me to ground my thoughts and develop a path through which I could convey them in a good and attractive way.
I learned a lot of stuff on YouTube. It was an annoying process since I had to figure out which people were saying the right stuff and which people were peddling garbage (there's a lot of angry people and a lot of pseudo intellectuals on the web).
For comics, I originally had a book that taught me how to write scripts until I signed up for a DC Milestone contest so I could get a job... but I never did. I did borrow their format though so I can be prepared just in case I do.
I think the only help was with this one dude who kept pushing me to fail and this Australian artist who reads my comics to this day.
Music also taught me. Breaking the lyrics and beats down. I think of stories as songs in a way.
I also like to break down the stuff I read/watch and figure out what works. I remember a book editor friend being shocked that I figured all of this and I didn't go to writing school... or paid attention in writing class.
There are downsides to how I do stuff though. For example; I don't know writing terminology. I remember one time when I was trying to give advice to a person on Discord with this other writer (that I can't remember), the other writer was dropping terms left and right. I tried doing the same, but I ended up sounding like a newbie lol.
It also took me... until I was like 19 or 20 where I use punctuations correctly? And even then I still suck at it a little. I had to study on sites.
I don't have degrees or anything (unfortunately... that would've been a little neater) but I took a boatload of creative writing electives with my BSc in Biology. I was 3 credits away from a minor in creative writing but couldn't stand being in school anymore so I didn't finish it before I graduated.
For art I'm pretty much entirely self-taught. I took 2 art electives in college and they were... eh. In the Art Studio one they taught us nothing, just put us in a studio and told us to paint some pottery. Uh okay, that I can do on my own, without paying $400. My Digital and Modern art course was really neat because it was quite philosophical. I learned a bunch of stuff about Photoshop and video editing too (to make our own ~modern art masterpieces~) which has come in handy for my day job, but it hasn't been super useful to art and comics.
No classes, although I guess in middle school I played tuba in band (and I'd say art skills carry over across mediums) amd around the same time I had some sort of graphics design class. I only remember drawing, like, boxes of buildings to get a grip on perspective, but that's pretty much everything in terms of formal art education.
Part of what I do is just kind of working my own path out, building my own unique art style, and just not really tying myself down to standards. I don't care about making my illustrations looks objectively good if I'm competing with AIs these days, so I just won't. I'd rather have fun.
Self-taught, unfortunately. That, and what pointers I get from communities like here (which contributed the most as a lot done myself wasn't amounting to much beyond wandering around lol)
Undergrad was in Biology/Masters in Secondary Curriculum and Instruction, so absolutely zero story writing or drawing development
I have a degree in making 3D animated movies but to be completely honest I only know how animate using maya(not that good tho lol)(ik how to 3D model but just easy things and know how to texture) I was supposed to learn rendering rigging sound design sfx montage but I skipped all these classes because I was working and studying at the same time.
My first year was in graphic design so I learned how to use adobe Photoshop and illustrator and some basics then I had two years of 3D animated movies.
For my art I would say 100% self-taught. I started drawing from a young age and my mom supported me (she doesn't support me anymore lol)
I should add to this and say that I'm not so pig-headed that I won't go ask for advice on something. Sometimes/ many times you simply need someone else's brain to approach things that the books didn't mention from an angle you would never have considered.
I think normies are especially important to ask their thoughts on art because if you ask 10 comics people you'll get the same 10 quotes from Understanding Comics. We're just too far out in the weeds most of the time. Great for pinpointing something only artists will notice but the boring big picture stuff is absent.
I am completely self-taught. I wanted to take art classes as a kid, but my parents made me take violin lessons instead, since art is not a profitable venture. I had no money for college, so I went to a military service academy, where art classes are obviously not a thing. After that, I was in the military, working 10-14 hour days while working on my MBA.
Long story short, I know that I could use some work on my basics, but given my current job with the infamous "rattler" rotating work schedule, art classes are still not a probability. That said, I am making some pretty decent progress on my own by being a stubborn snot.
If things are discouraging because you do not have the time/resources to study, just keep working on improving when you can. Art is one of those things that you do not need to go to school to do. It helps, but you do not NEED it.
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