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Sep 2020

I never had this issue. I don’t know about you but I lower the opacity of the sketch layer so if I do use the wrong layer, I notice it immediately and switch back to the layer I was going to draw on.

There are a lot of memes we cannot relate to. Share the one you can’t and (if you want) explain why.

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This is apparently a "relateable art meme" .... Geez, learn when to just leave a piece as a sketch for learning and when to decide a piece is worth developing further. Also, try making a comic. Nothing like having to finish a page to keep your update schedule to force you to throw perfectionism in the bin! :rofl:

@darthmongoose is it bad that I relate to this? I’m sorry buddy but it’s hard to keep consistently drawing something when it just doesn’t look right or if you hate it.


Laughs in not a perfectionist and no update schedule

You don't have to finish every piece you start to display finish. If you start a piece and it actually doesn't look like it'll come out well, it's fine to leave it and consider it a study and even to bin it. A huge amount of the sketches I do in a week, I don't even save.
Of course it's important to finish some pieces to build the habit of getting it done but it's best to allow yourself to have just sketches that you throw away and the chance to sometimes drop an approach that isn't working and try something else so you can iterate, "fail faster" and so improve faster.

Yeah nope, can't relate to that one at all! I hurts my teeth to leave pieces unfinished. I either finish it to display quality or I scrap it, and I certainly never go back to a piece that I worked on weeks or months ago.

While I don't really draw anything that inappropriate, I think there is this artist midset where they don't want people to look at their sketchbooks. However I always let people look if they wanted to.

I also really dislike them vs me memes because I never find them relatable. Most of the time I relate to "the other".

All the "I put my tablet pen down and now it's GONE" memes, I keep an orderly space and my pen has a little well it rests in, I never lose it lol

Oh I totally understand you. There's about 20 notebooks in a plastic crate right now that have hundreds, of started and unfinished pieces. sometimes stuff doesn't work. Gotta keep going anyways.
And there's probably a couple thousand sketch layers deleted in my comics, because I needed to switch to something simple just to finish the page.

I'd say probably 80% of my pieces are all practice sketches. Also got a box at work filled with reams of copy paper that I've doodled on.

But yeah. If it doesn't work, and you're slammed for time. Drop it.

I was going to say maybe something about not using sketchbooks (I'm constantly filling up sketchbooks), but then I found this one:

So many artists talk about how they absolutely loathe their own work, and like... that's not me at all? I love looking back on my own art/comics/etc. because I create things that I genuinely love. Sure I'll cringe at it, but I guess it doesn't bother me as much as other people. I'd even say it's a bit disturbing how normalized self-hatred is among artists.

Well I... do relate to most of the memes posted here? :joy: I'm basic like that... I keep hating on my art, noticing my drawing looks terrible when flipped, getting artblocked, working on 100 wips at once, confusing layers constantly etc.

The memes I cannot relate to are the "WHEREEEE IS MY TABLET PEN" ones, also a comic I saw on twitter recently (won't link/upload bc I can't find it now), where a person treats their tablet with utmost care when it's new, but after a while doesn't give a crap anymore and basically treats it like part of the desk...

I can't relate to the former because I'm extremely careful to never put my tablet pen anywhere else than the loop thing attached to the tablet when I'm not using it for more than a few seconds - I'm actually quite paranoid about it, but well, I know I will not be able to get a replacement if I misplace or break the pen? (Also I have cats constantly running around and jumping all over my desk. All the more reason to be extremely cautious.)
The latter one, I can't relate for the same reason. People eat and drink and put all kinds of stuff on their tablets and then wonder why the tablet won't last more than a year. :expressionless: (not to say it is their fault - more often than not tech just fails for no reason - but well, sometimes it is) I cover up my tablet when I'm not using it and even put it in the drawer when not using it for a longer time. It's a bit annoying to have to keep taking it out and setting up everytime but I can deal with it.

I can't relate to the tablet memes because I don't have one, haha. I draw with a mouse because I'm weird. :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess similarly, I don't really relate to the "hoarding art supplies" memes? Most of my art is drawn either digitally or with a mechanical pencil.

I actually really loathe this one, tbh.
Dunno but it sounds like ‘YoU aRe No ReAl ArTisT uNLeSs...’ Which is another thing in artist’s meme I dislike.

I also cannot relate to the artblock or ‘pain and suffering to find motivation to draw/find ideas’-memes.
I mean, I have my down days too. But...I don’t really feel like I’m actually suffering or are in pain to overcome my art- or writer’s block. It’s just mildly annoying (assuming I cannot take the day off and really have to work through it xD)

I can’t relate to the hoarding ones anymore either. But I did once.
When I started to have some money to actually afford art supplies, I really hoarded them like crazy.
Nowadays I feel like I’m better off with a rather limited supply (let alone That most of my art is done digitally nowadays, too)
I wonder if most artists go through the hoarding phase until they find their preferred tools and mediums :slight_smile:

I only recently began doing digital art, so I’ve been ahem “collecting” art supplies for mumbles incoherently some years :sweat_smile: and pretty much, I’ve found that I like to dabble and rotate through all sorts of different art and creative mediums and not just stick with one particular one. Granted, there’s a few I’m technically “more proficient” at, but I think some people just like to dabble :see_no_evil:

I can't relate to all the "girl crying over art"memes or basically any meme that's "art = pain and suffering". Idk, my style is messy so I don't really care about perfection and I don't really suffer much

I can't relate to the shipping memes where you just gotta draw some horndog art at some point. I just...I just don't ship in general. Don't get it. Don't get the entire culture around it. Not looking down on anyone who does, but I uh...don't get why some artists only draw one ship their entire lives that is like two rando's on a show that came out 10+ years ago who barely had contact with eachother. Glad they can get it out of their system--but we ain't all built this way to want to spend our time drawing ships.

As a color corrector, I also hate that meme.

Remembering random names is not how you get better at color theory. I don't call it it "Honeydew", I see it as "yellow with some blue and no reds".