7 / 20
Sep 2022

Not sure if anyone else has this problem? I'm trying to practice drawing guys too, but I find it so boring. I really like drawing different hairstyles, facial features, builds, etc. but every guy I draw looks exactly the same. I always want to draw them quickly and get it over with.

It's hard to improve when i only do the same couple things over again :sweat_01:

You can even see the difference in the detail I put in female characters vs male:

I spent maybe half an hour on her hair and 10 minutes on his

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    Sep '22
  • last reply

    Oct '22
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I draw mostly draw men. I draw so many males that I've been brainstroming lots female characters just so I have a reason to draw them.

Also, based on that picture, I think you draw them well enough.

What I do to make people look different enough, I add unique feature like the "beast guy" in my comic has facial hair with six points or my MC having two tuffs on the top of his head.

Well, I personally think that drawing a male is easier than drawing a female character. The male body is boxy, rough, and less curve, while female body is not only curve but also delicate and tender. So to me, drawing female characters is the next level. And so many popular artists prefer to draw female characters than male ones.

I kinda don’t know what you’re struggling with by this post alone.

A quick glance at your Webtoon and the only other type of person beside anime school boy/girl was a old man.

“I spent maybe half an hour on her hair and 10 minutes on his” because shorter hair is simpler?

If I had to take your word, I’d be really tempted to make to list of dudes that don’t really look like each other, but that feels like asking for free art. (Maybe dudes with longer for a start.)

Ok, first of all, your art style is beautiful! :yellow_heart: I love the way you draw eyes and hair.

For me, I'm more obsessed when it comes to drawing men/boys. The number of hairstyles and clothing options available to men tends to be smaller than they have for women.
But again, you don't have to draw men with strong-looking faces, muscly bodies, and basically stereotypical.
I like stereotypical men's body types (cuz obviously they are in the beauty standard), but I tried to create a male character with a slimmer figure and feminine features. He doesn't look like a woman at all, and I happen to like the design too!
So you might want to explore drawing male characters. Who knows, you might even enjoy it ~

Your art style is lovely!
Maybe try experimenting with drawing different types of men? (Punks, goths, Victorian gentlemen, samurai, Zulu warriors, etc)
If you want to try some more interesting male hairstyles, try a dread/braided hairstyle on a black character. There are loads of different types, and they're fun to draw too

Your art is really good!

I can relate to that, it´s boring to draw guys. Female bodies/curves are way more interesting and
for me female bodies are also easier to exaggerate and draw in an interesting way.
I started to find guys more interesting to draw since I got into portrait drawing and since I started
the doodlewarriors course because you only draw male portraits in that course in the beginning
and male portraits are actually easier to draw than female portraits because you see the features

I like drawing girls because I'm attracted to them. Lol

Y'know, you can be a successful artist, have a career and a huge following, just by drawing ladies all day.

But yeah, as I've learned throught drawing comics, men are less interesting to draw unless they have, like, emphasized muscles. I'm starting to see why the superhero genre grew so much in popularity. S-curves and breasts are more fun though, let's be real.

I had the same problem with finding guys too boring to draw, so I forced myself to draw a variety of guys by drawing comics with a predominantly male cast.

Now I have the opposite problem where I'm finding it hard to draw unique-looking girls because I've gotten so used to drawing guys, lol.

I'm going to be honest, I used to draw just men, but using real face references from a variety of diverse faces made drawing women just as fun and interesting to design. So.. I suppose some people just have a preference (I see a lot of social media accs that just draw men/ones that just draw women), but being that I'm making a story I have to practice both. Your problem of interesting looking women and boring men isn't rare, but you can fix that by looking at a variety of character designs and real people. Hopefully this helps :smiley:

Oh, also, if you just.. really like drawing women because you just like it, I don't think anyone can or should stop you. Art it meant for enjoyment, after all. However, if you're making a comic with multiple male characters, then if they're designed boring people might not be able to tell the difference. You could just.. change hair and eye colors for now, lol

I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I also like drawing girls a lot since my main character is female so, I enjoy drawing her a lot with different poses, facial expressions etc...

To me, personally, I do enjoy drawing women moreso than men. They are more fun to draw and like kyupol mentioned, I'm, as well, attracted to them. :slight_smile:

If you prefer drawing girls, there is nothing wrong that. Heck you could have a story which is more focused on the female characters and has a larger ratio of female to male characters.

I personally prefer drawing guys. I sometimes even worry that my woman just look like men with boobs. I just prefer drawing boxy characters. I tend to find drawing little girls to easier than women mostly because children tend to just look similar and it’s their hair/clothes is what helps define their gender.

I have the same problem XD I find it easier to express myself artistically drawing girls. I think it would be good to diversify a bit (for myself).

Well, there is nothing wrong with enjoying drawing girls and finding guys boring, there are also a lot of artists who only draw female characters and do pretty well in their careers. But if you want to be able to draw male characters then... the best way to do it is to find male characters that you like, and draw them even if you won't like the end result, practice is good practice.

Sometimes doing genderbend challenges help, your female characters as males, or well, taking requests or taking commissions, since those tend to actually put you out of your comfort zone by obligating you to draw instead of just not doing it because you don't want to (Despite later you feel like you should draw more if you want to improve)

Is not like your art is bad, but if you're struggling with the "My guys look all the same and sometimes even femenine like my female characters" even if no one has told you that and you yourself feel that way then... I could also recommend to ask your followers to mark down what are the most typical aspects of your style, and challenge yourself to do the opposite (It was a popular challenge on instagram I believe)

I'm the opposite, I enjoy drawing guys much more :joy:

And to be fair, in a lot of animes the guys are underdesigned compared to their girl counterparts. Take for example, the SpyxFamily main characters — in my opinion the blonde dad has the most generic and boring design of the three.

That's part of the reason why I love Nomura Tetsuya's designs — he makes flashy, fashionable male JRPG characters that aren't boring to look at when standing next to the female cast.

Sounds like you're in need of some inspiration~

Unfortunately, it's not easy to find: I really can't blame anyone for becoming bored when drawing guys because they are a chronically under-designed demographic. ^^; Like, even in fantasy worlds where you could have them wearing ANYTHING, their outfits often remain boring and utilitarian to stay as 'masculine' as possible. Because we all know color and style are only for girls...

Like, can I get on my soapbox for a minute about Xenoblade?? On the left is Shulk's original design, and on the right is his newest and most recent design for that Future Connected extra story:

And whenever I look at this sad progression all I can think is MURDER MURDER MURDER KILL KILL KILL

And now our newest Xenoblade protag looks like this:


...Anyway * climbs off soapbox *
@RedLenai made a good suggestion about doing genderbends to try and get in the groove: take the care and love and actual creativity that goes into girl designs and try using them on boys. Y'know, if you're having trouble finding any interesting looking boy designs to use as inspiration (they ARE out there, though. Have faith and keep your eyes peeled).

Another thing you have to get used to doing is going against the norms yourself. ^^ Like, every artist learns conventions when it comes to drawing girls vs. boys; it's a normal part of development. But at some point, if you want to do new and creative things, you have to let go of them.
If you're sick of drawing guys in pants and shorts, start drawing them in skirts and gowns and leggings.
If you're sick of drawing them in penny loafers, start drawing them in heels and boots and fun sneakers.
If you're sick of drawing them with short spiky hair, draw them with longer hair, curls, waves, braids, accessories.

Yeah, it's not "normal", but it'll never be normal if everyone is afraid to try. Someone has to start...and if drawing normal boys is boring to you, you might as well have some fun and draw abnormal ones.

For example, here's some recent unorthodox guys I designed. And to be honest, this is pretty tame (it's a typical 'urban shonen' setting); when I draw fantasy guys I get a lot wilder~

26 days later

The more I think the back on this thread, the more I realized two things.

A). I tend to judge on artist on how much I like their men

And B). I don’t know how else to put this,
judging a artist on how good their men look is actually a terrific metric.

I don’t know how to describe it. Like I look this artist’s take on Jessie and Walter from Breaking Bad and think “Yeah, that’s what you gotta look out for! That’s what makes them so fun to look at!”


And then I see a more anime artist do a creepypasta character and I think “Do you just draw everyone with the same type of smooth face with a triangular jawline? Are we just not seeing eye to eye on the same character design or was this an accident? Kohta Hirano has a range, y’know.”

1 month later

closed Oct 28, '22

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