303 / 488
Jul 2016

Granted. You gain access to a timeless reality, but after finishing your story you can't leave.

I wish that the books I want that are scheduled to be published later this summer would get released now

You get those books ahead of schedule. But now the stories are incomplete, and filled with typos

I wish that imagination became reality

Granted, basically the anime From the New World happens.

People's anger and violent desires plunge the world into chaos on an apocalyptic scale.

I wish the Winds of Winter was done. I mean, come on already.

I don't know what that is, so the literal winds of winter come and herald a new Ice Age.

I wish that I was the coolest.

You freeze to death in the new ice age.

I wish to be the very best, like no one ever was.

You are the best but now you have nothing else to do and all you do is catch pidgeys in pokemon go seeing as that is the only thing available to you now.

I wish the pokemon go servers were up

Granted the servers are up, but you get banned

I wish for an endless soda, that taste good, and is healthy

You get the soda but you become addicted to it and then all you do is drink soda you don't do anything else just soda.

I wish for more plushies

10 days later

Granted, but they lack stuffing and are flat and lifeless.

I wish for more forum games like this on this site.

Granted. Mice have learned how to do human things and are taking over the work force.

I wish that all those Pokemon didn't have to die in my Nuzlocke cry

Granted, rather than dying, they all became level 1 Gastlys that love to use Lick on you. Enjoy the paralysis.

(I feel your pain losing a Nuzlocke run though. D:)

I wish there weren't any bugs in my house.

Granted, all the bugs are now in your car.

I wish I could find Pokemon other than the super common ones in Pokemon Go

Granted. You can only find Far'fetched now.

I wish my computer screen wasn't cracked.

Granted, but now your mouse/mousepad isn't working.

I wish I was good at math.

GRanted now you are unemployed because you failed every subject but math

I wish I could complete the pokedex

Granted, but your completion is short lived as Nintendo releases another region full of 500 "new" pokemon. Sadly this time, they're all just recolors of Trubbish, and that darn mauve one is only avaliable in Antarctica. Good luck.

I wish humans could fly.

You can only fly in reserved air spaces and get shot down whenever you lift off

I wish I had some pie

Granted, but the pie is barely the size of an ant.

I wish dogs could talk.

Granted, but they only can only speak while yodeling at full volume. Deafness reaches an all time high.

I wish I had telekinesis.