1 / 28
Sep 2021

I've never used discord before...is anyone else as overwhelmed as me? I love the forums, but just don't know where to start when I sign into the discord server....Not particularly looking for advice...but just looking to find kindred spirits....?

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    Sep '21
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    Sep '21
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I just started using discord, and it’s like rocket science made of witchcraft

Oh yeah. I joined the Discord sever the day after it was launched and it already had 700+ people on it... I introduced myself, dropped my comic in the promo section...

and noped out. It's just... there are too many people. Talking over each other. I can't keep up with it, or figure out where to start. I've never had a good conversation in a group that big.

I'm new to Discord, too, and after being on Twitter and Insta (and Tumblr) for so long - that being pretty much it social media wise - I'm surprised how retro it is, honestly. It's just a glorified message-board, right? Or am I missing something?

I expected them to be more involved than they seem to be, tbh. A lot of people, though.

All... right there... 9_9

its a bit overwhelming at first, specially at servers with lot of ppl
(i got used kinda fast because it reminds me of my IRC times :sweat_02:)

There was a not-really-joke some months ago, around when I popped into the forums for the first time, where several people were interested in a '30+ year-old creator finally following their dreams' Discord. Kinda wish that had happened. (I'd have been tempted to start it myself, but I have no idea how/no experience moderating anything.)

I think it'd be nice to have a handful of smaller, maybe more themed Discords. Like genre-specific, or folks in a particular age group, or more experienced artists, or a critique group, etc. Something smaller, narrower focus, less daunting.

What is a Discord? Can I get more people to read my tales by joining it?

It’s an app/website that you can use for messaging people, and there’s servers which are basically a bunch of people in one big message

It's a less-good message board where it's one big thread instead of lots of little ones. But with more people on it!

And voice-chat, if that's your thing... :blank:

(again, unless I'm missing something?)

eh I just stay off of voice chat, but overall the other boards are mostly something I use to keep a track of how to tag and what tapastry events are going on (they don't really tell you about all of them here, some are discord only art events, like the discord banner event right now). the fun thing about discord is that you can just lurk without needing to participate and still get the info you need off of it. But, I usually pop in to say a few things and then pop out.

Discord is great if you need a chat space for your group of friends but big servers like the tapastry ones? That's just unusable to me. Joined the same day it launched, introduced myself, tried promoting my comic but couldn't because bot didn't like it's title and... got overwhelmed with the speed of people writting there and started muting channels cause the constant notifications were too distracting. And next day, when I realisied that I've pretty much muted whole server and left, cause at this point, what's the point?

The initial flurry of activity on the Tapas Discord will taper off over the next few months - that's what happened to the Webtoon one, and while it's still very active, it's a lot calmer than it was.

I wasn't huge on Discord initially either, but I've definitely come to love it! Some channels are quiet, cosy little places, while others are like a big meeting hall full of people talking. There's a lot of variety to be had!

Unfortunately, the Tapas Discord doesn't have threads enabled - I find that a really useful feature when there are like, five conversations going on in the general channel, and you want a more focused conversation with the people you're talking to.

I'm not really new to Discord, but I also still shy away from servers with more than 50 people at max.
It's like you're stepping into a room with 700+ people and everyone is talking at once. There are like 100 different channels of which maybe 5 are interesting for you... Nah I tend to stick to smaller servers with specific topics/user groups. There's a small user overlap most of the time but still, enough new opinions to not get bubbled in.

I’m scared of clicking the wrong thing.

I have clicked on the wrong gif a couple of times too. :grimacing: Bit awkward.

I've been using Discord for some time now, but I'm not really in many servers because, true, it is pretty overwhelming for a lot of reasons and I admit being a little bit more shy, but also quite busy. I only get on my PC during weekends because I'm usually working the whole week and recently decided on a make-over to go out more.

I pretty much agree on this one, I usually mute the bigger servers due to that. Although, I like to get news from announcement channels every so often, to see what's up ^^"

When it comes to being active, I've only chatted with people on 3 servers and on the very first I've ever joined, I'm pretty much a regular because I've known the other 7-10 active users a little longer and we play on our Minecraft server a lot, but that's all to it. In the end, you decide for yourself what you're more comfortable with.

It has settled down quite a bit but it can give overwhelming fast! So (as SoenKai said) I tend to stick to specific channels and that's very helpful ^^

I signed up to discord but I couldn't figure out how it works. There were lots of people talking and I didn't know what to do so I just left. Think I'm too old for it (I'm 32...)

I started using it about a year ago and tbh, I'm more into joining small chill servers than the big ones. Way to overwhelming to me. :sweat_smile:

I think it depends what kind of Discord server you are in. Some are OK and well organized. And some are overwhelming and there are too many channels and users and it's too much and I get too scared to post anything.

Hey thank you everyone for the comments and support! That made me feel (somewhat) better. Does anyone know if there is a tutorial group on how to use the damn thing? (made me feel so old...)

I was hoping to use discord to promote my story, but I think I may just step back until it gets quieter. I get notifications about announcements, but I'm pretty bad with figuring out all the other functions.

May start a 30+ creator server though....that sounds like it might be small enough? I saw a button that looks like it makes a new server...I really like the threads here though.

Anyway, I really felt like someone dropped me in the middle of the ocean when I signed into the discord so who knows...maybe I won't go back.

LOL >_<