64 / 76
Aug 2020

My current novel, The Melodies of Secrets meaning is simple. The characters are musicians who end up finding some clearly messed up stuff due the group that they are communicating with. They discover horrible and surprising secrets along their personal story arcs.

Nice meaning of your title.

My comic is called Mukhtar, which is the MC's name and it also translates to "Chosen" in Arabic, however just because this is the name I given him doesn't mean he is part of some prophecy of a typical chosen wonder. He has no destiny nor a prophecy but he was picked by a mystic being which is fortunate, because the MC will forge his own goal of uniting different kingdoms into one nation, building his own destiny. Of course there are many danger and he can't do it alone and would need a lot of support to make his dream of unification come true.

My comic “Frog> Prince” I think is pretty self explanatory.... I saw a bunch of fables where the frog gets kissed and turns into a human prince and went “but frogs are totally better than hot boys” and that’s the comic pretty much LOL I am a simple creature

My comic “A Hollow” has a lot of meaning In its title but explaining them it is technically spoilers :cry_02:

A what a cute little thread!

Our comic, Wayfinders: Off Course
is called that becuase, Wayfinders is the name on the most important prop in the comic. A grand compas called the Wayfinder

Also, our cast is finding their way in an ocean that is non-navigatable so they litterally are, Way-finders. but also they are super off course from their main goal!
and it is fun becuase off course, is both, off track but also, of course! it is Wayfinders of course it is! we really liked that fun little name :wink:

Here is the compass in question!


I chose a latin title too !

Psychomantium is the mirror of the dead. It's a parapsychic experiment or ritual with a mirror and a candle in a dark setting, that is said to allow you to see beyond the veil of reality and see the soul of the dead in the mirror / or know of your death. On the more psychologic side, it would allow you to make contact with your subconscient part and see your inner-self.

At first, the title doesn't really seem to fit with the story, but if you know the meaning, it gives you clues to read some events in a particular way.

It took me a while to decided on a title for my comic. It had gone under a couple of titles before I settled on the final one, because when I was in the planing phase focuses changes. To initially settle on the title, I had conversed with a few close friends for ideas as we tossed words around that I would build off of. Someone said Eidolon, and I had never heard that word before, so I looked it up. The reason why I settled on "Eidolon" was because of the word's definition.


  1. an idealized person or thing.
  2. a specter or phantom.

I chose this because of both definitions relate to the plot and character development. I wanted to emphasis the idea that not everything is what it seems, and how one's past can haunt them (similar to that of a ghost) The sub text was added to the title for a few reasons. 1) Eidolon by itself was taken on tapas already, and I wanted it to stand out. So, I chose to add a sub title. Guild of thorns, more directly ref. the plot as the group of characters begin to build a community. I chose thorns because the community I want my characters to build is one for those who feel outcast-ed, hopeless, and hurting. Its is to make a safe space for these characters (in which I hope to connect to my readers) and work towards solutions to build one's self back up. As the thorns themselves rep. someone's wounds. Physical and mentally.

"Jack Beloved" is a play on words based on this rhyme

The title has the same cadence. But it also doesn't refer to a proper noun, rather a devil-like species called jacks. So its kinda playful, but suggesting a romance.

Well for My comic TLC, the letters TLC is actually a well known acronym: Tender Love and Care

I chose it because the story is all about relationships friends, family, romantic ,and otherwise, and how important they are

If that interests you why not check out the comic!

Psetha means the god/goddess of souls and is both a name and a title that the story revolves around, which is why I chose it for the title of the story. :smile:

There will indeed be a ring spell in my comic Ring Spell XD I wanted a two syllable title that was a large plot point and it managed to work out that way :smile_01::sparkles:

Funny, in my country this expression takes another form: my friends, my loves and my shit.

Hey! My comics have not always a meaning and or a connexion with the story ! My first comic imaginated Vanilla society is about a crazy murderous TV reality show so we are far far far far away from that !
My second " comic on the top" is about a ambitious and cocky girl that is moving into a very ugly flat in a shady neighborhood so it has a meaning !

**The thing is how do you guys find your comic chapters title/names? I've been struggling with this I don't know do you call them chapter 1-2-3 or do you go more indept to describe more what will be going on in the story? (I might creat a different conversation for this question ) **

Well, the primary title, "Mallory Bash," is just the name of the main character because it was originally conceived of as an animated series. But the subtitle for the current season, "The Dreaming Tree Saga," is a reference to the macguffin of the story--an actual sentient tree with the mind of a child--and a reference to the inspiration for the story, which is the song The Dreaming Tree from Dave Matthews Band's album, Before These Crowded Streets.

It also happens to be the name of Matthews' wine brand, which has some significance in an episode where Dustin finds some strange fruit growing in the basement at his father's estate.

There are a lot of Easter eggs in the comic, including the character of Cyrus, who...well, is pretty much just Dave Matthews:

My story is called "Justice in the Wasteland" because, quite simply, its events take place in a time where laws don't exist anymore.

Haha yeah. My comic is titled SLASH

SLASH (SOUL LINKED AEGIS SUPPORTING HEGEMONY) is a mysterious power that prevents a person from being harmed or killed, a combat enhancement, and not all may have it. Hehe it's wacked but it'll make sense when you read the story I guess lol XD

My novel's title is literally just the name of the main character.

The Kitty Cat's Mates because, well... It's a polyamory story about the mates of a werecat.

Narwhal's Song's title is explained on the second chapter, on my comic's world there's a legend that the narwhals sing to warn humans when there's something bad about to happen, it may be some kind of foreshadowing? :thinking: :eyes:


Stellae means "stars" in latin, they're in space and use some star thingy stuff for fuel, so yeah lol


2 am has that title bc... I wanted to make something kinda scary so I thought "oh yes scary things happen around that time" xD also there's a Yume Nikki remix song called 9 am, not really related to my comic but I always liked the song and the title!


10 months later

My comic title has a meaning. The Hawk's Song - where a hawk is in a crest of The Wielecki family, which is my main character's family. And song is referenced with old literary work which was called songs as the story is set in the beggining of XVII century. So it's a song of a hawk which means that the hawk is Lech (MC), so it's a story of Lech.

Link to comic:

For my actual comic (and maybe next one) Im using a description of what the mc's are instead what the story is about

Die Instrumente Gottes (Ger) =God's Instruments