26 / 33
Jul 2017

I do portraits and illustrations, that said I haven't done any for a couple months now since most of my time doing art is spent making my comic.

(Neil Breen is a visionary.)

(A lot of my portraits are from /r/redditgetsdrawn, this one won me an award there.)

(I'm a huge geek and play a bunch of card games. Last year I was making my own alternate-art versions of some of the cards I used. This is one of those.)

(Also I do a lot of studies in pen&ink or watercolor. This is from a photo I took while driving to Portland)

im trying to get into propmaking for theatre. heres some i made for college productions:

(ft. actors. i made the tails outta binbags bc we had zero resources or budget or time and im pretty damn pleased)

(ft. me)

You people are so talented!
I do traditional art with Copics and take photos with my phone camera (I love taking quick photos and proper cameras are too much if a hassle - also too bignto carry around all the time). I'm on the phone so unfortunately I can't share any of those right now. :confused: And if we're taking into account other art media besides visual arts - sometimes I write crappy poetry.

Well, I'm a sucker for trying new things out! =)

When I'm not drawing on Remember:

I crochet....

I sew...

I make purses and wallets out of Duct Tape (Duck Tape XD)


And I carve stamps =)

Next on my to-do-List: decorate wooden boxes with super sculpey and learn how to animate stuff <3

Sometimes I paint. Not often but sometimes, in fact this is the only thing I really did recently. There are times where I wish I would paint more but at anywhere from 5 hours a piece or more it can be really taxing.

Not if they like seahorses XD (made with this pretty octopus cloth <3)

I do a couple of different things
right now I'm deving a visual novel (masqueraiding as an extra credit project in uni) so I can use the ready assests to make some silly holiday extras for my comic etc.

^One main's character file prev

A screenshot with old UI & old character files for rest main characters(currently being updated)

I sometimes paint digitally

Make frame by frame animation practices

or do silly 3D crap

Hello all. I've always been curious if there were other artists on here that practiced other mediums. (I really enjoy a lot of the work uploaded on here)
Besides comics I love Oil paint and watercolor.
I mostly do figurative...

I love them! Do you sell them anywhere? You should.

Anyway, I do a bit of pixel art on the side. I keep meaning to make a game but I can't get my head around coding... guess I could give RPG Maker a shot but it might trash my art!

My comic is: (gotta get that plug in!)

1 month later

Amongst some of the other things I have done, I have Illustrated on a number of books:

I also made a little short:

Oh man!
I'm suffering some major paint-brush envy here.
Y'all are SO GOOD!

I've done some simple frane-by-frame animations recently (did flash ones back in the day and ONE DAY want to get back into that)

And otherwise I do horror art and sometimes do illustrations for horror publications. These are for a local art show:

Digital painting based on a scene from my fave horror movie The Thing (1982)

Digital painting + mixed media "Cthulhu fhtagn"