1 / 39
Oct 2023

I feel like it does. Why subscribe in the first place? My heart isn’t broken at all :sob::sob::sob::broken_heart:

When you just start out and you don’t have that many subscribers, it’s so noticeable lol. I’ll go cry in my corner now. Me and my sensitive *ss. Even though in person it seems like I have no emotions. It’s all a lie ~

(Don’t worry I wont cry for real. I just might be a little defeated. Only a little. A smidge).

  • created

    Oct '23
  • last reply

    Oct '23
  • 38


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  • 1


  • 90


Sometimes people sub hoping you'll sub back. When you don't--or sometimes, even if you do--they unsub, so it's not about your work being bad, it's just a weird marketing strategy people have. I've noticed it happens more often to people who're just starting out, or that have a new story/comic with only a few subs.

Either way, don't worry too much about it. You'll get the right audience in time.

I figured. I just couldn’t do that to people. I know how hard it is to create a story and how much effort and passion it takes. So, it I sub, I will always read your work 🥺

It definitely stings a little when I see that someone unsubbed, I start wondering if I did something wrong, haha. But in the end, it doesn't mean that your story is bad, just that it wasn't appealing to that specific person (or they were hoping for a sub-for-sub, like @vapidink said). Just gotta keep trying and hope you find your audience in due time!

I sort of get the feeling that some people sub, never get around to reading your series, then one day will just unsub when they are cleaning up their Favs folder. I don't really take it too personally.

No. I assume all subs don't read. The only time I feel validation is when someone comments. Losing an active reader like that would hurt. Anyone else? As far as I could tell it was likely just another empty sub. Shrug shoulders, move on.

But maybe that's just me :frowning:

It used to a bit, but then you get to a point where you forget how many you had, and it's just kind of "meh". Also it's nothing personal, sometimes a story just doesn't turn out like how they thought it would, or they don't like how a scene is handled so they tap out. Their taste can also change if the story is running for a while, and it just isn't their thing anymore.

It's the same as when friends aren't interested I think. To each his own and sometimes whatever you're into doesn't have that kind of universal appeal- almost nothing does. Doubly so if your friends are all artists too, since we are generally in competition with eachother they will have even stronger negative feelings than strangers could sometimes. I think this is why I dont really lose sleep over people choosing to unsub. Hell, even when friends are disinterested, it may bother me some, but people will like what they like. What people have to say about it matters much more than someone just clicking off.

Hadn't happened yet, but I might not notice or care. I'll admit I felt like on was on Tapas Island for 6 months until I found the forums. (my first was a sub4sub, so naive back then)

But seriously, don't let it bring you down, lots of people have ADHD these days, and suffer from reader's burnout, and may feel the need to clean out their subbed libraries. Me? I'm still subbed to Executioner's Academy(2 year hiatus, i think?) and my loyal Scorpio butt won't drop them for nothin'.

(Actually, if I hit the 25 milestone, and then someone unsubs to be a d*ck with me, ooh. I'd be so mad! >:C)

It might hurt a lil bit, but the only time it happened to me was when I was at 71 subscribers, and 2 people unsubbed. This put me back at 69. Nice. I couldn't dare be mad.

Not hurt or mad per se. Just a little bit more on the lines of “yeah. Whatever.”

I get burnt out of reading the same type of story over and over again, but I really haven’t found that in anyone’s story/comic here that I follow! But I understand, I couldn’t read or write any more than I already was when I was getting my bachelors. I thought I was going to die in a sea of books. It took me a year to write for myself again :sweat_smile:

Very true! Everyone has their likes and dislikes. Even I have my own preferences on what I really want to read. But I do try to give other genres a chance and sometimes I’m really surprised!

Well it stings a bit but it's okay, I've unsubbed from some comics myself so I get it :smiley:

Not really. If they don't read it, I get that it's not for them. It feels like dead subs affect my work's visibility anyway :sweat_smile:

I rarely look at the sub count, so it doensn't sting me at all. Sometimes people just loose interest in a storry, that happend to me aswell. For the algorithm it even is helpfull, when uninterested readers unsub than being a dead sub. I'm more focused on the view and like count... That's where it stings me ^^'