18 / 26
Mar 2017

Well, on one page (I can't find which now! >.<), my readers started "singing" an adapted version of Bohemian Rhapsody, changing words to fit my comic, in a collaborative little comment-thread that makes me giggle every time someone adds to it.

Also, the first time I introduced Wen10, three readers had the following conversation:

1 Whoa, those are some nice thighs o///o

2 she could crush my head with her legs and I would die happy

3 That's a very strange and specific fetish, but I don't disapprove.

and while sex-related comments often make me uncomfortable (hi, I'm on the ace-spectrum), this one just made me laugh. XD

On comicfury, I got this comment on the ESRB and Atlus comic, from a guest poster named ESRB:

"I love my sexy good looks"

Someone just posted a comment with "please be dead" repeated over and over again with a villain character i'm always used to people fangirling, shipping and obsessing over. Made me laugh out loud.

My readers are just the best there is, almost on every single episode I've uploaded I get HILARIOUS comments <3
(I print screen the best ones and keep them in a special folder <3)

But the best one I got, were on Heritage2

it still makes me laugh something incredible <3

Here's one I got for my cartoon, Candace 'n' Company:

Ha i find these comics very entertaining! I especially like how you've incorporated the simplicity of the cabbage AND both belts to allow the viewer to enjoy it through and through.very good.

The nut job who wrote that is my brother! :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone left this comment on my comic, Graduation:

when tim and Johnny were born, their parents, seeing their severely deformed bodies knew, deep in their heart, that they would be minor characters.

This is probably the comment that made me laugh the longest, @JessJackdaw leaves the best comments! XD

(I also like this one :smiley: )

well I don't receive a lot of comment, but I do receive way to many message, for some reason a lot of people think i'm a girl i don't know why? even my profile pic is a man wearing a mask ,so my funniest message is always something like (im gonna f*ck you so hard that im gonna break you're legs) or (i want to suck on those T1TS baby) my favorite is ( hey girl are you single), can you see any female aspect in this picture?

I'm pretty sure that's a reference to Street Fighters Zangief character quote,"Crush man's head like sparrow's egg between my thighs." Still a weird thing to say.

@WakaXO Aww, thanks, man! ;u;

My funniest comments are always have to do with shipping my main characters XD it's a romance, so naturally everyone wants them to end up together, but damn these comments can be over the top sometimes. They always give me a good laugh! I get the BEST ones whenever something "ship worthy" happens in the comic.

"YOU HAD ME SCREAMING LIKE (pRETTy sure my neighbors would like to beat me up for that))

Haha someone once commented on my comic "shipping faster than Fedex" xD

Someone had a username which was the same as my MC's name. So they wrote.

"wow. Didn´t know there was a comic about me already. You get famous fast around here."

it's so weird, and sometimes they just send me a phone number with the massage (call me when everybody is asleep )

Dad loved this so much, he wants to kidnap you, take you away from your parents and adopt you, make a smallroom for you ( as claustrophobic as possible, he promises ) and force you to draw and tell him jokes. These are his words I shit you not.

She is talking about her father who also draws comic

very awesome ones.he draws like a God