28 / 28
Jun 2021

I use a program called PureRef and keep it locked on a small corner, about 25% or less of my monitor but I've gotten used to it (depends on yours and can be resized): https://www.pureref.com/3

I usually draw on my iPad, and I'll have my reference up on my little MacBook, just off to the side. That way, I can easily eyeball it when I need it. :eyes:

I usually have mine in a browser window on my other screen, though sometimes I'll pop it right onto my canvas and then promptly lose it when I need it again. I'll use Clip Studio's subview window for things I need to reference a lot, like character costumes, just so I don't need to have tons of windows open.

Depends. If it's a reference from an internet search, most of the time I'll just use the chrome window next to photoshop. If it's one of my design docs, I'll use the photo viewer. If it's an expression reference, I'll usually take a picture of myself and prop up my phone next to my tablet.

Whenever I can I usually prefer hard copy of reference, but mostly I just use my phone as an alternative. I guess it's more eco-friendly to collect digital.

I usually look at references beforehand (be it from real life, other comics, illustrations or photographs) and then add necessary details from memory. I don't usually have reference images lying around me as I draw.

It depends!

If what I'm working on has a lot of negative space, I'll throw the reference into a new layer of my file (but god do I accidentally draw on that layer sometimes).

If I have a crowded composition, then I'll use a two-up vertical display so that both files appear side-by-side in photoshop while staying as separate files.

If the reference is simple and it's attached to an email/g-doc from a commission client, then I may be lazy and just jump from photoshop to my internet browser.

I generally open it as a reference window in my program (Artrage).
But also on a layer, on a different computer and I use paper references (including some old Nat Geo :wink: ).

searching a reference is really take time. so depend where I found it. If I found it while browsing in my phone, well I just use phone. If in in the net, sometimes I download it and put it in window for reference view. (there's separate windows in csp for that.) But lately I'm too lazy to download everytime and my laptop full on bunch, so I just see it in the web browser, go and back to csp. lol. If I don't find it online. I also take a pic of myself do the pose. It's faster than googling around. If just hand, I just look my hand while drawing.

I like to trace the ref on a separate layer to 1, get an idea of how my hand should glow to do it freehand and 2 Find the lowest use of lines to achieve readability. I then draw it free hand for the actual piece.

2 months later

Interesting topic! I look at references using split screen on my ipad pro. But they take up so much screen real estate this way. I really need to find a better method.

Since I draw on my iPad, I pull up references on my computer so it doesn't take up space on the canvas.

I also work on iPad. But I use my phone when using reference.

I draw 50% traditionally 50% digital,
I have many printed out reference and I use books and
digital I have the reference picture on one layer.
Digitally it´s really convenient to work with reference because you
can trace over the reference and then lower the oppacity and redraw
the simple shapes and things like that

I usually use my phone when I am drawing digitally but my monitor when I am drawing traditionally.

I tend to do my sketching and inking by hand, then I scan it in to clean up my lines and add color. The bulk of my art referencing happens when I am not at my computer, but since my comic is about my dogs, they end up getting looked at far more than they want. One dog is pretty straightforward, but the other has color patterns that ALWAYS require referencing. X-D

(I imagine he is thinking, "Dangit woman! Don't you remember what I look like by now?!?"):sweat_smile:

Like a lot of people in here, phone is a staple for the reference.

but ...does anyone else just have theirs die on them?? or like the screen times out and goes black right when your in the zone of drawing?!?! Sometimes the convenience of having a real life piece of paper or book is cathartic.

I usually have pinterest open on my phone next to me