71 / 76
Feb 2016
27 days later

Well, you don't really need to speak catalan to communicate in Catalonia (unless you meet a really independentist one or so). With Spanish is more than enough.
Anyways, Spanish and Catalan are really similar languages.

14 days later

Student here at Western Kentucky University, and a visual art major! Still very new to the idea of making comics (I've focused on illustration and paintings my wholw life) but I'm hoping to use the internet to see if this is what's right for me! I've got two series on Tapastic, one about bird people, http://tapastic.com/series/nebojse, and one that is a space opera-ish things that is still ongoing http://tapastic.com/series/Beyond-Time.

I'm an Architecture student. Somewhat unrelated field as my course is all computer and legal stuff. Counting down the days till I finish.

Everybody raise yooooo haaaaands. sunny Hahaha, I'm an art student and I get so many works from my school from time to time which can hinder my drawings. laughing But, since I'm such an asocial trash I usually don't have anything beside to do after doing my works. So, more time on drawings, woohoo. blush

Student in Business Management and Economics here. Gotta juggle studying with art and video games and friends. Oh, and doing art for a video game creation collaboration club that I'm in.

I make updates for my series The Prince is Missing when I have free time.

I'm a uni student too~ First year architecture to be precise! Only the first sem and already I want to scream hahahhaa. I update HERO.SYN during my holidays. uuughrg i gotta build up a buffer sooooonnnn.

I graduated uni last summer haha for Animation & Visual Effects. [Starting to make me feel old.] As for my comic, I started that in December 2014. It was tough keeping up a sort of weekly to biweekly update like I wanted to when I returned to classes after winter break since it was senior year and my senior design project took priority over everything else. Plus, art projects for classes take a ton of time usually too. After graduating, I've been able to balance more time for my comic with my other activities though.

Hi to you Mohchi! I'm from Jersey too. :]

I'm currently in University in Louisiana as an Animation major. I have a feeling that this semester is going to kick my butt because it's almost senior year for me.

26 days later

High school student here ㅠvㅠ/ I'm on break now and I graduate later than others, also I've switched schools 3 times more due to my personal issues haha but working on two comics, DEMI and Jumpers ( /series/demic & /series/Jumpers )

I'm at university studying Computer Animation Arts, which is mostly screaming into the void at Maya. This is my first year, so we're sort of doing a little bit of everything so our tutors can assess us for more specialised roles in the production pipeline next year. I am pretty sure I will end up as a texture artist or designer.

Princess Rainblood I do in my spare time between classes. smile

*A student....okay ok....i shall be revealed my true indentity a bit...so i'm a highschool student,i am mostly 12 years old(omg)and i'm going to be 13..my birthday is near.oh no.whats it's gonna be...

I'm a student of geology and am proud of that! ^^

Apart from geology lectures I also attend classes on biology. It all definitely helps me with getting inspiration for all my comics, especially Trivia from Nature

Hi, i'm a college student from Brazil, my last month of college in reality, soon i will know how is to be a artist and search for a job at the same time.
I think i should had started early with my comics, i'm really scared if i'm be able to continue to have time to draw.

Also, if anyone is interested, my comic: http://tapastic.com/series/TV-kids-are-so-yesterday
Its a serie of short strips, there's some other projects archived, but don't know when i'll start then.

Nice to meet you!
I'm in the first year in my Media course in college but started my first comic last month http://tapastic.com/series/A-Town-Called-Mort1
It's been really difficult keeping up with the updates and on coursework but it's been fun to try and tackle both, since I'm not the best at time management (It's helping me learn though so that's a good thing in the end)

1 month later

Second year art major at UCLA here...currently trying to script/thumbnail my comic out and getting lots of great information from the forums here! I'm also a part of the Storytelling Summit on Oatley Academy, although I haven't really been able to keep up on the courses there lately due to school and other responsibilities. It's great to see how people deal with juggling school and comics!