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Jan 7

Hi y'all um I'm struggling lol

I'm trying to draw a scene where a character is looking out a window at night, but here at the line art stage, I'm not really sure how to best represent that? I have two panels below that use that reflection idea where one panel focuses on the background and the other focuses on the character. Maybe it'll come down to the coloring in the end, but for now I wanted to consult The Forums(tm)

  • created

    Jan 6
  • last reply

    Jan 6
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Lower the opacity ( both lineart and color layer) and it will have that transparent effect.

The reflection should be clear, mirrors don't make you opaque. But you do lose some color. So turn down the saturation to grey it out a little will make the reflection more "dull". You can also you the Gaussian blur tool on your line art to make it a little fuzzy.