6 / 14
Jul 2022

I've wanted to make a comic including Sun Wukong for a while now, but I'm scared of getting something wrong about him and the culture that surrounds him. So, does anyone have tips or info that'll help?
There's so many searches and fake info that I honestly have no idea where I should start other than the books. I want to give him justice in this comic, and justice to everyone who adores him like I do.
If I can't use him in a comic at all, PLEASE tell me!!! I don't want to disrespect anyone by making him appear in my future comic.

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    Jul '22
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    Aug '22
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Why not start with books though? :thinking: Journey to the West will give you all the information you need. I mean, I literally can't see the problem in starting with books :sweat_smile:

All I know that he's the inspiring figure of Shonen Jump characters like Goku, and Luffy. He's character match theirs.

If you want to know more about him in summary, watch the "Journey to the west" movies.

Or if you want to know the mythology, go to this video of deathbattle:

Start at 7:00 and you'll get a summary mythology about his tale and legends. Even though it's a small info, it's insane.

Though I agree with Kelheor, it would be best to start reading a book about the monkey king.

I'm sorry that I didn't specify, but I meant the legal and cultural part of Sun Wukong! Like if he's free to use in fiction, or if a certain thing is frowned upon when it comes to putting him in fiction.

There's a lot of media depicted the monkey king in many ways, they don't have to be accurate. Also he's a public domain figure & don't have intellectual property laws such as copyright, trademark, or patent laws. So not to worry have your own creative liberty!

You're welcome, even though Heracles's story is more tame, the time where the milky way galaxy is formed in greek mythology is mind boggling and Heracles is involved in it. Funny how Heracles mean "glory to Hera" despite the fact that Hera hated him and wants him dead until he becomes a god.

Legally, you really only need to worry about characters created within the last hundred years or so.

Copyright law is quite a new concept, and tends to cover "the lifespan of the creator plus XX years" and so doesn't apply to characters that predate it, or are old enough that their copyright has worn out. So Robin Hood is public domain because he's a medieval folktale, any characters from Shakespeare because they predate copyright, and then characters like Alice in Wonderland, Sherlock Holmes and Dracula are all out of copyright due to age.

Culturally, I think reading some books on Chinese history and culture would be a good start. This is a good youtube channel too:

You don't have to worry about copyright, since the entire story is in the public domain. My only advice would be to respectful when depicting Guan Yin and the Buddha, since they are actual religious figures.

I'm also thinking of putting Sun WuKong in my story :smiley:

There is this youtube channel called Overly Sarcastic Productions, and they do summaries and analysis of old literature. They also have a series on the Journey of the West and it's actually pretty good. I don't think have finished going through the entire story, but they have completed a big chunk of it.
The videos are of those animation story time kind, since you are working on a comic, the art style and stuff might just give you some extra inspiration. They might not go into the deepest details but I can guarantee that it's well researched and accurate information. Also they portray the story in a fun, anime style which can help you with coming up with an idea on how to display his character.
I am quite an avid fan of the Journey to the West novels and respect how much it has influenced media in the east so I really look forward to your comic. All the best!

This is a link to the first part in the series:

1 month later

closed Aug 27, '22

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