I will go right into it since it's pretty late now, so your series will be the last to review for this tonight, so here I go.
Pros: I like how you introduced the characters in your own way, but I think that the introduction was a bit too long, since the continuation will be in space, why the talk about the characters that will be left behind. Take for example dragon ball, as the story progresses in dragon ball Z to Super, the story explores the space more and the characters and friends made on earth in dragon ball, will just be forgotten, maybe just for a quick flashback, but that's kinda all.
Cons: I don't really like the setting, I know that it is based more around space, but I feel like you should have avoided "Paris" and "New Yor" and just do like invented names, it would be a lot better for the story setting, idk, just when I heard Paris, it threw me off a little bit, that word reminded me that this story... is a ficion story, idk, maybe I m just weird or something, moving on...
One last thing I have noticed that bothers me a tiny bit was that you made the villains look a bit goofy with small jokes, I mean it works for a few type of villains, but for the first chapter, it may seem a little goofy for the readers.
PS: Sorry for the short review, my slowly keeps falling on my keyboard as I am writing this. But overall, I like the art, the art is good, the characters seem pretty chill, no drawbacks for me to not press the button for the next chapter, I think that's a win. Good chapter.