Hey, nice to see you again (I have reviewed your story a few months ago, in a thread that I made with reviews, and because of that, I will be a little bit more fixated on the mistakes (just to be fair for the others
Pros: Adding Easter eggs from your own life is a really nice detail for the readers who take your comic seriously (the readers find an original way to find more about your personal life). I saw that you love horror movies, It, Friday the 13Th, Scream, (nice taste) and maybe you showed a little bit of yourself in the comic (that you work a lot overnight, and you work a part job... while working on your comic? (I hope I got that right, at least that is what I got from it ;(
Cons: I didn't really like that we don't know nothing about nothing from the first chapter, only that somehow our character transformed into a blood thirty half human or he was a part-time vampire?
I won't talk nothing about the text, since I think you wanted it to be a Manwha.
The thing is that we don't know who is he, why is he doing what he's doing, what is his goal, we just have a start and we have to get used to it until the next chapter is out (I am saying this as an example, just like someone waits for the next episode of a series).
(This was for the prologue)
For chapter 1
Cons: Maybe that is how some people do it, but I, as a reader, I don't really like the (x) amount of space left between the panels, It just feels empty (again, maybe other people like it like that, but I, personally, am not a huge fan of it.
Pros: We found out how he wants to live: Felix wants to be left alone, he feels more comfortable like that.
We have found out that he doesn't like working in that working place, just zoning out, waiting for the time to pass.
The cliffhanger of the sudden character introduction (maybe main character) in the end of the chapter left the reader wanting to know Felix's origins.
Observations: I just now, after writing all that, went trough my small brain that the Prologue was the story happening after something bad happened to Felix (I am guessing chapter 2-3), so... imagine that I wrote all this without knowing that, cheers.