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Jul 2015

What is going to happen here at Taptastic? Will our work be safe here. I'm kinda scared by this honestly. I just wanna know what will happen here.

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What is that? I'm not sure I'm caught up with laws lately

How will this corresopnd to the rest of the internet? If only US based material is allowed to be taken from the internet and used freely, what happens to people on the internet who come from different parts of the world? Will the US be able to take people from Scotland's work? This could pose some major problems.

@Euphorie That was my thought as well. The internet is not 100% American by a long shot, so I imagine that other countries might have a problem with this.

Brad Holland discussed in that video that if the proposed laws pass, it would undermine all 3 steps of the 3 step test for determining the rights copyright law provides, and would cause serious issues with international copyright and the trade of visual arts across the world.

Its apalling what this is, they basically in a sense want to make everything on the internet public domain because they cant mentally cope with the fact taht people can make a living in the world without being slaves to the corporate domain.

Another big problem I can see if this passes, they will just start harvesting stuff that they ASSUME has no copyright attached... so even if people go through the pointless process of registering their work will be endanger because corporations are jerks.

For what I know, United States weren't part of the Berne Convention (apparently they didn't like the moral rights), so I guess it's against it, since the moral right makes you the only author of your piece and you can't change anything of it.
Here, everything on the internet and beyond will fall in public domain. Meaning that you won't be the author anymore. So in short, yeah, we'll have problems if you're not American.
(tell me if I didn't get it right for Orphan Works Act!)

There was so much speculation going on in that video that I was starting to wonder whether this guy was just worrying the sky is about to fall in. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but no-one's actually seen a proposed bill as of yet, correct?

This paragraph, however, taken from the Copyright Office's Notice of Inquiry should nonetheless give anyone pause:

The Office has also looked extensively at the problem of orphaned photographs and artworks, and how best to facilitate an exchange between a good faith user and a rightful owner.
Aside from legal solutions, the Copyright Office is mindful of emerging practical solutions. Through an academic partnership with Stanford Law School, the Office has focused its attention on the subject of photographs and licensing gridlock. Stanford’s students are exploring ways to centrally assemble information concerning marketplace resources for the licensing of photographs and the data standards relied upon by copyright owners and licensees to engage in such transactions.

This would seriously hack the rights of a unwealthy art creators, as I imagine registering your copyrights would cost money.

So UK has this similar to this copyright bill thing already.

It does sound very alarming. I wouldn't feel comfortable giving rights to my work to big corporations simply because my work isn't registered in some private registry.

But I've only listened to first 15 minutes of the thing.

The problem is, that they are seeing a problem...

Its none of theirs or anyone elses business whether someone is using their copyright on something or not.

Just because you see a picture you like on the internet doesnt mean that you get to have it.

Its ultra alaerming that they want to move copyright registry to the private sector, meaning that it would be turned into a business rather than a public service...

And once that happens, there is no going back... basically the only people that would have the power to create anything anymore is corporations.

I looked this up: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/changes-to-copyright-law1 It seems to mainly work for non-profit organistion to use work not commerail

This holds the recent amends and it doesnt seems the cores of the Berne law have been altered too much: https://www.copyrightservice.co.uk/copyright/p01_uk_copyright_law

@getsuart The US is apart of the Berne Convention, they're just not a founder (they watched us sign it in Switzerland at the side lines since the US constitution at the time protected them)