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Mar 2021


I started a webtoon a few months ago and the community has been awesome I'm just looking for more feedback and also to read some new stuff. If anyone wants to share their webtoon please leave it along the thread so I can read and sub. I've also attached mines if anyone would like to read and comment on what they like and don't like. Still unsure of my audience lol.

Thanks to whoever replies I look forward to seeing what's out there.

Good luck to all moving forward as well!

  • created

    Mar '21
  • last reply

    Mar '21
  • 11


  • 458


  • 4


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  • 4


Hi there, I wonder how do you get readers on tapas? Your comic is super cute, I really like the colorful layouts and easy to read font, great job, I subscribed! I just can't figure out how to get people to see my comic on webtoons even though I put a lot of effort into it - i barely have a 100 views ;3;
Here is my comic if you wanna check it out <3

Sure, I'm heading over to check yours out now and will be back with some feedback in a bit!

Here's my webtoon, it's action/sci-fi/drama, if you're into any of that!

Hey @DaisyYoung

Tapas....I have no idea lol I post to keep myself out there, but I honestly spend more money with webtoons than I should on promos on IG for more eyes. I've also posted on forums like this and try and talk to whoever I can because it seems like Tapas and Webtoons are the luck of the draw when they feature you. I enjoyed your comic so far, and I've subbed. The odd dynamics of a ghost living with people are interesting. Good luck moving forward!

If you're interested in superheroes, check out "Project: Achilles"! Updates every Monday

dfcxhjndifkcx im an idiot, that was absolutely meant to say "webtoons", not tapas haha! Thanks so much for the answer and the sub anyway <3

Hey @kinleypavone

Okay, that was awesome. I read the first 4 chapters and will finish up the rest today, but you've got a sub in me. I get x-men vibes from this, from the dialog to the fight scenes. Your art is amazing as well. Good luck moving forward!

Okay, I just got done reading through everything you have so far! First off I want to say, I think your characters, art, and dialogue are definitely your strongest points. I enjoyed the humor as well! You're absolutely doing a lot right.

In terms of some critiques, I do have a couple of nitpicks.(Take these with a grain of salt, I'm only one person with an opinion)

1) There's occasionally some weird things being done with the formatting/speech bubble placement. I found the flow of this section in particular to be a little disruptive and confusing.

2) The amount of gutter space also felt like a problem in the beginning but I see that by later episodes you fixed that and that overall, it's working much better! It's probably worth going in and fixing the gutter space in your earlier episodes to match since the first 3 episodes are usually what people look at first before deciding to sub or not.

3) Location changes were going over my head a lot. It sometimes took me a second to realize when they moved places or a flashback was starting. I feel like an easy fix is just adding more establishing shots. I know backgrounds are a pain but throwing the occasional establishing shot in there will not only help make your world feel more real, it will also help break sections up/indicate the location changes better.

Overall, great work though, I think you're starting off strong! I genuinely enjoyed reading it so you earned a sub outta me!

Hey @hjpetersonauthor

Yeah, I love all genres, a super sucker for Romance hence the genre I write, lol. Your comic is dope though I enjoyed the art and am interested in the rest of this team and their powers. You've got a sub in me. Good luck moving forward!

Thanks for the critique its really why I started this thread, I was thinking the same thing about the first three chapters and me and my illustrator found a good groove after chapter 4 which is why the first 3 chapters will be updated sooner than later to match the rest of the comic. I appreciate the sub and your opinion!

What the heck, that is criminal! :triumph: I just took a look at yours too and the art is so charming! The story flows really well too! I'm sorry you're having a hard time getting seen on webtoon. You definitely earned a sub from me. :heart:

Honestly, I have to do a TON of outside promoting to get mine seen. I spend a lot of time showing my work on instagram, facebook, discord, in the forums, participate in collabs, etc. It can be a little feast or famine when starting out on webtoon unfortunately but those things I mentioned can really help.