10 / 37
Oct 2022

Bills, insurance, groceries, car payment, gas money, but if I had anything left over it would probably go toward one of my creative projects (of which I have many and don't know how they've gotten so far).

I would save it because Dollars in my country are worth a lot more.

I'll see if I invest them somewhere.

Common sense old man answer: pay my rent for the month.

Cool hip irrisposible guy answer: replace my dying laptop already

Two wolves within me are crying

Hmm, many businesses fail, and I think the world will probably hit a recession for several years in the future.. which doesn't make #2's chances look good. So personally, I'd pick #1 as long as knew it had decent fundamentals.

Now if I didn't have to choose between the two, I'd invest in a set of adjustable dumbbells for myself and a nice present for my parents. Maintaining fitness is really important, and those things are expensive! And it's always nice to pay back a little of what my folks gave me :).

Truthfully $1000 is not enough money to do anything with. Better to just hold on to it as an emergency fund incase you need it for something. Investing $1000 is not a thing.

You'd be surprised at how much 1k can stretch :smug_01:plus, OP says that saving isn't an option, so tryna get this back on track.

So many answers that insisted on a 3rd option.

putting it into stock definitely counts as saving

Anyways, before this goes off topic, I'll explain my reasoning above and contribute more to the thread. (cause business):

Investing in small companies has a greater return, especially if they become successful, but it has a greater risk. (losing the 1k) Since I just had 1k, I'm guessing that I would be able to throw that amount wherever I want. In my opinion, daytrading and stocks is too much of a headache, and I already invest an amount of my salary into long term stock options.

They are a good and "safer" option though, as opposed to investing in a small business. Also, your money isn't sitting idly and will have a higher yield with a low risk, which makes it better than saving it. Therefore, you're technically not saving money but spending money on assets that may increase in value, which is usually the case if people are patient. However, safer options don't have a great return, and are not as fun.

So, I'd rather play around with the amount and invest in something I love and believe in, if I were forced to put it into something. (This means zero risk to me :hohoho: so might as well have fun)

Is hard to choose one of these because the answer is: depends of the company.......

If you have any debts to pay and lack knowledge to invest, the most profitable investment, is to pay off some of the debts so the interests stop eating you........

If you had $1000 where would you put it?

It'll go to my off-grid shotgun shack retirement plan.

The reliable investment, unless I really believe in and am personally invested in the mission of the small company (unlikely tbh if it's for profit XD)

You could consider it that way, yes, though saving (to my mind) implies safety, too, and stocks are not safe at all. They are close to legalized craps-shooting at worst and playing poker at best. You can lose all your money overnight, and that doesn't sound like saving it.

Government bonds are more safe than company bonds & stock, or so I've heard; if this is relevant to your actual life.

Otherwise, 1 for sure. Way more safe than the second. (Though. You can also just buy a bit of both and thus diversify your investments . . .)