6 / 241
Dec 2015

America, smack dab in green country (Oklahoma).

Southwest Sweden.
But yet far away from every single big town we've got, haha! ;D

California (in a really tiny town far in the mountains that probably no one has heard of ever in their lives). I would like to study/live abroad some day in the future though.

Philippines. I live in a very rural part that somewhat borders on living on a mountain. Haha.

Like @Chopythes, I'm from Sweden! A little bit farther north than she is, though.

I live in a teeny-tiny village out in the sticks.

I'm from South-west Finland, pretty far from everything. 50 km to the nearest actual city, whoo!

Good ole Kansas in the US. Nothing like living in the middle of nowhere to inspire your comics to go everywhere, am I right?

Polando, nobody likes Poland...
Everybody are running away from Polando XD