46 / 89
May 2021

If you check Kakao original page, you'll see the most probable kind of content we'll have. My bet is we'll get muuuuuchh more of what is already around. It's what sells, guys, and kakao wants to get at least 3x more what they invested to buy Tapas.

Please read this post to understand the situation better!

Will be interesting to see how it shakes up. Most likely we'll get more of a push towards a Webtoon standard with the long scroll. The thing that I'd be most interested in seeing is if the expectation we see for Premium changes--like will it stay the same amount of work and pay? Will it be more? Will it be less? What's expected for Premium content is also the implied expectation that is set for everyone else. If the pay can get better, it could potentially open doors for people since ad revenue never cuts that mustard. If it just continues to push out content that was already published in other countries than make more original stuff...ehh...

As for IP rights I assume people debate those contracts on a case by case basis anyway--like you do not have to take the first contract you are given (and we've already had threads on that. Contracts can be debated for like months and months and months with publishing)

I expect a slow change, that's why I think we should focus on reflecting on each of our personal needs and potential dealbreakers, and keep checking and updating them in the future.
Telling us that there will be no changes now means nothing.

Well, if you're wondering what this might mean for some creators:

You might not read Japanese but you can recognize the author's name.

No, I can not. Summary, please?

It means that Ratique had her comic translated and published in Piccoma, which is owned by Kakao's Japanese subsidiary.

...Which I hope OP means as "oh hey, look, it means good things! authors getting published overseas, yay!".

Congrats to Ratique, btw!

The new owner of Tapas is a korean company, so? I worked for koreans before in a car sale. They earned money, I earned money and I used soap and water.

Well...this is interesting. I am hoping that this has little impact to us creators, but considering that it is 100% acquired AND language was noncommittal to even dismissive from the CEO before...I admit to being a little wary.

I just left wattpad for the second time too...may need to have another place mirrored :frowning:

Aw shit, am I gonna get banned here too?

I'm supposed to upload my comics to pornhub or something now?

You can ask all your questions in the pinned thread where Ratique can see and address them all in one place!

I really hope the Tapas team is telling the truth because I don't want to go through the ache of what happened with SmackJeeves again. But just in case and I believe in healthy competition, I want to remind people of ComicFury11. It's a place where you can create your own personal webcomic site (unlike with old SJ you don't have to pay anything). There is also a minimal design for mobile scroll read for those who want that.

It's very indie. No comic is payed to be upfront of any other. The default front page just shows who has recently updated.

Edit: I also want to add that since CF does not have an app it does not have to bend down to Apple's censorship rules. So for anyone who needs a mirror for their art to be unaltered, please give it a look.

for people concerned about any censoring of seggs and other mature stuff :point_down: