31 / 34
Nov 2018

I’d personally love to get some more comments. I’m not desperate for them or anything, but they feel more like personal encouragement, you know? Like someone likes what you’ve done enough to actually say something.

So far only my mom has left me any comments tho. Lol

Anything except helpful critique. I’m one of those where if you try to be helpful, I’ll feel horrible and start thinking I’ve got all this potential and I’m such a loser that I can’t utilize it properly to the extent someone has to point it out. Be rude to me? I’ll get better out of spite. Stroke my ego? I’m suddenly amazing. Try to be helpful and give advice? I’ll probably cry, because you’re pointing out what I already know and since I know it I already feel like I should do better yet for some reason I can’t do thanks a lot for that.

Does that make sense? I’ve always been that way tho, with everything. It was worse when I was younger where I felt bad after getting complimented on my work. XD

But right now any comments would be nice, cuz at least you care enough to make the effort, you know?

I'm honestly not sure why you pinged me for this? I specifically start my reply to this thread with "If it's a positive comment.." It was in reply to your comment in the original post:

The comments you're talking about when you pinged me are not positive and some are harassment. obviously people don't like those. Luckily at least on tapas you can delete those comments. Not sure if DA has that option, havn't used that website in ages.

I am at stage 2. Have a few people who regularly comment my comic and some who regularly comment on my other pictures. None of my commentators are mean or demanding and most of the comic readers actually engage really well with what is happening in the story, which is great. I was especially happy when one commentator started discussing the political aspects of my comic with me and went super deep into the thematic background of my work.

For my side pictures I have one person, who always has useful criticism for me to improve. But I tend to get annoyed sometimes, when it's the only thing I ever her from that person :sweat_smile:

I really love getting comments and am very happy that I have such a good audience. But I would be lying if I said I didn't wish for it to be bigger (but I guess that doesn't just count for commentators). I'd also be totally ok with just one word comments, tbh. ^^ It's great to see the "old faces" but some new ones with new input would be great as well. For me comments are a great motivation and also a good mirror on weather I'm doing a good job. It makes the audience reaction visible and helps me to see if I was able to convey what I wanted in the story. I really love when the readers show just the reaction I hoped too achieve with a dramatic twist or turn. It's great :grin:

You are entitled to your feeling, never said that your struggle was invalid. But my point was not that all people have been good to me therefore I don't see the problem because we are all a happy family over here. I have gotten exactly what you are describing, I'm not kidding, all of the comments you describe, (except the art theft! That's pure evil).

For normal/average commentators I believe that you contribute to the way people interact with you with by setting the tone of your own interaction. You say that you are not mad at them for not talking exactly what you want them to, but it still think you are having expectations over something you can't control. You ask if it is unreasonable to ask for people not harass you and that they talk about other stuff like ship that don't exist, off topic stuff... if we simplify it like that then, yeah in a way is unreasonable. Because you don't control how people react, they are not in your head you are not in their head, they might not even be aware that you want feedback.

About the harassment, that's abnormal interaction, it is rude of them, it is despicable, but the bottom line is that you can't control them either, there are so many horrible people with access to the internet. You can block them (if it is allowed) but they exist everywhere. The more popular you get, the more you get those people because they are already there waiting for something to obsess over. If you can block them, the better, maybe your own fans can help you report the art theft or at least go there and post a comment about that stuff being yours. And when that one gets away other troll will take their place! They never stop being annoying but they are unfortunately a part of the "internet fame".

I'm personally never bothered at all about unrelated comments, totally off topic remarks, etc. But I totally understand why you expect people to react to the art you have been making for hours of hard work instead of random stuff in their head, but the reality is that most readers are not creators and most of them are not even aware of how to even give a proper comment or feedback. It it bothers you that much, try to ask nicely "hey! I would love to hear more about this and that please, because I want to improve this and that." We have established that some commentators might not have an art background or don't know how to express themselves, then you can ask specific things about the shading, about the pose, one simple thing at the time so that they don't have to feel overwhelmed. Yes, you can directly encourage them to give some type of comments! I understand why you struggle, and as you grow an audience this is not getting better because we are talking about a third party we can't control. Maybe you expectations can be more flexible for your own meant peace.

Thank you for understanding, but...I mean, I get that I'm upset over something I can't control, but I don't really see how that's a problem in this situation...?

I can see how it might sound bad, but the whole point of "putting yourself out there" and seeking notoriety and fame is to influence other people's reactions and opinions, even if you can't control them. So it's natural that anything you'd worry about while trying to accomplish this would be "outside of your control".

Like...just because I'm upset about it doesn't mean it's taking control of my life. You can be mad and worry about things without having them turn into obsessions. The fact that I expect 'more' and 'better' and 'what other people have accomplished' is actually what drives me to keep going. Maybe it cuts into my peace of mind every now and then, but peace isn't everything. Sometimes you have to sacrifice peace if you want change and growth.

I'm glad people want to help, but just because I complain about something doesn't mean I need help...you're allowed to just discuss things on a forum, right...? ^^;

@cleo_san I haven't read you manga in a while, I need to go there to spam you with love and hearts soon! I can relate to the comment about feeling like performing in the dark. There is a page in Spanish in which I published, they don't have a comment section at all, at most a view count. Never knew if people liked my stuff or not. Even hate comments are a sign that someone is watching! In fact, we can say that they hate you enough to type something. LOL!!

@racarter I made a post about giving others hearts and comments. I would love to go to your comic to cheer you up!

Personally, I'd rather have dedicated viewers/readers more than comments.

Likes are up there too, but personally, I'd rather have more subscribers. ^_^'

My first comment literally talked only about my personal experience because it is what the post said and I described how I made it possible because the post says "share your secrets".

Your response inserted your case and how might have felt like I was invalidating your experience because mine had been positive. You commented on what happened to you. So that's why I commented about your case and how I see it because you are the one who bring that up! And other people were giving you advice only after you mentioned your own case in a reply. For the most part, we are all just sharing our tips because the post says so.

...maybe next time just include in the post "I don't need help" "I'm not looking for advice for myself". It is very confusing that you ask people to "share your secrets" people get genuinely interested in sharing with you their tips for improvement. Just to say at the end I don't need your help nor see how your advice is relevant to me. I am totally aware that the post never said you want to change, or advice but is not unreasonable some took it way because you keep mentioning your case, so the responses are shaped applied to your case.

Is not like we started giving unwanted advice out of nowhere...

in my case, limited myself to answer the question you asked me "is it unreasonable to not want to deal with that?". I respond saying things as I see them. Is not like i desperately wanted to convince of something out of the blue.

What else can you expect from a generation that was raised on mobile phones and has never had to pay for entertainment? As for Youtube, I could see that being less of a problem since it reaches a wider audience than Tapas.

I probably felt like your first comment was referring more to me because you said things like "I have received every single one of the comments you are describing!" and "hell many of us come off as cringy when we try to say something nice" and "If they talk about themselves, then I can get to know them".

You used so much of my own language, who else would I think you were referring to? I apologize if I was wrong, but you can see how I might have thought you were putting my experience in a different perspective.

And about the advice...giving someone "tips for improvement" is different from giving someone tips on how to handle their current situation, and what you were doing was the latter. I was just explaining that I didn't need that. But hey, someone else might've; I'm not the only one who'll ever read this topic.

No, I wasn't putting your experience in perceptive I gave examples of all types of comments I get, and many are similar to what you describe. Yes I pointed it out as a curious case at the beginning of the post, then proceeded to tell my personal experience."cringy" "talk about themselves" I use those words because this is exactly what happened, not because of you. In the last one I was literally just answering the question you wrote in your response to me, nothing less, nothing more. I only replied because the question was there. That's how I see things those are my tips for improvement. Nice to talk to you! I will be around to read the other responses. Have a nice day.

My comic is over on webtoon so I get like a lot people just saying "first" or something totally random for attention in hopes of getting that :sparkles: top comment :sparkles: people seem obsessed with over there? So that's kind of a bummer, but eh I've gotten use to it and just don't care much anymore. I try to just focus on appreciating the positive and enjoying my work.

If you're looking for more reader engagement tho, it can't hurt to maybe put a question in your description or something. Sure, not everyone might read or even answer - but somebody might. Especially if it's like a frequent thing, so people know to look for it to answer and interact. Try to keep it related to your content the question is pinned to tho.
Example: I tried this out on one episode in my comic about soulmates sharing senses, I asked "if you had a sense linked to your soulmate, which would you want" and got a lot of responses, and it actually started some convos among people in the comment section - which usually just drop their own comment and ignore everyone else, so that was cool to see.

I also noticed that instagram is where I'm able to interact with my readers the most and have actually made friends with a lot of them. I have it linked in my episode and often share progress shots of working on the comic to my story. I get a lot people DMing me replies to these

Although deviantart was my first art platform and I've met some great people through it....a LOT of the community is generally awful unfortunately. My best advice is just don't interact with those who annoy you and focus on those who do appreciate your work.

I used to worry about comments a lot, still kinda bugs me. Not for the fact that I don't get a lot of comments, because that's been like that for a few years now. On DA for example, I used to get a fair amount of comments, people were a lot more engaging back then, but not anymore. I don't care if they just leave the word "cute", it's still better than "ew".
I stopped worrying too much about comments online, because the society we live in now is different.
Instead, I get loads of comments during face to face interactions at conventions. I get all the feedback I need there about my artwork and my comic. I sell the comic at conventions and the interactions between fans are more than enough for me.

I'm at like stage...3 and a half. I get a lot of commenters that very clearly care about my work, ask questions about characters, and bring up stuff that has happened way before. I do however, also still receive people asking me to hurry up, make them just "do it already" and simply repeating the same basic comment over and over again. "That's cute." "Lol, how cute." Cute, cute cute, cute, cute. I get it, my comic is cute. Can we stop?


I hope to eventually get past this awkward hurdle of "that's cute" comments, and get more comments that are actually pointing things out. Which are becoming more common lately, thank God.

I also get a bit bother over just simple words like just "cool, cute, kawaii, nice, etc." Also the "I'm first" comments or talking about the comments that they thought is 0 but nope. Though I am getting used to it.

But what boils me blood is getting comments like this because of characters I have in me comic.

My comic: has twins as main characters

Audience 1: "Will there be incest?" "Incest is wincest!" "Brother x brother"

My comic: shows siblings having a sweet bond together in a platonic way

Audience 2: "Ew, is this incest??" "How to report incest?"

Me: screaming internally and wants to jump off a cliff

Why some thought it's bad to have twin characters or siblings in general, having a sweet relationship that is not even ROMANTIC?? And even labeled as incest!

Outside of a couple of Facebook groups, my comics have never generated conservation over their stories or content.

Instagram will deliver some one-word compliments, but sometimes those are from apparent bots. Tapas and Webtoon generate nothing but radio silence.

Ideally, the place I'd like to see a community of Level 4 fans at my webcomic's official website. I'll probably update my Wordpress theme and switch my commenting system to Disqus later this month.

omg I get so mad when people comment "first" on webcomics. It also kind of hurt me at first because when I first started making comics, I was excited to see a comment and when I checked it, all I saw was "first."
