@michaelson I am on a pc and am having problems with the publishing. It is asking for me to upload a file instead of the text box it usually lets me type in. I tried to open my files and it only shows picture files. My other novel will let me add text, but the newest one will not.
If you run into this issue again, can you take a screenshot and add browser information and send that over to feedback@tapas.io so we can look into it?
Also reporting doesn't automatically do anything other than alerting staff members. We try to contextualize every report by looking into the series since, yes, there are often times false positive reports.
Unfortunately, we don't have any current plans to enact this.
@michaelson can I ask why? I mean wouldn't it be more benfical to Tapas to allow more works be seen? Basicaly by not allowing new novels or comics be seen more you are working aginst your selves in the long run. From a buisness perspective it would generate more revenue for the company by putting a few slots in where new authors and artist can be displayed. Other wise they get lost in the translation. Like most of my subs come from other platforms, while i am bringing in more traffic for my specific novel this does not mean that my readers will go look at other novels on the sight if they cant find anything new or fresh. The suggestions i made can all be done by html 5 code with out need to actually have any staff updating it all the time. it can all be automatically updated. These are all things you should really try to pass on to the other staff. As it would realy benifit Tapas by doing so. Because the 4-5 million or so traffic you get a year to the web site could also double in the future as well.
These are just my thoughts.
@michaelson Hello! I sent you a note, please check your messages!
Hm, there are a variety of different reasons, I don't think it would really be used the way you described - we've tested this feature in the past and did not see positive results as a platform or for the creator community when we enacted it. Because of the velocity in which series are updating on an hourly basis the window on the homepage to be seen is actually quite small. Not only that but we observed unwanted behaviors to try and capitalize on the feature window (i.e. breaking apart pages into single panels and having those episodes published in intervals). It's not really an issue of complexity in coding, it's mainly an issue regarding its functionality and practical application.
I agree that more areas of visibility for newer creators to get a foothold in readership is important, but having these sections is not necessarily the way to accomplish that. Allowing readers to have more sorting options so that they can pro-actively find stories they're interested in is more valuable for creators in the long run as that leads to higher conversion rates of readers to subscribers.
Honestly, this new update just makes the website a pain for me to use. I can't easily go from one comic update to another. I'm not saying that the new design is bad, but it feels like a lot of clutter on the screen, compared to before and it takes way too many clicks and page loads to go from one new update to a new one. I've never used the mobile version of the website before, so I don't know how it relates, but on a regular computer, its a bit of a pain.
@michaelson that is true. But that only accounts for recently updated. the other is based on a certain amount of time and length that a creator updates. so if they are updating every day lets say for an entire month they will get put into a pool of randomization at a chance to be shown on the front page for 24 hours as a daily updated creator. this makes it so they can only be added once and removed if they are not updating for a certain length of time. this is how one of the biggest novel platforms out there add the ability for new authors to gain some recognition that are serious about their works. this also does not mean they will become ultra-popular but it will at least give them an incentive to keep at what they love and aim to get better. if they do see their creation on the front page. Of course, I have only been on tapas for a few days and have no idea what is planned for the future but I do hope this is an area you work on. And just for those reading this. I am new to Tapas but not to web novels as I do have many contracted titles on another platform. I do not have my glasses on so excuse any typos in this reply.
This has been fixed. Together with the heavy loading time. It is a pleasure to use now.
thank you @michaelson and @Yoon and all the team
ok but like, man
i remember a time when anyone could get to the front page based on views and traffic alone
sometimes it was based on a comic's longevity, like how long it had been around and made itself a presence, sometimes it was based on hard work advertising and word of mouth to get the sub counts up, and sometimes it was just pure luck
but for the most part, everyone had an equal chance (as equal as you can get with all those factors combined, way more equal than it is today). and most importantly, the comics that were consistently on the front page were there for a reason - for being unique comics with great content, often times entirely managed by one person who just loved what they did.
like 80% of the comics on the front page now are comics that you've paid to be up there, and as a result it's always the same shit. either the same comics every day, or an assortment of comics that are all the same thing (don't get me started on the 'based on novels/comics' category, you've got every premium series in there highlighted TWICE).
I legit haven't added a single comic to my subscribed list in the last like, 6 months, because they're always either hidden behind a permanent paywall (and I can find plenty more comics that are better quality and probably need the support a lot more) or because the front page has been the same wall of garbage for the last 2+ years. All the series in my current reading list are either good free to reads that are still going (ex. Scurry, A BETTER PLACE, etc) OR old comics that either died or relocated years ago (ex. My Perfect You, Two Cent Slice, Hello My Name Is Benny, etc), the latter of which were from a time where the front page was constantly changing, variety was in abundance, and you could get the front page banner just by asking.
Anyone who's been here longer than a few years can attest to this. We're not idiots.
like bruh I've straight up turned my ad blocker back on for the main site because I know the creators only get a fraction of that money which is miniscule to begin with (it's been like 3 years since I've hit the stupid $25 withdrawal minimum lmao and I've seen people only hit the halfway mark after a solid year) and any creators that I do want to support I'm already supporting with real money (either via online donation pools like Patreon, Ko-Fi, etc or through commissions and purchasing merchandise) that I know goes directly to the artist further than any fictional currency like 'ink' can (and I keep my ad blocker off for the free to read comics that I want to support). Patreon may also take a chunk of the money but at least it's open to everyone and I don't have to burn my money to turn them into app points first for series I don't want to read. And at least with Patreon the creators know how much money they're getting based on the pledges that month and don't have to cross their fingers that Tapas' biased front page doesn't shoot them in the foot with shoddy visibility and subsequent shitty ad revenue.
The Witch's Throne is the only series so far from y'alls Premium selection that I like and even then once I hit that paywall, that's it. Over. Y'all ain't worth giving my money to anymore, especially considering all the free to read creators are already paying for your services through their free labor and content. At the very least, don't they deserve a decently working website with all that hard work and loyalty? The fact that people still use this platform after you screw them and their series over time and time again is just exploitation of loyalty at best.
Apologies for the big wall of text. Not apologizing for the words in it because a lot of it is shit that I've been holding back on saying for years. The new UI is just the tip of a very big iceberg which can be classified as simply as "LACK OF ACCESSIBILITY."
And I know this isn't solely your fault, Michael, because you and the original dev team were what helped make this site great back in the day. But the reason I say 'helped' is because you all seem to be forgetting what really made it great - the community that built it to this point. Whether it's the devs or the investors or the higher ups, I don't care at this point - Tapas as a whole has exploited the love and dedication so many people have or once had for this place, and it's sickening. And the whole UI design problems are merely a symptom of that. Until you guys get your act together, problems like this will just keep happening over and over again, just like they already have (do I need to remind people who were here about the TOS debacle from a long time back?)
The UI interface problems are a side effect of a bigger problem. As for fixing that bigger problem... start looking to the community that built you a little more (and not just after you fucked up because we all know it's more for PR at that point, we're not stupid). You guys spend hours on the backend, but we have the most experience as readers and as creators. We're all here talking about these issues because we want to see better for this place many of us call home. Do you think I've raised this much of a fuss over Webtoons or SJ every time they fucked up? I haven't because I genuinely care for this place among all others and I want to see it do better, everyone here does. Please don't take advantage of that loyalty and dedication.
Hello I rarely talk in the forums but good grief I really have to comment on this new Tapastic website's update:
To sum it: No, I don't like it. Please go back to the old site.
The new site basically looks like the app, but desktop version. So I'm assuming based off the first few posts here, the current website looks like the app because...to match them both? Why couldn't it be THE APP that was changed to match the desktop??? Like make it resemble and function like the mobile version of the site. (Also the app always confused me so I always used the mobile site anyways).
The home page has too much white, too much white space, and is just??? very confusing overall. My eyes don't know where to look, have no idea what's going on, and I really miss the long, sliding homepage banners. Honestly the old desktop was perfect.
Oh boy, the actual comic pages. My biggest complain is NO MORE BANNERS???? Why would you get rid of them??? I LOVED THE COMIC BANNERS! That's one of the things that Tapastic was better at compared to Webtoon!!! The banners actually gave personality to the comics, and visual interest! Now, the comic pages look boring!! I'm sad! (especially since I spent TIME drawing the banner!)
Just. Bring the old layout for comic pages back please. I practically dislike everything in the new version. The old version was easier to use because you had the author, support button and comic info on the left, banner at the top, all pages on the left, pages in the middle, and ads, comments, and everything else at the bottom, and scrollable pages! THE NEW VERSION IS REALLY CONFUSING! I don't know what's going on! I liked the simplicity of the old one and that everything was on one page! Please, bring it back
The scrollable format helped also worked really well with all types of comics too! Now because of the clicking arrows AND the fading bars at the top and bottom, I find it very...not supportive of comics that aren't long pages/mobile format. I really wish you kept the old format, again.
Those are my main complaints, which, again, boils down to bring back the old desktop site and instead, make the app match the desktop site more. Apologize for this being so long, I'm just very very upset by the site basically being....not good for my comic. (And I'm gonna be honest, Webtoon isn't any better so I have literally no good site to post my comic on). Well, I hope the site gets improved then!
Okay, yesterday a comic caught my eye and I tried to read it.
Holy balls, that was so clunky!
The whole idea of having a menu pop when you don't need it but disappear when you want it is so infuriating!
The navigation needs a major overhaul.
Also, why are the stats and useful creator features absent from the mobile version?
I know it was the same before, but what's the point of it?
There are definitely some things I have noticed as both a creator and a reader that I feel are issues.
As a reader, the dark header and footer/navigation bars on the comic pages are very distracting. They also take away from the comic pages by making them harder to read. The way they disappear and reappear is very distracting. Also, having the hidden episode list feels inconvenient when compared to the old always visible list. These things I'm sure have been mentioned already, but I just wanted to reiterate. As a creator, I really miss the comic banner, it gives the reader a visual point of interest an introduction so to speak.