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Aug 2021

I just updated my main comic as I always do on Saturdays, and I saw that in the Spanish version of the Webtoons site, my comic went from 2.4K views, to 3.1K views in 5 hours!

And the English Version on Webtoons also went from 1.9K to 2.1K within the same span!

I was surprised for seeing such a rapid increase on views, and subscribers too. I had something around 101 and now I'm at 117!

But then I updated my secondary comic (I have a more chaotic schedule on this one), and went from 202 views to 353 in less than 15 minutes.

I label it as Mature, so I expect it to have less views, and it seems suspicious that both comics went up on views like that.

Looking for answers on twitter I saw other creators posting how since yesterday their comic views and subs rocketed too, but no other comment on why.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Am I missing something? Is someone reloading the site multiple times or using bots or something?

  • created

    Aug '21
  • last reply

    Aug '21
  • 3


  • 558


  • 3


  • 7


That's because of Webtoon event, which rewards readers with free coins for reading 10 episodes of a comic. You've updated, and it landed you in on top on "sort by date" section, which meant people coming to get coins saw your comic. :slight_smile:

As for why the second one didn't get a sharp increase: you may have updated it later in the day, when most active readers got their coins for the day already or/and the genre of the second comic either more competitive with creators or less popular with readers.

It all makes sense now! although LMAO, I guess I have to stay tuned with these events.


Yeah the hashtag for the event is #canvashiddengems so go and use it to promote because it's been a nice boost.