20 / 38
Aug 2022

What is the ultimate achievement you wish to accomplished with your skills? Why are you currently doing what you are doing right now? :thinking::thinking:

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    Aug '22
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I want to have a following and be appreciated. That's my end goal. My current one is to finish chapter one

You wouldn’t want to work with your local bookstore to see if they’ll put your book up? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

My ultimate end goal is to print and publish my series and possibly gain an audience (I don't care about having a big or small following as long as I have caring and devoted fans). Also, just the fact that I am able to bring my story into existence makes me happy.

i don't feel like i have much of an end goal aside from just getting my stories out there. a desire for any kind of following or whatever has become even less than secondary i guess because i feel like attempts at garnering attention or just being noticed in general is a tiring process so more than anything I just want my work out there in whatever form is accessible to me and to have the tools, time, energy and finances necessary to accomplish that in a way that i can be satisfied with.

if attention for those works comes after then great but i mostly just wanna sate that urge to release what's been kind of trapped or held in my heart mind and soul for so long; like screaming after holding your breath for a long time

i guess there's also a desire to continue learning and improving in art in whatever form that is but no real endpoint in that since you never really stop learning

There isn't much from me actually.
Just to continue living doing what I like to do, draw and get paid so I can keep a roof on top of my head and a full stomach.

Hum... my ultimate goal would be having a living out of my art. Not only my comic, but my art in general. But that's a bit too big, right? hahaha I'd like to have a following that appreciate my work (and I do have a few already in my comic, fortunatelly), and obviously I want to make money out of it (that I don't make much right now xD), but I think the most important thing is having a caring audience. I do want to have a big audience though, I want more people to see my work. I dream of selling phisical copies too, I'd love to see my comic in phisical format! I almost did it for a convention here in my country but it didn't work out as I didn't had the funds for it. Idk, I dream of being big, even if it doesnt happen.

nope. if i make people pay for my story, then people can criticize it!
Half joking. I also don't want raised expectations. That's why my stuff is all free.

My goal is to visualize all of my ideas in a single universe world building from fantasy all the way to Sci-Fi so that many all over the world can see, and read the stories, and lore I make.

I want my stories to make people happy
I wouldn't mind making money off them either, but I created my comic simply to spread the story I wanted to tell.

end goal - I'd like to eventually have a physical copy of my stories
Dream- pitch it to a comic company or A24 studios (or both)

Okay, so this sounds like an overly grandiose pipe dream, but I want to inspire people and make them feel empowered to take the future of art into their own hands. To prove that we as creators and audiences have the power to make good art happen, that we're not at the mercy of big corporations and we don't have to settle for what they give us.

I've made a few unusual choices to this end; my work is open source and public domain, I've maximized my free time while still guaranteeing my ability to support myself rather than banking on supporting myself with my art, and I plan to encourage my audience to do stuff with my work and directly commission others to do the stuff they want instead of relying on me. To support my work, they're gonna have to take matters into their own hands.

Tbh I was inspired by this video3 by Uniquenameosaurus; in particular, the part where he talks about how if the 'official version' of a work is deeply flawed, someone can just come along and make a better version. I want that for my stories. I want them to grow and become something bigger than myself. I don't plan to be Airlock Bound1, but my work also (at least partially) aims to prove a point :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course, for me to have any impact I'm going to have to be successful (in terms of fame, not fortune) while operating under this mindset. Not anywhere near that at the moment, but that's the 'end goal' anyways :smiley:

For me? I want a publisher to notice me and pick my comic to be licensed! It has been a life long dream to see my story coming to life on the bring screen!!!

Building an audience, and fanbase for my comics, and socials also appreciated as a comic creator. And eventually get paid would be awesome someday that is my end goal. For webtoon contests to gain exposure and some existanse to the webtoon staff that I am a comic creator.

I guess to build a community based on my work (?) if that makes sense. :see_no_evil:
But I don't really see or have an end goal. I just want to keep doing what I like, hopefully for the rest of my life.

End goal sounds like you stop when you reached that goal. That´s something
that doesn´t exist for me. I stop when I die and in the meantime I follow small
and big goals.

Small goals can be daily things or small events like playing a concert
next saturday. Big goals can be publishing a comic, taking part in a contest, releasing
an album, printing a book.

This year I published an album, finished one third of a comic which I send to a contest,
started singing in a band and one goal is to record 2 songs for my solo project as a
musician, play some shows. When I reached one goal, the next one will pop up.

I know multiple people who don´t seem to have any goals, some of them don´t want
to work on goals, some are happy to work on goals that I set for them but would never
come up with the ideas themselves. That´s something I don´t understand, but maybe
they have ideas/goals which are totally different than mine and they don´t talk about it

I'd like to make a living off my own IP.

I earn money with my writing, drawing, design and editing/planning skills, and have done for a while now, but it's always been on other people's books, games and apps and the like, and my own content makes me some money on the side, but what I'd really love is for the majority, or even all of my income to come from work I was the main creator and I'm the copyright holder of, ie. my intellectual property.

I dunno if I would say I have an ~end~ goal anymore. When I first started I thought printing my books were endgame goals. After I did that I thought tabling at some cons was end game and after doing that it was being able to pay rent with my own comics.

Now I’m about half a year away from being able to buy a house with my partner who also works on their own comics full time. We’ve reached a lot of pretty big benchmarks together but I think if I had to think about our endgame it would be to continue on our upward trajectory and be able to raise a family on our careers. That’s the only end goal that doesn’t just feel like a benchmark to me. Everytime something feels like its the end it usually isn’t.

My goal at the end is to create a digital interactive comic of my own mobile app with amazing story, epic graphics, and leave an incredible piece of entertainment before I die. The interactive digital comic is a new way to tell a story through a mobile app with reader's interactions, the format is like a game but not a game, it has sound effects, bgm, and voice over.
Currently I'm working freelance to save money to upgrade my drawing tools including PC (my current tools and PC are getting old now), and for saving for my upcoming webcomic project because while working on it, I won't have any income for months so better have enough savings before starting the project, this may take a year and a half, and then I will stop my freelance work to begin working the project.
To reach my goal, first I need to successfully create my own webcomic and have revenue from it, it may take 3 years or more to maintain. After success with my webcomic, I will move to Singapore and start a Kickstarter for my goal to create an interactive digital comic app, with the funds I will hire digital artists, composers, coders, voice actors, and any jobs that are needed later. This project may take 2 years to finish before being published on app stores.
Hahaha... so much of a dream.

So ... a visual novel? :stuck_out_tongue:

To be regarded as one of the most influential illustrators of all time!

my overall goal with my art is to make it my living i just wanna be able to live off of my work and make comics
which is why i wanna keep working and do my best
much luck to everyone in the comments, your dreams will come true keep going and don't stop! :heart:

Far beyond that. It's an interactive comic. It's hard to describe it without an example (I'll make one later in the future). The experience is like watching an anime and reading a comic at the same time because it will have bgm, sfx, short animation, and voice-over, with user/reader's interaction or autoplay. If you've seen in some RPGs movie cutscenes with visual arts, something close like those.

Sorry, it's getting out of topic :pray::sweat_smile:

The closest thing I have to a end goal is to make art for a living but other than that I don't exactly have one. I just keep improving my art for the rest of my life.

allow me to humbly express my mind

as an artist, my goal is to, one day...

become a drawing myself and live among my drawings :expressionless: (serious face)

oh? you think this is just fantasy? a pipe dream? it will never come true? you dont know that! nobody knows that!

but someday, through science or magic... my soul, my very being shall be transported into the art world and i will finally be... free

Strictly as an artist? I want to be skilled enough to be able to Do It All. I love pixel art, for instance, but don't really know how to create something I'd like to see in a video game. Environments, machines, people, whatever! I think artists like Kim Jung Gi, who can and do seemingly just draw whatever they want, whenever they want are really cool.

I guess that sounds a little childish. So my realistic goal is that I'd like to make enough to support myself and make sure my family is taken care of. It seems like there's so much in this world that you can't do without money... and that's really unfortunate.

Artists should be able to have some basic security... even if that's not how it works out in reality. That's my 2c!

I've heard of audience-voted comics, but I didn't know there were open source webcomics! That's a pretty neat concept.

Haha by 'open source' I basically just meant I make my working files/'source files' (with all the layers and stuff) available for free :stuck_out_tongue: Idk if 'open source' is the correct term for that, but I thought it fit XD

Plenty of artists do make their source files available to the general public as patreon awards and stuff, so it's nothing super new :stuck_out_tongue: I just decided to make my stuff as accessible as possible because my first priority is to expand my influence :]

A big goal I have right now is to obviously make a living from my art – if I'm able to make a living from it, I'll be able to tell the stories that I want to tell, which is really important to me haha.

But my main goal is to tell stories that impact others the way my favorite stories have impacted me. Gravity Falls was a huge inspiration on my work and pushed me to go into animation as well as to make my comic in the first place – I really want to create a story that has a similar impact on one of my readers. I do want to go outside of working in comics for this as well with the goal of working in animation in the future but right now, my focus is on making comics!

Oh, that's really interesting! Is it for remixing or coloring? Or just to have them as a neat extra? I've seen a ton of brushes, tips, etc., but not source files.

Either way, it sounds like you're quite thoughtful about your potential impact :smile:

It's for whatever people want to do with it (remixing, recolouring, comic dubs, making their own merch, anything :D)

Now I just need to make more comic so people would actually want to do stuff with it :stuck_out_tongue:

For me it's making something out of my own ideas and with my own hands, something i can be proud of and say: "I made it!"

1 month later

closed Oct 4, '22

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