9 / 17
Mar 12

The question is as shown: what are your favorite three songs of all time? What are songs you can go back to when youre feeling a wave of emotion? What songs do you think back to during important events in your life? Whats song can you sit there and listen to at 3 in the morning when your head won't stop talking and mind won't stop spinning?

Genuinely wondering!

My top 3:
Coma by Guns N Roses : very odd pick here. Its more... not metal but on the rock side. For me this song is a whole story, no it literally is. It describes a guy on the brink of death where he is stuck between living and dying. It is truly one of the weirdest songs ever but it eventually stole my heart. It's over 10 minutes long but is well worth the listen to.

Scenes from an Italian Resturant by Billy Joel: Listen I could have made this entire list of Billy Joel songs. The dude has a special place in my heart. There's a reason for this. My great grandparents left Germany and Poland prior to the holocaust. My grandma would drive my father to my great grandmother's house and they would listen to Billy Joel. Somehow, I am in graduate school where my great grandmother and great grandfather are laid to rest. So, every time I visit their grave site, I listen to Billy Joel.

With that said, scenes from an Italian resturant is a longer song (around 6 minutes) but it is simply stunning. The story of the song is so all over the place but the music, the scenery, the details, it is truly amazing. A masterpiece. Its good for waking up and enjoying a fun tune.

Still Loving you by Scorpions: my last entry is still loving you by Scorpions. I grew up with this song, but it was not until my sophomore year in college where I really rediscovered Scorpions. Still Loving you is such a gorgeous song that is incredibly difficult to sing would you guess it. Its a bit lengthy but is so well crafted by Scorpions. Its a soft rock tune talking about a man trying to convince the love of his life that it is not too late to turn back.

Honorable mentions: literally any queen song, I was very close to switching scenes from an Italian resturant for Bohemian Rhapsody simply because it is a master piece, but I decided not to.

Next is Under Attack and Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie by Abba. Need I say more? Abba is absolutely lovely and these two songs I find to be incredibly underrated. They are really lovely and upbeat while talking about interesting topics.

My last honorable mention is Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green day. An absolutely amazing song that has me tearing up everytime I listen to it. The lyrics are incredibly and the emotion is utterly real. Truly is a gorgeous memorial to a tragic loss.

Okay! Im done! What are your favorite songs?

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Well, I’ll put Bohemian Rhapsody in my top three :grin: someone’s got to. To be honest, the reason I love it so much is that the story it tells genuinely lines up perfectly with one of my characters and his story which makes me feel like I relate to it. I was so befuddled with joy when I realized it was practically his theme song.

As for my other two, I’ll say Back in School by Mother Mother and Dead Inside by Younger Hunger. These two songs give me very similar vibes and both send me into the character music video dream space for a particular character of mine. Also all the sounds just sound so good and make my brain :grin::grin::heart:️‍:fire::heart:️‍:fire::heart:️‍:fire::grin:🤯🤯

Slapshock - LUHA
Empty walls - serj tankian
Slapshock - Heartless

Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears
Dirty Laundry - Don Henley
Luv(sic) Part 2 - Nujabes

that's impossible to answer tbh, but three of the prettiest songs I think I've ever heard are "Full Speed Ahead" by Jorje Rivera-Herrans. "Runaway" by Aurora. And "Free Falling" by James Arthur. I like to listen to them while i'm writing to help me set moods

8 days later

Ough... I'm stuck between four. Can't decide which to axe. But - Enchanté by Dirt Poor Robins, Poor George by James Supercave, Perfect Wife by Amigo the Devil, and Cassandra by Florence + the Machine.

If I am conscious there is music playing in my head. Back in middle school and high school (so mid to late 1980's) I would sit in class and, instead of daydreaming, I would play full albums in my head. That being said, I don't think I could ever pick my top three songs of all time. I can only say that they'd be from the 1980's, and they'd be by Judas Priest and April Wine

Another fun fact: that’s not actually an April Wine song. It was originally written and performed by a 1970’s funk band called Hot Chocolate. In fact many of April Wine’s songs were “covers”.

Here’s the original version of the song:

I used to work on Myles Goodwin’s Porsche. We fired him as a customer because he was such a big feeling prick. Essentially my boss told him to take his Porsche, stick it up his arse, and to not come back.

Still like April Wine music though.

I love Screaming for Vengeance. Back in the very early 1990’s I actually drew the Hellion (the screaming chicken on the album cover) on my 286 computer. With only 1MB of RAM and a VGA video card I was limited to 16 colours at 640x480 resolution. I made my own colours by going pixel by pixel, mixing those 16 colours. It took me two weeks to draw this:

As much as I liked SFV, though, I felt Defenders of the Faith was a better album. And unlike most Priest fans I loved Turbo. My first story on here, Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days takes its name from the song on that album