30 / 41
Jul 2015

Play video games, try to sleep, be social (every now and then...), drawing or writing are probably what I do the most when I'm bored though.

Um, i dunno, I check social networks, like FB or tumblr. But 90% of the time, I draw. That's the only thing that never bores me.

I watch youtube until my eyes hurt, draw until my hand hurts, then I actually do my homework. Then repeat.

when I have nothing to do, i'm bored.
i'm bored when what i've been doing is boring.

um. hmmm. pfffssshhh. usually i go on tumblr or play video games or some bizz. but hey i just noticed that i havent been bored in a hecka long time. right on go me. ima just have myself a little self-party over here

I either draw (which ends up with me drawing because im bored of drawing) or take a 2 hour nap at the most random times. Summer is fun!

play FPS, play driving games
sometime watch movie/cartoons/yt/everything
write in forums lol

I never draw when I'm bored CX I usually just walk aimlessly around the house, demanding attention from my family till they get too annoyed with me CX or lay on the floor and sing. Or play some rpg or sims.

Audio books. I am an audiobook fiend. Right now I'm listening to Neil Gaiman's American Gods. So I haven't really bored as of late!

I eat! xD and like @igneriss I also walk aimlessly around the house. When I am bored it is hard to find the motivation to draw anything

High-five for turning into a zombie mode when bored! : D

Reading a fantasy novel called The Way of Kings. Also playing Shadows of Mordor (Finally)

I usually look at all the trash of facebook. Tests, funny pictures and videos about animals, read small articles... or watch videos on youtube, or take a look at some forum threads here.

In boredom lies creativity...
Let's take a pencil and draw!

9 months later

When I'm bored I play online games. My favourite are different browser MMORPG or sometimes online slots like 777spinslot. Anyway I'm bored very seldom cuz I'm very busy usually)

Sometimes when I'm bored I look at my best artwork then curl up into a ball of self-loathing because of how shit they are. Haha.

That, or I replay Ace Attorney.

I'm rarely ever board but when I am, I either play video games or just draw some more. That's kind of the idea of making a comic for me, it helps a lot with the boredom thing.

I either play video games, watch some series/movies or sleep.
Its really hard for me to draw when I'm bored, my brain would go gooey and my body would feel like goo hahahaha.