20 / 41
Jul 2015

What do you do when there's nothing to do? Do you woo and moo in a cunning tutu? In the loo? With a friendly Jew named Stanley Drew?
Drinking Mountain Dew?

  • created

    Jul '15
  • last reply

    May '16
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When I'm bored and passing time,
I'll usually talk to friends of mine.
With hangout, and facebook, or texting on apps,
we'll talk, send emotes and gif pictures of cats.

Video games and board games work well for when bored,
So do webcomics, novels, movies, music and more.
Sometimes I'll not have the mood for these these things,
So I'll get off my ass and probably clean.

I normally just mess around on a swing set1 I have in my backyard for a while... I kinda spend all my time there. Its really where I work out little short stories and comics and stuff or memorize fast rap songs*.
I've probably spent DAYS on that thing so far...
But the cow tutu loo jew drew dew thing is something I'll have to try smile

*writing them will probably never happen, that little rhyme you did is better than anything I've done....

I am bored
so I'll draw a sword
let's put it in this cute girl
heh heh heh that made her hurl
let's go further, I'll draw her guts
maybe I should give her some cuts
yes yes this is good
can I finish this? I think I could
holy shit, I finished a thing
I guess drawing helps instead of venting

I watch cat videos and realize that I'm watching cat videos and go back on something else. This can happen with just dance choregraphies and Tumblr.
(and I'm bad at poems so I won't follow you guys)

Well I don't normally draw when I'm bored oddly enough. When I'm bored I bug my roommate to go for a walk with me because I'm a tiny female and can't go alone in the neighborhood we live in because we have a lot of sketchy people around... but since he's 6'4, carries knives and is intimidating I don't have to worry about it much :3 he's like my bodygaured lol. We usually like to go for a walk in the woods, go to the library, go get ice cream or drive to the mall. Maybe go to the arcade every now and then or the movies with a couple friends.

I work on other things unrelated to drawing, like vocal practice/recordings and piano and guitar. And I play video games every once in a while. That's pretty much it, I don't have a lot going on u o u

videos games is what I usually do when I'm bored. That or sometimes draw something.

Drink myself into oblivion!
My body has been fighting against that lately so I mostly have been writing songs and playing pool with friends.

Well, naps are a favourite. I go find out where my fluffy cat is napping, and take a nap next to him.

If I decide to stay awake and be bored, I usually default to either watching movies/tv-series, playing videogames, reading books or taking walks. If I get criminally bored, and do not have access to any of the above mentioned, I might get crazy enough to try watching daytime tv in the quest of finding something worth watching. A quest that is mostly futile.

Why do you guys rhyme?
I sleep a lot when I'm bored.
Haikus are awesome.

Play pokemon and watch cartoons and sometimes i draw

What is this thing called "bored"?

I have at least 3 projects always available for doing not to mention taking care of the house, the dog, and the garden.

When my nephews complain to me that they're bored I laugh and depending how busy I am, it has a maniacal tone or not.

If there has ever been absence that shall suddenly be
I often find writing and artwork to entertain me
Until my head hurts with too many worlds that I make
But self abuse is the artist's undertake
I seldom find amusement in relaxation, video games and the outside place
So literature and line work, over and over I eternally trace.

I uh....draw. xD The second Im bored or waiting for a class to get out I take out my sketch book. I honestly can't think of any other ways to pass the time. Like seriously, I can't even think of how regular people do it.

That is actually the only reason I started drawing was to pass time in school. My teachers thought if I didn't doodle I'd just fall asleep (yeah true.) You're not alone!

I have two distinctive states of boredom. One where my brain just gives up from lack of stimulation and I fall asleep, and one where my brain is full of interesting ideas, but I have some terrible, mindless task I need to focus on instead, and I get very frustrated by it.

Play video games, try to sleep, be social (every now and then...), drawing or writing are probably what I do the most when I'm bored though.

Um, i dunno, I check social networks, like FB or tumblr. But 90% of the time, I draw. That's the only thing that never bores me.

I watch youtube until my eyes hurt, draw until my hand hurts, then I actually do my homework. Then repeat.

when I have nothing to do, i'm bored.
i'm bored when what i've been doing is boring.

um. hmmm. pfffssshhh. usually i go on tumblr or play video games or some bizz. but hey i just noticed that i havent been bored in a hecka long time. right on go me. ima just have myself a little self-party over here

I either draw (which ends up with me drawing because im bored of drawing) or take a 2 hour nap at the most random times. Summer is fun!

play FPS, play driving games
sometime watch movie/cartoons/yt/everything
write in forums lol

I never draw when I'm bored CX I usually just walk aimlessly around the house, demanding attention from my family till they get too annoyed with me CX or lay on the floor and sing. Or play some rpg or sims.

Audio books. I am an audiobook fiend. Right now I'm listening to Neil Gaiman's American Gods. So I haven't really bored as of late!

I eat! xD and like @igneriss I also walk aimlessly around the house. When I am bored it is hard to find the motivation to draw anything

High-five for turning into a zombie mode when bored! : D

Reading a fantasy novel called The Way of Kings. Also playing Shadows of Mordor (Finally)

I usually look at all the trash of facebook. Tests, funny pictures and videos about animals, read small articles... or watch videos on youtube, or take a look at some forum threads here.

In boredom lies creativity...
Let's take a pencil and draw!

9 months later

When I'm bored I play online games. My favourite are different browser MMORPG or sometimes online slots like 777spinslot. Anyway I'm bored very seldom cuz I'm very busy usually)

Sometimes when I'm bored I look at my best artwork then curl up into a ball of self-loathing because of how shit they are. Haha.

That, or I replay Ace Attorney.

I'm rarely ever board but when I am, I either play video games or just draw some more. That's kind of the idea of making a comic for me, it helps a lot with the boredom thing.