1 / 539
May 2020

Here, you can talk about anything good in your life. The point is to exercise gratitude. Even if you are having a bad day, noting something small you are thankful for can help put things in perspective. Did you get a hug from your mother today? Did you get a phone call from someone special in your life? Did you have a delicious meal? Anything counts!
You can also talk about any progress you've made on stories you are writing or reading if you can't think of anything else.

I'll start:

I played Murky in Heroes of the Storm and won!

  • created

    May '20
  • last reply

    Jun '21
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There are 538 replies with an estimated read time of 30 minutes.

-Maintenance fixed the leak under the sink (hopefully)
-Finished two comic pages, started one more
-Ate Taco Bell (though the drive thru was a bit awkward and my crunchwrap supreme kept falling apart ;-; )
-Watched newest Fruits Basket and Tower of God

-Didn't woke up grumpy or with a headache XD
-Got art of my favorite girl from an art trade just half an hour ago <3
-Was productive again with chores ^q^ Helped with the cooking!

edit: the one i did a trade with liked the trade and we're doing another one again :") <3

Revisited this amazing metal album today, and it was... ( ಥ‿ಥ)-b so much more epic and well written than I remembered. Made my day.

Oh and received some nice compliments on my art, so that was cool too.

  • painted a couple comic pages and finished sketching another two for paint tomorrow
  • ate pb&j for lunch
  • the brussel sprouts and broccoli I baked with dinner were at peak deliciousness
  • there is a large black cat purring and making biscuits beside me in bed

• Got a call from my best friend today
• Finished a comic page
• Got some nice comments on my comic that made my day
• Watched some Avatar

This is such a good thread :heart:

Had a nice long chat with my dad. Been a while since we spoke this week, so it was nice to hear from him. He's doing well -- found some old music of mine and we listened to it together.

-I felt very sick yesterday but woke up today feeling fine.
-Played Jackbox on a Discord Hangout
-Also ate Taco Bell

got to 100 subs :0 (still processing that)
and finished most of my homework =D

Planned and built a zombiefarm in Minecraft. :smiley: It was fun, even if they drop their loot to the lava instead of where they should drop :smiley:
Oh and I posted a new episode :smiley:

That sounds really good! My roommate is showing me practical food-making skills to help me with a character in my comic, today I learned Mexican hot chocolate! I'll have to ask them about a cake like that 'cuz it looks super yummy ^w^

-Finished the sketches for my latest chapter
-Remembered an old favourite song of mine, and am jamming to it right now
-Ate a sausage roll :smiley:

i have no good news so heres some bad news:
the dentist ripped out one of my teeth. yeah.