9 / 539
May 2020
  • painted a couple comic pages and finished sketching another two for paint tomorrow
  • ate pb&j for lunch
  • the brussel sprouts and broccoli I baked with dinner were at peak deliciousness
  • there is a large black cat purring and making biscuits beside me in bed

• Got a call from my best friend today
• Finished a comic page
• Got some nice comments on my comic that made my day
• Watched some Avatar

This is such a good thread :heart:

Had a nice long chat with my dad. Been a while since we spoke this week, so it was nice to hear from him. He's doing well -- found some old music of mine and we listened to it together.

-I felt very sick yesterday but woke up today feeling fine.
-Played Jackbox on a Discord Hangout
-Also ate Taco Bell

got to 100 subs :0 (still processing that)
and finished most of my homework =D

Planned and built a zombiefarm in Minecraft. :smiley: It was fun, even if they drop their loot to the lava instead of where they should drop :smiley:
Oh and I posted a new episode :smiley:

That sounds really good! My roommate is showing me practical food-making skills to help me with a character in my comic, today I learned Mexican hot chocolate! I'll have to ask them about a cake like that 'cuz it looks super yummy ^w^

-Finished the sketches for my latest chapter
-Remembered an old favourite song of mine, and am jamming to it right now
-Ate a sausage roll :smiley:

i have no good news so heres some bad news:
the dentist ripped out one of my teeth. yeah.

I’m so happy for you. This thread made me happy.

This is always a very good feeling.
I’m so happy for you.

Yaaa. What a joy.
I’m so happy for you.

Oh... This is nice but I guess it was better for you than me?
I’m so happy for you.

I’m so happy for you and your friend. It is important to stay in touch.

I’m so happy for you and your dad.
Good thing to talk to the old.

This is nice. We all need to stay healthy
I’m so happy for you.

Congratulation. It was a joy when I also got that milestone.
I’m so happy for you.

Uh exiting. Please tell more.
I’m so happy for you

I know that feeling
I’m so happy for you

Jum jum. Cake for the win
I’m so happy for you.

Newer done that. And I play a lot MC
I’m so happy for you.

Great milestone
I’m so happy for you

Eh?? I guess it is a good thing and if you are not in pain I’m so happy for you... I guess

Oh yeah it's one of my favorites. The anthemic choruses are great, the guitar solos are awesome, and the whole album is about the Nibelung Saga so there's an epic continuing storyline through each song...I just love it, but it may be a little cheesy for others taste I suppose.