5 / 17
Jul 2024

Honestly this came about because i was looking through the rankings and had been pretty happy with myself because of a good overall position.

but i then noticed what was in front of it and i just had to check just how many of these were actualy floating around and the fact that there is more then one is already a bit of an issue. Having stories that are ships, or derrived off of a show that already exsists i feel shouldnt be allowed. (yes even the ones that arent monetised.) imagine you put a ton of effort into writting and upload with a really good schedule and your starting to get fans but then your novel is overshadowed by something like this which by the way ha over 50k vies and over 500 subs.

It just doesnt feel right that they can piggyback off of a concept that has already been disgused a ton online and get tons of views for it.

  • created

    Jul '24
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    Jul '24
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You are allow to have fan works on Tapas, but you have to turn off revenue.

i know that but i feel like it is still really annoying as an author. even without getting paid it makes authors milestones look smaller because they exsist across the platform. Im not oposed to fanfics fully but i feel like they shouldnt be shared on big websites and on seperate ones that are specialised for that kind of thing.

it just doesnt feel logical to throw it into a global platform like this.

Used to write fanfics and still read them from time to time and I don't really mind it at all that they're on Tapas, so long as they're not being monetized. I would disagree with the idea that fanfic writers don't put the same amount of work into their stories. Effort is relative and you'll find original works with less thought put into them than some fanfics and vice versa. My books are routinely below fanfics in ranks, both here and on Wattpad, and that's fine, I'm not competing with them or any other author. We all have different audiences to appeal to anyway, and those fanfics being scrubbed from the site doesn't mean those people will look at my books.

You have a point that people wouldnt look at our comic if their fanfics were to disapear but my point on effort still stands. It is MUCH harder to create an original story than to create a fanfic. Especialy since fanfics already have, characters, the main plot and usualy even personality triats for most of their characters written for them. all they have to do is interpret them and coppy them.

As much as that can be hard i just dont see that as putting much effort into something. Sure it may be fun for people to create fanfics and i think that is perfectly fine but i feel like they should be publisised on websites that are specialy for them. Im also not really competing with them and im honestly increadibly happy for my fast progress.

I just think they clog up the works if allowed. It's hard enough to be spotted in the thousands of webcomics. But having a bunch of fanfics also just puts more hay on the needle. As of fanfic, I guess it's ok if you are just making new stories with the characters to expand the universe. Like side adventures that could happen in the world as established by the original creator. I allows a new writer to practice their craft without the baggage of introducing new characters or worlds.

What I REALLY hate is the head cannon fanfic. Shipping characters that would never be together (sorry lgbt, changing a character gay for your story would be the same shit story move as doing it the other way around. You are changing a fundamental part of the character.) You need to respect the characters as they are written, or do the leg work and make your own.

This is exactly what i mean. I have no issue with stories that force the characters to actualy develop on a side journey that is not anime/manga or novel original but when it comes to weird, gender swapping, shipping and chaging of sexuality it just doesnt make any sense to me. You take a part of someone elses story then basicaly just make up something from the top of your head that wouldnt make sense to the original then put it down on paper. I feel like an 8 year old child could do that.

Again, though, that's relative. You might put a lot of effort into your books, but others might not, and some fanfic writers put a lot of work into their own stories. Not all fanfics follow the plot of the media they are based on, many take place in AU's, some even set in historical settings. Others expand on the mythos of the original work or pull from more obscure material from the same universe. I've read several fics where a lot of research was done to be as historically accurate as possible.

Point is, we can't generalize or look at things from a narrow lens. I have fun with my original works, I put work into them, but it's not a great hardship for me to write them. If they fail it's because it hasn't found an audience, it needs to be reworked, or maybe I just suck at marketing (I definitely do).

As far as changing things up, I get it. I don't like gender-bend fics, so I don't read them. Would I like for my characters to be subjected to that treatment if I ever made it big, unlikely as that is? Nope, but I can't control what people write, or how they consume media, so I won't be losing sleep over that. Especially since that's not an issue taking fics out of Tapas will fix. Personally, I know a lot of writers get their start with fanfic, so devaluing their work is just something that feels kinda wrong to me.

While I feel like tapas and webtoon are for original works and it’s not ideal to have fanfic on it, the author also worked hard on it. It can be disappointing, but just because the characters aren’t original doesn’t mean making a comic/novel is easy or that they’re “stealing” readers from original creators. You get to skip like, maybe three steps in making the characters but you still draw every panel, write every line, upload every page, etc. I’m honestly so sick of people acting like fan works take five seconds to make each and don’t deserve any recognition.

i agree that its hard in its own right and ive already stated in this thread that i have no issue with fanfics that deviate from the main story path (since there is more to write about and there is actual effort put in). However, when you have fanfics that have no new plot to add to the story but have small changes to the characters behaviours. there isnt really any effort in that if you understand what i mean.

Again i have stated in this thread that i dont mind au fanfics since they deserve the credit. Im specificaly talking about fanfics that dont have much effort put into the stories growing and becoming popular sheerly because it contains a ship between two of the characters or has some slight deviance from the original plot. Anything else is completely fair because changing around the characters or even giving them more character development than the main story on an alternate journey is great.

If you just completely ignore the hours of drawing, writing, editing, figuring out uploading schedules, yeah. Crazy how low effort something can look when you decide 80% of the effort doesn’t count, isn’t it!

I honestly don't mind, first of all its kinda dumb to compare yourself, someone who is building their fanbase right now to a well known franchise, with active fans. Of course fellow fans will be inclined to read something they are already invested in, already know and follows what they are looking for.

Its your novel really overshadowed? Unless the very specific readers of said novel are, idk trying to report, 1 star rate your content, leave negative reviews or report your reader, they are not purposefully doing anything againts you specifically.

Its the same if it were a popular author bringing their new story, they already got fans, they already have solid ground to thrive a bit faster. And I've seen this at webtoon's contests

"booohoooo this artist who is mad popular got more viewers and engagement than me, they don't have to do this! I'm the one that needs this contest! The one that needs to win! How dare them publish on the last day, it was done to get seen by everyone and get more enngagement! They don't have a schedule or workload since they are popular!

Besides, fan content, regardless of your personal preferences and interest, can be good, especially for the reader that enjoys it. Some authors aren't the stereotypical 12 year old fujohi with trash quality and cringe plot, some may be way older, experienced and etc compared to you. Some too also have a following of their own, promote themselves, engage with people and build connections and interets, have been online for quite longer or if they already existing fanbase wanted the story to be in a place more comfortable for them to read.

The Tapas staff has no issue letting said fan content be in their platform, said content cannot be profited at all, they are not legible for ad revenue, remember that content is revised by the staff in order to apply, no exception. Now, if you complain over fanfickers accepting donations be it their kofi or patreon, well... what is the difference between a fanficker and a fanartist? If people like what they do, its logical they'll support it just to keep receiving more

The whole point of fanfiction is not to be stuck in the canon, but to explore the "What if?s", different setting, dynamics, ships, or anything that the OG author didn't do, some even work to theorize or just enjoy as if playing doll house, and many of those fanfiction even have other mediums, instead of comic or novel. If you ask me, Dragon Ball Abridged is also a fanfiction just in video format, same for Death Battle or VS. And there is effort to said content too, they profit out of it too, have schedules, writers, artists, animators, have to promote and all just like you do.

But, and here is me going in a tangent, its always writers the one feeling a bit too entitled or with big egoss about themselves, is like "omg I'm not a real writer if I don't make 100% original content. I despise fanfiction I despise anythinng that is popular or for basic bitches", yet complain about not getting visibility.
Meanwhile artists do fan content besides original artwork, especially if they want to get commissions. We allow ourselves to enjoy our inspirations, get visibility, have fun, and as well have fun with what is truly ours.

Fan content -> Visibility:satellite:
Commisssions -> Income:moneybag:
Original content -> Sanity :crystal_ball:

The OP suggests you don't want any fanfics, regardless of their quality or themes because, in your words, they overshadow your novel. But let's say Tapas decides to curate content to allow only works where "effort" has been put. How would they judge this? You're saying AU's require effort, but if you have a one-shot AU and a 100k word work that's not AU, would you say the former required more effort than the latter? And what about original works? Would they also be curated according to "effort"? What constitutes effort? I've read a ton of fanfics and original works of varying quality and I can tell you that how much effort someone puts into something doesn't always make a quality work.

I'm sorry, I just think it's a very petty thing to complain about when there aren't really many fics on Tapas in the first place. Especially as you're judging the quality of works you've not read just because they're fanfics when you've not read the other original books before yours. You can't know how much effort was put into those books, or whether they're good or not, so why aren't you worried about original works overshadowing your novel? A lot of those books rely on popular tropes to get reads, like some fanfics rely on ships, so why not call those out as low effort works? See, if you're going to devalue some stories because of arbitrary measures like how much work you think was put into them then you have to hold the same measures to all stories.

I'm generally a big defender of fanworks. Writing fanfic or making a fancomic is not piggybacking on the popularity of the source content, it's a LOVE LETTER to the source content! These creators chose to create something they can't easily monetize, why would they do that if they didn't really love the characters they're making fanworks about?

An original work is also a passion project, most of us don't make big money, but at least we have the chance to make some money, and many of us have a goal to become full time coimc artists or writers in the future. Fan creators don't have the same options. They can still try of course, by having a patron or suchlike, but they're always risking takedown notices or getting shadowbanned. Most are definitely just doing what they love without trying to make a career out of it.

Also,it may feel like they're stealing readers from the original works on here, but it's more like different target audiences.

People reading BakuDeku fics are probably not mindlessly scrolling through their options, they probably know what they want and are looking for that. But they might still pick up some original works if it catches their eye. I think it's more likely that, if the bakudeku fic was posted anywhere else, they wouldn't have been on Tapas at all, and wouldn't have had a chance to see the all wonderful original content the site has to offer.

So as a fandom defender I think it's all fine that Tapas allows fanworks on here. However as a fandom creator myself I'm not super into people posting their fanworks on here. There's a recent change in mindset regarding fanworks where it's seen more as content to be consumed and less as contributions to your fandom community. I think it's a shame and diminishes the interactions between fandom creators and fandom members that don't create things themselves. Posting on a site like Tapas, where the focus is on consuming stories rather than engaging in fandom, contributes to this mindset. But this is a rant that has nothing to do with your original points.

My idea of fanfics is that they have the same right to exist as original material.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages and it´s the creators decision which
path to choose. I personally prefer the original creation path to read and to create.

It´s obviously easier to get recognised when you are doing a fanfic but you have
to live with the limits and that´s not something I would want to do.

Additionally I want to add that I don´t think comparing and being jealous of other people´s success leads to
anything good

I think I saw more than two Steven Universe fanfic comics on Tapas. They can make fanfiction comics on Tapas but they won't get any Revenue.