37 / 455
Aug 2014
8 days later

When I began writing the comic, I was a Tae Kwon Do instructor. Now I'm a web designer. Funny how these things turn out.

Thanks for reading my comic, Breathless10!

Love seeing the responses here...

As for us- West is a freelance illustrator, and I (Kardi) own a fairly large retail pet supply store.

Finishing a degree in Evolutionary science. I have a second interview for a job next week..........fingers crossed

I do admin and IT work for a charity that grants the wishes of children with terminal illnesses.

Often these children come from poor backgrounds, and their wishes are only very small - bless their cotton socks! I think it's a very worthwhile cause, even if there are a lot of office politics to manouveur around... n__n;

Luckily I have a very (emotionally and financially) supportive fiance, so I only work 4 hours per day. This leaves me more time to work on my comic Slightly Eccentric4 and play with our pet rats. C:

I've studied Computer Graphics for 5 years, mostly aimed at game development, but getting hired as junio narrative designer is simply impossible, so except for 2 quickly-terminated contracts (in a DIY shop and a famous Swedish furniture shop –jobs for which I wasn't qualified anyway) I've never had a job. Some freelancing as graphist here and there, some commissions... nothing to make a living of.

I've come to think that I'll just probably miraculously die when I'm out of money, and so meanwhile I want to spend my time on my comic, because it keeps me going and it's more pleasant than seeing the economy crashing down again and again smile

I'm about to start grad school. I'll be majoring in illustration. I'm also interviewing for a part time job. So hopefully I'll be working as well.

I once asked what a frappucinos was and the woman politely responded with "the most difficult drink to make at Starbucks."

Tell me moreee.

I've been interested in getting into educational comics, I think comics in general are a great medium to teach when done right.

Hmm, seeing a trend here... we should brainstorm educational comics/children's illustrations sometime or something.

It would be fun if we do it together~

I'm doing a kids comic about science and interesting facts from a local publisher where I have to write the story and draw it myself. It's always fun to watch a bunch of kids wondering around the bookshelf in a bookstore or book fair flipping though your books and hoping they able to learn something.

I podcast, blog, do sketchcards, commissions but when money isn't flowing I take on a non art day job just to cover bills.

Been an inker most of my career but not seeking inking work (Though not about to turn down great paying gigs.) I'm working hard now to get my own creations out there.

I own a used bookstore and I've worked in my local library for 16 years now. I love books.

I work in a very specific field called health IT... It brings in the money while I draw as a hobby. smile

9 days later

Wah, so many different jobs you all have ^_^
Concerning me, I'm a computer engineer. It leaves me enough time to draw my comic after work smile

I'm a financial aid advisor at an art school. Prior to that I mainly did freelance, plus some kitchen and marketing work, but I really like having a steady paycheck.

I'm a janitor for an elementary school. I also do roofing sales on the side.
It's painfully unglamorous. But it pays the bills and frees me up to do the things I love. Like drawing my webcomic!
My wife is going through nursing school, so when she gets a job in her field, she'll be my suga-mama while I go back to school and/or pursue a job that I actually feel passionate about.